SepINRIA: A Software to Analyse Multiple Sclerosis Brain MRI

SepINRIA is a free software dedicated to Multiple Sclerosis brain MRI analysis. SepINRIA is available for Microsoft windows XP, Linux Fedora Core and MacOSX. SepINRIA is based on ITK, VTK, wxWidgets, vtkINRIA3D libraries and the MedINRIA framework.

Download SepINRIA Release (version 1.8.X):
for Linux Fedora Core Os
for Mac Os X
for Windows Os

Download SepINRIA documentation:
Download now!

Note: SepINRIA is a free software for non-commercial use only! For other usage, please contact the developers.

SepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques

SepINRIA has different functionnalities which can be loaded from a single main window. Next table presents these functions.

Modules Description Development status Last Update
Lesion Segmentation Edition (LSE) To segment and visualize MS lesions Finalized October 10th, 2008
Automatic Lesion Segmentation (ALS) To segment automatically MS lesions from T1, T2, PD and T2-Flair Finalized (Next work will improve the algorithm) November 18th, 2008
Images or Segmentation Comparison (ISC) To aligned and compare two images or two lesion segmentations Finalized July 23rd, 2008
Brain Atrophy Evaluation (BAE) To evaluate semi-automatically or fully-automatically brain Atrophy. Finalized July 23rd, 2008

Development status legend:

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SepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesionsSepINRIA Multiple Sclerosis Software Logiciel Sclérose en Plaques Segmentation lesions
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