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Classes (379)

computer sciences [#computer_sciences]
The domain of the CoP is computer sciences. In this Cop, called « Unix module » or UX11, the engineer-students learn how to practice the GNU/Linux system through the innovative IniTuX tool (documentation available on demand).
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engineer-students [#engineer-students]
This is a CoP of engineer-students at the Institut national des telecommunications Telecom-INT, a French Grande Ecole in Evry, near Paris, France.
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Defined by engineer-students []
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Defined by engineer-students []
the tutors [#the_tutors_]
People playing a particular roles are the education overall manager, the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training.
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UX11 [#UX11]
The domain of the CoP is computer sciences. In this Cop, called « Unix module » or UX11, the engineer-students learn how to practice the GNU/Linux system through the innovative IniTuX tool (documentation available on demand).
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Defined by UX11 []
the education overall manager [#the_education_overall_manager]
People playing a particular roles are the education overall manager, the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training.
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Defined by the education overall manager []
the assistants [#the_assistants]
People playing a particular roles are the education overall manager, the tutors of each group and the assistants for practical training.
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Defined by the assistants []
practice [#practice]
I n a mix of self-learning and collaborative work ( practical training), progress with self-evaluation, distant but listening teachers, lessons, practice and simulations with full on-line support, there are several types of exchanges :
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Defined by practice []
New teachers [#New_teachers]
Reasons of transition : * New teachers arrived to replace the previous ones * New teachers improve the course * They decided to put the course online, because it was easy and they think it could be useful * Because of the heterogeneity of skills and the lag of practice of students, they decided to add feature on the online course * The course became an online course with both presential and virtual practices lessons
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Defined by New teachers []
self-learning [#self-learning]
I n a mix of self-learning and collaborative work ( practical training), progress with self-evaluation, distant but listening teachers, lessons, practice and simulations with full on-line support, there are several types of exchanges :
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Defined by self-learning []
collaborative work [#collaborative_work]
I n a mix of self-learning and collaborative work ( practical training), progress with self-evaluation, distant but listening teachers, lessons, practice and simulations with full on-line support, there are several types of exchanges :
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Telecom-INT - U [#Telecom-INT_-_UX11_Module]
Name of the CoP : Telecom-INT - UX11 Module
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Institut national des telecommunications [#Institut_national_des_telecommunications]
This is a CoP of engineer-students at the Institut national des télécommunications ( Telecom-INT), a French Grande Ecole in Evry, near Paris, France.
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Defined by Institut national des telecommunications []
Telecom-INT - U [#Telecom-INT]
Name of the CoP : Telecom-INT - UX11 Module
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Defined by Telecom-INT - U []
Grande Ecole [#Grande_Ecole]
This is a CoP of engineer-students at the Institut national des telecommunications Telecom-INT, a French Grande Ecole in Evry, near Paris, France.
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Defined by Grande Ecole []
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Defined by Grande Ecole []
Evry [#Evry]
This is a CoP of engineer-students at the Institut national des telecommunications Telecom-INT, a French Grande Ecole in Evry, near Paris, France
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Defined by Evry []
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Defined by Evry []
software problems [#software_problems]
At an early stage, several members of the present community were engaged in a training program whose main objective was to prepare them to become an ICT trainer for their colleagues. They also had to supply pieces of advice about the use of some educational tools. That’s the reason why they met together eight times (each time a complete day) in a training context. Later, a diffusion list was created allowing them to exchange about // hardware configuration// and // software problems//, but also, to propose and share new educational tools and opinions about how they could be used.
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Defined by software problems []
Resource Persons [#Resource_Persons]
The Resource Persons community focuses on the animation of cybermedia centers in primary, secondary and high schools. This mission includes maintenance of it but also training of colleagues and educational proposals of use for them.
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interested in [#interested_in_]
these teachers are interested in : n3 using IT in order to prepare their courses n2 exploiting ICT in their classrooms, n1 but mainly, they have to deal with the management of what is called in every school of the French community of Belgium, a cybermedia center -let s say a pool of computers connected to a local and distance managed server and a set of additional devices like a WebTV, a beamer,…-. Such a person in each school has been called a resource person -RP- in ICT.
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scholar establi [#scholar_establishment]
Each member is a bit isolated in his scholar establishment.
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ICT trainer [#ICT_trainer]
At an early stage, several members of the present community were engaged in a training program whose main objective was to prepare them to become an ICT trainer for their colleagues.
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Defined by ICT trainer []
association d entreprises [#association]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-
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organisation of [#organisation_of_information]
Who are the actors involved ? How many are there ? Are there people playing a particular role ? In @PRETIC, they are about 380 members. There is only one person in charge of the organisation of information.
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colleagues [#colleagues]
At an early stage, several members of the present community were engaged in a training program whose main objective was to prepare them to become an ICT trainer for their colleagues.
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Defined by colleagues []
primary, second [#primary,_secondary_and_high_schools]
The Resource Persons community focuses on the animation of cybermedia centers in primary, secondary and high schools. This mission includes maintenance of it but also training of colleagues and educational proposals of use for them.
Defined by [,_secondary_and_high_schools]
Defined by primary, second [,_secondary_and_high_schools]
hardware config [#hardware_configuration]
At an early stage, several members of the present community were engaged in a training program whose main objective was to prepare them to become an ICT trainer for their colleagues. They also had to supply pieces of advice about the use of some educational tools. That’s the reason why they met together eight times (each time a complete day) in a training context. Later, a diffusion list was created allowing them to exchange about // hardware configuration// and // software problems//, but also, to propose and share new educational tools and opinions about how they could be used.
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Defined by hardware config []
RP community [#RP_community]
To follow, they built a web site were they intended to share knowledge about their practice of RP or teacher including ICT in his courses. Finally, it is not very easy to determine the boundaries of the community. I think that @PRETIC is not the real community. The community is the RP community. In my opinion, @PRETIC is an attempt to strengthen it, but with very weak outcomes, for the moment.
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Defined by RP community []
high schools [#high_schools]
It consists in a community of teachers working in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools.
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Defined by high schools []
ordered by [#ordered_by]
All the PR were also invited to participate in meetings organised by the CGC - Cybermedia Center Management Cell-, to know what kind of problems had to be solved in the daily use of the material. The CGC got the responsibility of the regulation process ordered by the stakeholders of the CCM project.
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stakeholders [#stakeholders]
All the PR were also invited to participate in meetings organised by the CGC - Cybermedia Center Management Cell-, to know what kind of problems had to be solved in the daily use of the material. The CGC got the responsibility of the regulation process ordered by the stakeholders of the CCM project.
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community of teachers [#community_of_teachers]
It consists in a community of teachers working in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools.
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RP community [#RP]
To follow, they built a web site were they intended to share knowledge about their practice of RP or teacher including ICT in his courses. Finally, it is not very easy to determine the boundaries of the community. I think that @PRETIC is not the real community. The community is the RP community. In my opinion, @PRETIC is an attempt to strengthen it, but with very weak outcomes, for the moment.
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Defined by RP community []
got the responsibility [#got_the_responsibility]
All the PR were also invited to participate in meetings organised by the CGC - Cybermedia Center Management Cell-, to know what kind of problems had to be solved in the daily use of the material. The CGC got the responsibility of the regulation process ordered by the stakeholders of the CCM project.
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interveners [#interveners]
Very often, when a member put a question on the list, he get the same day, and a couple of days later, a lot of answers. Generally, the interveners adapt and correct the answers and sometimes, somebody summarize.
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in charge of [#in_charge_of]
In @PRETIC, they are about 380 members. There is only one person in charge of the organisation of information.
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Cybermedia Center Management Cell [#Cybermedia_Center_Management_Cell]
All the PR were also invited to participate in meetings organised by the CGC - Cybermedia Center Management Cell-, to know what kind of problems had to be solved in the daily use of the material. The CGC got the responsibility of the regulation process ordered by the stakeholders of the CCM project.
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Defined by Cybermedia Center Management Cell []
secondary schoo [#secondary_schools]
It consists in a community of teachers working in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools.
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primary schools [#primary_schools]
It consists in a community of teachers working in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools.
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Defined by primary schools []
homogeneous group [#homogeneous_group]
Heterogeneous group -skill of expertise, age-; homogeneous group -skills in using new technologies-.
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very involved [#very_involved]
People very involved -even if half of them were silent-.
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stars [#stars]
It seems that there are -- stars-- in the CoP
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Educators [#Educators]
Educators from Greece as well from diaspora education network
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Teachers trainers [#Teachers]
Teachers trained to become educators about new technologies to their peers.
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Heterogeneous group [#Heterogeneous_group]
Heterogeneous group -skill of expertise, age-; homogeneous group -skills in using new technologies-.
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educators about new technologies [#educators_about_new_technologies]
Teachers trained to become educators about new technologies to their peers.
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Defined by educators about new technologies []
interets [#interets]
on s est dit : on va mettre en place des groupes thematiques pour regrouper les gens selon leurs interets, mais aussi selon les projets qu ils menent au sein de leur Haute Ecole.
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hobbies [#hobbies]
ce que moi j ai essaye de faire au debut du projet, c est d avoir une fiche par rapport a chaque personne qui decrirait son projet au sein de la Haute Ecole, ses interets, ses attentes, ses hobbies.
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attentes [#attentes]
ce que moi j ai essaye de faire au debut du projet, c est d avoir une fiche par rapport a chaque personne qui decrirait son projet au sein de la Haute Ecole, ses interets, ses attentes, ses hobbies.
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financer un projet [#financer_un_projet]
A la suite de ce rapport et de ces recommandations, la communaute francaise a decide de financer un projet : Form@hetice
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public tres heterogene [#public_tres_heterogene_]
a partir de 2003, on a elargi le reseau et on s est confronte a un public tres heterogene avec des besoins, des demandes tres tres variees, et aussi la difficulte d approprier un nouveau fonctionnement du projet
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representants [#representants]
Et le fait d’avoir des representants d abord de toutes les Hautes Ecoles de la communaute francaise, plus de tous les reseaux confondus, ça permettait beaucoup plus d echange, de collaboration sur des sujets bien compris…
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groupes thematiques [#groupes_thematiques]
on s est dit : on va mettre en place des groupes thematiques pour regrouper les gens selon leurs interets, mais aussi selon les projets qu ils menent au sein de leur Haute Ecole.
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personnes-ressources [#personnes-ressources_]
Donc maintenant, ce sont les personnes-ressources qui donnent des formations, qui forment des etudiants, des enseignants, d autres personnes-ressources
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communautes [#communautes]
ca me gene un peu de dire : Form@hetice, c est une communaute unique. Je prefere dire : au sein de Form@hetice, il y a plusieurs communautes
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projet au FSE [#projet_au_FSE]
Ensuite, en 2003, quand la subvention a ete terminee. On a rentre le projet au FSE, de 2003 a 2006, pour continuer le projet, mais dans une autre optique
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projets [#projets]
on s est dit : on va mettre en place des groupes thematiques pour regrouper les gens selon leurs interets, mais aussi selon les projets qu ils menent au sein de leur Haute Ecole.
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Defined by projets []
etudiants [#etudiants]
Donc maintenant, ce sont les personnes-ressources qui donnent des formations, qui forment des etudiants, des enseignants, d autres personnes-ressources
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Defined by etudiants []
groupe FAP [#groupe_FAP]
Defined by groupe FAP []
debutant [#debutant]
Il y avait Yves qui etait vraiment debutant au sein du projet
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equipe de coordination [#equipe_de_coordination]
donc tu es une personne qui mene le groupe thematique, mais en meme temps tu as le role de membre de l equipe de coordination. Et le groupe thematique c est une communaute, l equipe de coordination c est une instance, ce n est pas une communaute.
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thematique commune [#thematique_commune]
Donc au depart, il y a un projet, avec des universites qui collaborent avec les Hautes Ecoles. Et puis, au sein des projets qui naissent dans ce projet la de collaboration, il y a des sortes de groupes thematiques qui se sont crees, qui travaillent sur des thematiques, mais en fait sur les projets en lien avec une thematique commune. C est les projets des gens, c est leur pratique, leur facon de faire, etc.
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Defined by thematique commune []
experience personnelle [#experience_personnelle]
Izida : C est tres individuel voila. C est aussi tres heterogene. Ça c est une difficulte, mais aussi en meme temps une richesse. Parce que chacun, a partir de son experience personnelle, peut apporter des questions, mettre un autre regard sur la FAP, sur le sujet. Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes.
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Defined by experience personnelle []
collaborent avec [#collaborent_avec]
Donc au depart, il y a un projet, avec des universites qui collaborent avec les Hautes Ecoles. Et puis, au sein des projets qui naissent dans ce projet la de collaboration, il y a des sortes de groupes thematiques qui se sont crees, qui travaillent sur des thematiques, mais en fait sur les projets en lien avec une thematique commune. C est les projets des gens, c est leur pratique, leur facon de faire, etc.
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Defined by collaborent avec []
Hautes Ecoles [#Hautes_Ecoles]
Donc au depart, il y a un projet, avec des universites qui collaborent avec les Hautes Ecoles. Et puis, au sein des projets qui naissent dans ce projet la de collaboration, il y a des sortes de groupes thematiques qui se sont crees, qui travaillent sur des thematiques, mais en fait sur les projets en lien avec une thematique commune. C est les projets des gens, c est leur pratique, leur facon de faire, etc.
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Defined by Hautes Ecoles []
personnes debutantes [#personnes_debutantes]
Izida : C est tres individuel voila. C est aussi tres heterogene. Ça c est une difficulte, mais aussi en meme temps une richesse. Parce que chacun, a partir de son experience personnelle, peut apporter des questions, mettre un autre regard sur la FAP, sur le sujet. Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes.
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objectif [#objectif_]
Est-ce qu on pourrait dire qu il y a un objectif definit au depart ou est-ce que c est plutot l objectif qui est construit au fur et à mesure de l avancement de chaque groupe thematique. Izida : Il y a la strategie au depart. C est-a-dire arriver a realiser son projet personnel technologique. Voila, mais c est tres general
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universites [#universites]
Donc au depart, il y a un projet, avec des universites qui collaborent avec les Hautes Ecoles. Et puis, au sein des projets qui naissent dans ce projet la de collaboration, il y a des sortes de groupes thematiques qui se sont crees, qui travaillent sur des thematiques, mais en fait sur les projets en lien avec une thematique commune. C est les projets des gens, c est leur pratique, leur facon de faire, etc.
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Defined by universites []
experts [#experts]
Izida : C est tres individuel voila. C est aussi tres heterogene. Ça c est une difficulte, mais aussi en meme temps une richesse. Parce que chacun, a partir de son experience personnelle, peut apporter des questions, mettre un autre regard sur la FAP, sur le sujet. Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes.
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Defined by experts []
strategie au depart [#strategie_au_depart]
Est-ce qu on pourrait dire qu il y a un objectif definit au depart ou est-ce que c est plutot l objectif qui est construit au fur et à mesure de l avancement de chaque groupe thematique. Izida : Il y a la strategie au depart. C est-a-dire arriver a realiser son projet personnel technologique. Voila, mais c est tres general
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satisfaction [#satisfaction]
Interviewer : Pour le moment, par rapport a ces objectifs la, comment definirais-tu la satisfaction,… meme si on n est pas encore arrive aux resultats… Izida : Pour la realisation, par exemple, des projets personnels, c est positif d apres les remarques des gens, des mails qu ils envoient, des contacts qu ils prennent…
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generaliser un peu ces experiences [#generaliser_un_peu_ces_experiences]
Interviewer : Est-ce qu il y a un objectif plus commun au sein de chaque groupe ? Izida : Au sein de la FAP, ca s est defini au fur et a mesure. Par exemple, nous… Donc, il y a eu toute la partie --partage d experience--, et apres a la suite des debats au sein de l equipe de coordination que bon, partage d experience c est bien mais il n y a pas de formalisation, il n y a pas de resultats tangibles, concrets. On a decide donc de se lancer vraiment a concretiser et a retirer des resultats transposables dans des contextes varies. C est-a-dire de generaliser un peu ces experiences et on a mis en place le wiki pour le guide d implementation de la FAP au sein de la Haute Ecole. Donc, ca c est un des objectifs concrets qui s est concretise a la suite du fonctionnement du groupe.
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Defined by generaliser un peu ces experiences []
objectif plus commun [#objectif_plus_commun]
Interviewer : Est-ce qu il y a un objectif plus commun au sein de chaque groupe ? Izida : Au sein de la FAP, ca s est defini au fur et a mesure. Par exemple, nous… Donc, il y a eu toute la partie --partage d experience--, et apres a la suite des debats au sein de l equipe de coordination que bon, partage d experience c est bien mais il n y a pas de formalisation, il n y a pas de resultats tangibles, concrets. On a decide donc de se lancer vraiment a concretiser et a retirer des resultats transposables dans des contextes varies. C est-a-dire de generaliser un peu ces experiences et on a mis en place le wiki pour le guide d implementation de la FAP au sein de la Haute Ecole. Donc, ca c est un des objectifs concrets qui s est concretise a la suite du fonctionnement du groupe.
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formations hors groupe [#formations_hors_groupe]
Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes. Donc, les reunions juste en presentiel ca ne suffit pas. Et je sais, parfois je participe, mais parfois pas. Mais je sais qu’il y a des interactions, des formations hors groupe FAP
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formalisation [#formalisation]
Interviewer : Est-ce qu il y a un objectif plus commun au sein de chaque groupe ? Izida : Au sein de la FAP, ca s est defini au fur et a mesure. Par exemple, nous… Donc, il y a eu toute la partie --partage d experience--, et apres a la suite des debats au sein de l equipe de coordination que bon, partage d experience c est bien mais il n y a pas de formalisation, il n y a pas de resultats tangibles, concrets. On a decide donc de se lancer vraiment a concretiser et a retirer des resultats transposables dans des contextes varies. C est-a-dire de generaliser un peu ces experiences et on a mis en place le wiki pour le guide d implementation de la FAP au sein de la Haute Ecole. Donc, ca c est un des objectifs concrets qui s est concretise a la suite du fonctionnement du groupe.
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projet personnel [#projet_personnel]
Donc l objectif, c est en meme temps les resultats attendus et c est de pouvoir vraiment faire son projet personnel. En tout cas individuellement
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facilitateur [#facilitateur]
il y a un coordinateur dans chaque communaute, quelqu un qui fait partie… enfin, c est toi qui est coordinatrice d une communaute ? Ou bien c est plutot les gens des Hautes Ecoles ? Izida : De nouveau ca depend du fonctionnement du groupe. Par exemple, dans mon groupe, je me considere plus facilitateur que animateur. Parce que j avais envie qu ils prennent en main eux-memes le fonctionnement du groupe, qu ils se sentent responsabilises
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niveau institutionnel [#niveau_institutionnel]
Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes. Donc, les reunions juste en presentiel ca ne suffit pas. Et je sais, parfois je participe, mais parfois pas. Mais je sais qu’il y a des interactions, des formations hors groupe FAP. Et c est aussi… Au niveau institutionnel, c est un sujet qui est a l ordre du jour a cause du decret Bologne. Donc, c est un sujet traite par toutes les Hautes Ecoles, les directions qui se demandent quoi
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partage d experience [#partage_d_experience]
Interviewer : Est-ce qu il y a un objectif plus commun au sein de chaque groupe ? Izida : Au sein de la FAP, ca s est defini au fur et a mesure. Par exemple, nous… Donc, il y a eu toute la partie --partage d experience--, et apres a la suite des debats au sein de l equipe de coordination que bon, partage d experience c est bien mais il n y a pas de formalisation, il n y a pas de resultats tangibles, concrets. On a decide donc de se lancer vraiment a concretiser et a retirer des resultats transposables dans des contextes varies. C est-a-dire de generaliser un peu ces experiences et on a mis en place le wiki pour le guide d implementation de la FAP au sein de la Haute Ecole. Donc, ca c est un des objectifs concrets qui s est concretise a la suite du fonctionnement du groupe.
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animateur [#animateur]
il y a un coordinateur dans chaque communaute, quelqu un qui fait partie… enfin, c est toi qui est coordinatrice d une communaute ? Ou bien c est plutot les gens des Hautes Ecoles ? Izida : De nouveau ca depend du fonctionnement du groupe. Par exemple, dans mon groupe, je me considere plus facilitateur que animateur. Parce que j avais envie qu ils prennent en main eux-memes le fonctionnement du groupe, qu ils se sentent responsabilises
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directeur president [#directeur_president]
Christiane a reuni tous les directeurs des departements, plus le directeur president, plus les enseignants motives pour lancer le projet FAP.
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disciplines [#disciplines]
Interviewer : Et ils sont de disciplines differentes ? Izida : Oui, il y a donc un maitre assistant en geographie, en cours de TIC, en mathematique. C est assez heterogene
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descriptions de toutes les personnes [#descriptions_de_toutes_les_personnes]
on a l espace du groupe FAP. On a d abord les descriptions de toutes les personnes : leur role, leur haute ecole, leur projet, leurs attentes
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departements infirmiers [#departements_infirmiers]
Interviewer : Si on prend juste ton groupe thematique FAP, ils sont aussi fort differents d un point de vue technique, competences techniques ? Comment tu décrirais ça ? Izida : Oui, tout à fait. C est vraiment tres tres different. Il y en a, par exemple,… j ai quelques personnes de departements infirmiers
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directeurs des departements [#directeurs_des_departements]
Christiane a reuni tous les directeurs des departements, plus le directeur president, plus les enseignants motives pour lancer le projet FAP.
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geographie [#geographie]
Interviewer : Et ils sont de disciplines differentes ? Izida : Oui, il y a donc un maitre assistant en geographie, en cours de TIC, en mathematique. C est assez heterogene
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Defined by geographie []
connaissance [#connaissance]
Interviewer : Et leur connaissance d internet…
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stagiaires [#stagiaires]
Tres souvent, je mets en relation les gens avec les autres. Par exemple, Paul a dit : Mais ecoutez, moi j ai des stagiaires que je peux vous preter si vous avez des problemes techniques, gratos
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caracteristiques personnelles [#caracteristiques_personnelles]
Tu as le groupe qui fonctionne bien, mais ca valorise aussi les individus, c est-a-dire le fait que Hubert soit constructif, que Gerard soit ouvert, le fait que Christiane soit curieuse… Donc toutes ces caracteristiques personnelles trouvent leur place dans le fonctionnement du groupe
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Defined by caracteristiques personnelles []
mathematique [#mathematique]
Interviewer : Et ils sont de disciplines differentes ? Izida : Oui, il y a donc un maitre assistant en geographie, en cours de TIC, en mathematique. C est assez heterogene
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Defined by mathematique []
competences techniques [#competences_techniques]
Interviewer : Si on prend juste ton groupe thematique FAP, ils sont aussi fort differents d un point de vue technique, competences techniques
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noyau stable [#noyau_stable]
Il y a eu des nouveaux… le groupe est relativement stable ou bien il y a des gens qui sont partis ? Izida : Il y a un noyau stable. Chaque fois, il y a minimum huit personnes. Le maximum, c est 13-14. Et ensuite, on essaye de rester ouvert a d autres groupes et au reseau dans son ensemble.
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Defined by noyau stable []
formations hors groupe [#formations]
Par exemple, dans le groupe FAP, il y a des personnes debutantes dans cette thematique, donc qui n ont jamais utilise la plateforme, qui aimeraient bien se lancer la-dedans. Il y en a d autres qui sont plus experts, plus experimentes. Donc, les reunions juste en presentiel ca ne suffit pas. Et je sais, parfois je participe, mais parfois pas. Mais je sais qu’il y a des interactions, des formations hors groupe FAP
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Defined by formations hors groupe []
TIC [#cours_de_TIC]
Interviewer : Et ils sont de disciplines differentes ? Izida : Oui, il y a donc un maitre assistant en geographie, en cours de TIC, en mathematique. C est assez heterogene
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Defined by TIC []
expertise [#expertise]
Interviewer : Le sujet sur lequel ils s investissent le plus. Est-ce que c est reconnu cette expertise la au sein du groupe ? Izida : Oui.
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membre central [#membre_central_]
quelle difference ferais-tu entre un membre central du groupe et un membre peripherique. Izida : Il n y a pas de membre central. Moi, je les prends tous a egalite. C est-a-dire, ils sont centraux dans leur domaine. Par exemple, dans la formation Accolade, c est Hubert
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Defined by membre central []
poles d expertises [#poles_d_expertises]
Interviewer : Donc, si on devait faire un organigramme du groupe ce serait plus des poles d expertises differentes avec une facilitatrice, par exemple.
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Defined by poles d expertises []
Interviewer : Est-ce que dans votre groupe chacun a des roles differents a certains moments ou effectivement des taches differentes. Izida : Non, il n y a pas de hierarchie en fait. Ils sont tous des personnes-ressources. Je suis facilitatrice du groupe… Donc voila, je dirais… oui, maintenant, il y a un objectif concret : la mini-recherche-action. La, je crois, on aura un peu la distribution des taches : qui va mettre en ligne les documents ? qui va synthetiser les debats ? qui va faire quoi ? Pour le moment, ca se fait d une maniere implicite
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hierarchie de competence [#hierarchie_de_competence]
est-ce qu il y a une sorte de hierarchie, j ai pas l impression quand tu en parle, mais… Izida : Non, la hierarchie, elle n est pas la hierarchie organisationnelle, disons que c est une sorte de hierarchie de competence c est-a-dire… on sait que Hubert est competent donc on fait reference a lui souvent,… donc on sait qu une personne est plus competente dans la formation des infirmieres…
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Defined by hierarchie de competence []
domaine [#domaine]
quelle difference ferais-tu entre un membre central du groupe et un membre peripherique. Izida : Il n y a pas de membre central. Moi, je les prends tous a egalite. C est-a-dire, ils sont centraux dans leur domaine. Par exemple, dans la formation Accolade, c est Hubert
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Defined by domaine []
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Defined by domaine []
facilitatrice [#facilitatrice]
Interviewer : Est-ce que dans votre groupe chacun a des roles differents a certains moments ou effectivement des taches differentes. Izida : Non, il n y a pas de hierarchie en fait. Ils sont tous des personnes-ressources. Je suis facilitatrice du groupe… Donc voila, je dirais… oui, maintenant, il y a un objectif concret : la mini-recherche-action. La, je crois, on aura un peu la distribution des taches : qui va mettre en ligne les documents ? qui va synthetiser les debats ? qui va faire quoi ? Pour le moment, ca se fait d une maniere implicite
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Defined by facilitatrice []
membre peripherique [#membre_peripherique]
quelle difference ferais-tu entre un membre central du groupe et un membre peripherique. Izida : Il n y a pas de membre central. Moi, je les prends tous a egalite. C est-a-dire, ils sont centraux dans leur domaine. Par exemple, dans la formation Accolade, c est Hubert
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Defined by membre peripherique []
coordinatrice [#coordinatrice]
Interviewer : Est-ce qu il y a une forme entre les membres … toi, tu es un peu la coordinatrice de ce groupe la… Izida : mmmh, oui, facilitatrice…
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High Schools [#High_Schools]
It is a network of teachers of 23 High Schools of the French Community of Belgium.
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Defined by High Schools []
resource persons [#resource_persons]
It mainly concerns resource persons in ICTE working in the educational department of these schools where the training of future teachers is organised.
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network of teachers [#network_of_teachers]
It is a network of teachers of 23 High Schools of the French Community of Belgium.
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Defined by network of teachers []
French Community of Belgium [#French_Community_of_Belgium]
It is a network of teachers of 23 High Schools of the French Community of Belgium.
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Defined by French Community of Belgium []
give feedback [#give_feedback]
- Design of educational scenarios: members create scenarios integrating ICT -based on a framework- and give feedback on others productions
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subject groups [#subject_groups]
New professors participate in the project with new objectives and needs. Four -- subject groups-- have been created aiming at developing a project and helping their members to achieve their goals.
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main roles [#main_roles]
- Resource persons1 specialised in ICTE. Their main roles are to train their colleagues and accompany the design and implementation of projects integrating ICT uses in their courses.
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ICT uses in education [#ICT_uses_in_education]
The general domain is ICT uses in education by teachers or/and future teachers.
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Defined by ICT uses in education []
Teachers trainers [#Teachers_trainers]
- Teachers trainers -for people of the pedagogical department- and some teachers of other departments -paramedical, social, economy, technical,…- who are interested in integrating ICT in their teaching activities.
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Defined by Teachers trainers []
coordinator of the project [#coordinator]
the coordinator -a person who manages activities between the sites-
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Defined by coordinator of the project []
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Defined by coordinator of the project []
actors [#actors]
The actors are: - Resource persons specialised in ICTE. Their main roles are to train their colleagues and accompany the design and implementation of projects integrating ICT uses in their courses. - Teachers trainers -for people of the pedagogical department- and some teachers of other departments -paramedical, social, economy, technical,…- who are interested in integrating ICT in their teaching activities.
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tous les intervenants dans les Hautes Ecoles [#tous_les_intervenants_dans_les_Hautes_Ecoles]
Et un deuxieme grand changement, c etait d ouvrir le projet a d autres departements et a tous les intervenants dans les Hautes Ecoles.
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Defined by tous les intervenants dans les Hautes Ecoles []
lie a un projet [#lie_a_un_projet]
Un groupe thematique C est lie a un projet
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membre de l equipe de coordination [#membre_de_l_equipe_de_coordination]
donc tu es une personne qui mene le groupe thematique, mais en meme temps tu as le role de membre de l equipe de coordination. Et le groupe thematique c est une communaute, l equipe de coordination c est une instance, ce n est pas une communaute.
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Defined by membre de l equipe de coordination []
expert [#expert]
Hubert, n est pas typique. C est un expert qui lit beaucoup, donc… qui fait le doctorat sur le sujet. Donc il est tres cale la-dedans
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infirmiere [#infirmiere]
Interviewer : Ca c est un exemple de nouveau membre. Tu as parle aussi tout a l heure d autres nouveaux membres, 4-5 personnes… Izida : Oui, Christian, par exemple, de Haute Ecole libre du Hainaut occidental, infirmiere
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debutante [#debutante]
Une autre debutante, c est Astrid la y a pas beaucoup d activites pour le moment, parce que elle vient d Arlon, donc c est assez loin
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maitres assistants [#maitres_assistants]
le projet est ouvert a tout le monde. Ca a un avantage parce que tout le monde peut y participer, tous les enseignants - maitres assistants, pas maitres assistants, tous-
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Defined by maitres assistants []
heterogene [#heterogene]
le projet est ouvert a tout le monde. Ca a un avantage parce que tout le monde peut y participer, tous les enseignants - maitres assistants, pas maitres assistants, tous-, mais le desavantage c est que c est tres heterogene donc c est tres difficile a gerer
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Defined by heterogene []
ouvert [#ouvert]
le projet est ouvert a tout le monde. Ca a un avantage parce que tout le monde peut y participer, tous les enseignants - maitres assistants, pas maitres assistants, tous-
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Defined by ouvert []
pas maitres assistants [#pas_maitres_assistants]
le projet est ouvert a tout le monde. Ca a un avantage parce que tout le monde peut y participer, tous les enseignants - maitres assistants, pas maitres assistants, tous-
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Defined by pas maitres assistants []
enseignants [#enseignants]
le projet est ouvert a tout le monde. Ca a un avantage parce que tout le monde peut y participer, tous les enseignants - maitres assistants, pas maitres assistants, tous-
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Defined by enseignants []
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Defined by enseignants []
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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educational technology [#educational_technology]
The field is educational technology.
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language used [#language_used]
The language used is French but at the beginning partners from UK and Spain have participated and the two languages were used: English and French.
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work groups [#work_groups]
Concretely, students from the different universities set up work groups that, supervised by tutors, collaborate at a distance on projects aimed at developing particular uses of ICT
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funded by [#funded_by]
This community started in 1997 in Belgium between five universities. Until 2000, the project has been funded by the French- speaking Community of Belgium then by the EC as an action-research. Now the project is no longer funded, new members enter and go out each year.
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educative uses of new technologies -ICT- [#educative_uses_of_new_technologies_-ICT-]
This course prepares future teachers or trainers for educative uses of new technologies -ICT-.
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Defined by educative uses of new technologies -ICT- []
local coordinators [#local_coordinators]
Skype: for synchronous communication between tutors and local coordinators, 1to1 or to many
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several roles [#several_roles]
In 2006 there are 22 people who can often take several roles.
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animators [#animators]
animators -local coordinators on each site supervising the local students-
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coordination team [#coordination_team]
A few members are there from the beginning and compose the -- coordination team--
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coordinator of the project [#coordinator_of_the_project]
Four kind of actors are involved: the tutors of the students groups, the local coordinators in each University, the coordinator of the project and the professors -academic representatives-
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Defined by coordinator of the project []
Everybody [#Everybody]
Four types of actors are grouped in two categories: --Everybody-- and the --Executive committee-- for avoiding too much links between actors and tools.
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Defined by Everybody []
students groups [#students_groups]
Three kind of actors produce tools: students, coordinator of the project and the group of tutors of students groups and local coordinators.
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Defined by students groups []
Executive committee [#Executive_committee]
Four types of actors are grouped in two categories: --Everybody-- and the --Executive committee-- for avoiding too much links between actors and tools.
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Defined by Executive committee []
community of interest [#community_of_interest]
This community was born in 2001 and has been developing over the years to become a true -- community of interest-- in 2006. It is now an emerging CoP.
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was born [#was_born]
This community was born in 2001 and has been developing over the years to become a true -- community of interest-- in 2006. It is now an emerging CoP.
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Non for profit [#Non_for_profit]
Non for profit, Work for future generations, Teamwork, Enthusiasm, Friendly
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core members [#core_members]
The actors involved are 160 new engineer-students enrolled each year, dispatched in 8 groups (20 students/classroom), and 12 teachers.
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Association [#Association]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by Association []
grandes ecoles [#grandes_ecoles]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by grandes ecoles []
community [#community]
It consists in a community of teachers working in primary schools, secondary schools and high schools.
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Defined by community []
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in -- Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- - CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by CPGEs []
technology-enhanced learning [#technology-enhanced_learning]
The domain is technology-enhanced learning in French CPGEs: a first higher education cycle that prepares students for the competitive entrance exams to the --Grandes ecoles--.
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Defined by technology-enhanced learning []
professional network [#professional_network]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by professional network []
located in [#located_in_France]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by located in []
institutions [#institutions]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by institutions []
researchers [#researchers]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by researchers []
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Defined by researchers []
Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles [#Classes_preparatoires_aux_grandes_ecoles]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in -- Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles []
universities [#universities]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by universities []
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Defined by universities []
event partners [#event_partners]
1. Description of the activity. Why? How? When? - Organisation of international workshops every two years -next is planned for May 2008-: event committee management, programme structure and content, promotion, handling of registered or potential participants, relations with event partners, logistical aspects, proceedings, etc.
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Defined by event partners []
CoP manager [#ePrep_CoP_manager_]
At the moment only the ePrep CoP manager can send email to the CoP
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Defined by CoP manager []
partners [#partners]
These projects are done by ePrep members -voluntary involvement- with the support of a lot of partners : like Conference des grandes ecoles, CNED, INRIA….
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Defined by partners []
contributors [#contributors]
This activity consists in International cooperation between French-speaking CPGEs in France, Cote d Ivoire, Gabon, China... All the contributors of this project know each other through the contacts made within the ePrep CoP.
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trainer [#trainer]
Are there people playing a particular role? The trainer - educator and facilitator- in Greece
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Defined by trainer []
masters degree [#masters_degree]
Most of the participants had more qualification that the average because they had a masters degree and/or because they already knew about ICT and/or because they already had experience in distance learning.
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Defined by masters degree []
facilitator [#facilitator]
Izida is the facilitator of the group --permanent access training--
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diaspora education network [#diaspora_education_network]
Educators from diaspora education network: 15 teachers in London
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voluntary base [#voluntary_base]
Teachers participating on a voluntary base selected because their school was well equipped and had a positive attitude towards innovations.
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education coordinator [#education_coordinator_in_UK]
Related to CTI - technicians- and to the Ministry of Education -the education coordinator in UK-
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Education [#Education]
Focus: what is the domain of the Cop? On which content or project is the Cop focused? Education, included voluntarily in the community of E42 educators.
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Defined by Education []
E42 educators [#E42_educators]
Focus: what is the domain of the Cop? On which content or project is the Cop focused? Education, included voluntarily in the community of E42 educators.
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Defined by E42 educators []
educator [#educator]
Are there people playing a particular role? The trainer - educator and facilitator- in Greece
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Defined by educator []
technicians [#technicians]
Related to CTI - technicians- and to the Ministry of Education -the education coordinator in UK-
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Defined by technicians []
e-learning professionals [#e-learning_professionals]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by e-learning professionals []
are based in [#UK]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by are based in []
learning sets [#learning_sets]
It is probably more accurate to think of aspects of the community achieving moments of stability rather than an ongoing maturity. These aspects include social cohesion within the cohorts, and working in cross cohort learning sets in two of the core modules.
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Defined by learning sets []
emerging [#emerging]
Because of the changing configurations of students and academic staff on the programme, the community is always in the process of emerging.
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Defined by emerging []
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Defined by emerging []
practitioners [#practitioners]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by practitioners []
roles [#roles]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by roles []
programme direc [#programme_director]
Each cohort remains on the programme for about 4 -6 years and there have been changes to the academic staff involved in the programme over this time. The programme director and the convener of two of the modules -together they teach about half of the programme- joined the department in 2004.
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Defined by programme direc []
students groups [#students]
Three kind of actors produce tools: students, coordinator of the project and the group of tutors of students groups and local coordinators.
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Defined by students groups []
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Defined by students groups []
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Defined by students groups []
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Defined by students groups []
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Defined by students groups []
educational developers [#educational_developers]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by educational developers []
cohort [#cohort]
Each cohort remains on the programme for about 4 -6 years
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Defined by cohort []
Masters level qualifications [#Masters_level_qualifications]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by Masters level qualifications []
academic staff [#academic_staff]
Each cohort remains on the programme for about 4 -6 years and there have been changes to the academic staff involved in the programme over this time.
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Defined by academic staff []
lecturers [#lecturers]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University. These practitioners are drawn from a variety of roles including lecturers, educational developers, e-learning professionals and are based in the UK, Ireland with a few from the UAE. They all whole Masters level qualifications on entry to the programme.
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Defined by lecturers []
convener [#convener]
Each cohort remains on the programme for about 4 -6 years and there have been changes to the academic staff involved in the programme over this time. The programme director and the convener of two of the modules -together they teach about half of the programme- joined the department in 2004.
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Defined by convener []
maturity [#maturity]
It is probably more accurate to think of aspects of the community achieving moments of stability rather than an ongoing maturity.
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Defined by maturity []
members of the [#members_of_the_Department_of_Educational_Research]
Those involved in the community of practice are the students on the course (about 20 per cohort), who currently work in a variety of further and higher education contexts, and the tutors (4 main tutors with additional input from other tutors) and admin staff (1) on the course who are members of the Department of Educational Research.
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Defined by members of the []
PhDs [#PhDs]
The community of practice is located within the educational domain and is focused on enabling the participants to complete their PhDs.
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Defined by PhDs []
Director [#Director]
One of the academic staff acts as the Doctoral Programme Director and has overall responsibility for the course.
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Defined by Director []
tutors [#tutors]
Those involved in the community of practice are the students on the course -about 20 per cohort-, who currently work in a variety of further and higher education contexts, and the tutors -4 main tutors with additional input from other tutors-
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Defined by tutors []
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Defined by tutors []
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Defined by tutors []
educational domain [#educational_domain]
The community of practice is located within the educational domain and is focused on enabling the participants to complete their PhDs
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Defined by educational domain []
4 -6 years [#4_-6_years_]
Each cohort remains on the programme for about 4 -6 years
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Defined by 4 -6 years []
departmental staff [#departmental_staff]
The interaction with the participants and the departmental staff is relaxed and informal. There tends to be at least one social occasion during the course of each residential in which the staff and participants meet together
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Defined by departmental staff []
participants [#participants]
The community of practice is located within the educational domain and is focused on enabling the participants to complete their PhDs.
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Defined by participants []
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subgroups [#subgroups]
The culture between the participants is normally quite friendly and over the course of the residentials subgroups tend to form, who discuss their work and socialise together.
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Defined by subgroups []
admin staff [#admin_staff_]
Those involved in the community of practice are the students on the course -about 20 per cohort-, who currently work in a variety of further and higher education contexts, and the tutors -4 main tutors with additional input from other tutors- and admin staff -1- on the course who are members of the Department of Educational Research
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Defined by admin staff []
started in [#started_in_1995]
The doctoral programme started in 1995 and has just recruited its 11th Cohort.
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Defined by started in []
community of practice [#community_of_practice]
This community of practice is located within the Doctoral Programme for practitioners in further and higher education, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University
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origin [#November_2002]
The origin is the birth of the University Didactic Centre in November 2002
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University Didactic Centre [#University_Didactic_Centre]
Defined by University Didactic Centre []
post-graduate assistant [#post-graduate_assistant]
Defined by post-graduate assistant []
training projects [#training]
History of the CoP: a BADGE-CGE CES, created to provide a training suitable for working people
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Defined by training projects []
assistants [#assistants]
All the teachers and that means professors, assistants, every body that is implied in teaching.
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Defined by assistants []
training projects [#training_projects]
Defined by training projects []
professors [#professors]
ePrep is an Association -loi 1901- located in France developing its activities with a professional network composed of teachers in --Classes preparatoires aux grandes ecoles-- -CPGEs-, professors and researchers of -- grandes ecoles-- and universities, institutions such as INRIA and CNED.
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Defined by professors []
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Defined by professors []
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Defined by professors []
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Defined by professors []
problems [#problems]
we knew their training projects, their wishes, the problems they were encountering in teaching.
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Defined by problems []
questions [#questions]
Defined by questions []
teaching practice [#teaching_practice]
And there are also the CoPs, as they are called in the Diploma, and which are groups of learners who exchange about their teaching practice in order to learn.
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Defined by teaching practice []
trainers [#trainers]
There are participants, trainers, teachers who ask for services to the Centre, the students. That is the CoP Did@cTIC
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Defined by trainers []
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Defined by trainers []
groups of learners [#groups_of_learners]
And there are also the CoPs, as they are called in the Diploma, and which are groups of learners who exchange about their teaching practice in order to learn.
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Defined by groups of learners []
logique, langages informatiques [#logique,_langages_informatiques]
L activite de formation de ces premieres annees - logique, langages informatiques...- lui a parue peu interessante, pas assez epanouissante -et mal faite-. Elle est restee a l ADIRA pour le cote --creatif-- des informaticiens, les innovations.
Defined by [,_langages_informatiques]
Defined by logique, langages informatiques [,_langages_informatiques]
a l initiative de [#a_l_initiative_de]
Debut en 1969, a l initiative de la Chambre de Commerce et de l union patronale -regionale-.
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Defined by a l initiative de []
Debut en [#Debut_en_1969]
Debut en 1969, a l initiative de la Chambre de Commerce et de l union patronale -regionale-.
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Defined by Debut en []
la secretaire generale actuelle [#la_secretaire_generale_actuelle]
L objectif de sensibilisation des entreprises est surtout passe, au debut, par une activite de formation -pendant les dix premieres annees-. Cela impliquait, en amont, de recenser les besoins de cette profession emergente. Des interviews avaient lieu, realisees notamment par la secretaire generale actuelle de l association -SGA, que nous interrogeons ici-, encore etudiante alors
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Defined by la secretaire generale actuelle []
periode [#periode]
Premiere periode : La formation
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Objectif lors du lancement [#Objectif_lors_du_lancement_]
Objectif lors du lancement : Sensibiliser les entreprises de la région à l' informatique.
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Defined by Objectif lors du lancement []
peu interessante, pas assez epanouissante [#peu_interessante,_pas_assez_epanouissante]
L activite de formation de ces premieres années - logique, langages informatiques...- lui a parue peu interessante, pas assez epanouissante -et mal faite-. Elle est restee a l ADIRA pour le cote --creatif-- des informaticiens, les innovations.
Defined by [,_pas_assez_epanouissante]
Defined by peu interessante, pas assez epanouissante [,_pas_assez_epanouissante]
rentable [#rentable]
L activite de formation est devenue de moins en moins rentable, et il a fallu y renoncer pour raisons financières -et parce que d autres prestataires, meilleurs, moins amateurs, apparaissaient-.
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Defined by rentable []
d autres prestataires [#d_autres_prestataires]
L activite de formation est devenue de moins en moins rentable, et il a fallu y renoncer pour raisons financières -et parce que d autres prestataires, meilleurs, moins amateurs, apparaissaient-.
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Defined by d autres prestataires []
evenementiel [#evenementiel]
L evenementiel a pris plus de place, avec, pendant dix ans, le salon informatique INFORA, qui avait une forte notoriété rejaillissant sur l ADIRA.
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journalistes, scientifiques [#journalistes,_scientifiques]
Cette activite etait plus passionnante et très mobilisatrice. De grands noms y participaient - journalistes, scientifiques...-.
Defined by [,_scientifiques]
Defined by journalistes, scientifiques [,_scientifiques]
les groupes de travail [#les_groupes_de_travail]
Actuellement l activite est organisee autour de deux axes : les groupes de travail et l evenementiel
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Defined by les groupes de travail []
conferences, soirees [#conferences,_soirees]
Des evenements sont organises regulierement - conferences, soirees de prestiges, avec un cote convivial-.
Defined by [,_soirees]
Defined by conferences, soirees [,_soirees]
sans subventions [#sans_subventions]
Declin de l activite de salon. Cette activite etait tres remuneratrice, elle avait permis de soutenir l activite de l association. L ADIRA a en effet toujours fonctionne sans subventions
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Defined by sans subventions []
remuneratrice [#remuneratrice]
Declin de l activite de salon. Cette activite etait tres remuneratrice, elle avait permis de soutenir l activite de l association. L ADIRA a en effet toujours fonctionne sans subventions
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Defined by remuneratrice []
tres engages et tres motives [#tres_engages_et_tres_motives]
Les groupes de travail : ils s appuient sur des gens tres engages et tres motives. C est un reseau de personnes, qui fonctionne bien, un --cœur de reseau-- pour l ADIRA.
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Defined by tres engages et tres motives []
Declin de l activite [#Declin_de_l_activite]
Declin de l activite de salon. Cette activite etait tres remuneratrice, elle avait permis de soutenir l activite de l association. L ADIRA a en effet toujours fonctionne sans subventions
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Defined by Declin de l activite []
personnes physiques [#personnes_physiques]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-
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personnes morales [#personnes_morales]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-
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association d entreprises [#association_d_entreprises]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-
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entreprises utilisatrices [#entreprises_utilisatrices]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-. 500 entreprises adherentes, dont 250 entreprises utilisatrices et 250 entreprises prestataires environ
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Defined by entreprises utilisatrices []
langage [#langage]
Le langage change -moins de jargon-. Le but est que tout le monde comprenne
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Defined by langage []
RH [#RH]
La tendance est a une plus grande participation des non informaticiens: directeurs administratifs, RH, acheteurs, marketing et communication...
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Defined by RH []
directeurs administratifs [#directeurs_administratifs]
La tendance est a une plus grande participation des non informaticiens: directeurs administratifs, RH, acheteurs, marketing et communication...
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Defined by directeurs administratifs []
acheteurs [#acheteurs]
La tendance est a une plus grande participation des non informaticiens: directeurs administratifs, RH, acheteurs, marketing et communication...
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Defined by acheteurs []
marketing et communication [#marketing_et_communication]
La tendance est a une plus grande participation des non informaticiens: directeurs administratifs, RH, acheteurs, marketing et communication...
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Defined by marketing et communication []
informaticiens [#informaticiens]
Les informaticiens representent 75/100 des adherents
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Defined by informaticiens []
entreprises prestataires [#entreprises_prestataires]
Peu de personnes physiques membres, la plupart sont des personnes morales -c est une association d entreprises-. 500 entreprises adherentes, dont 250 entreprises utilisatrices et 250 entreprises prestataires environ
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Defined by entreprises prestataires []
club [#club]
Le club --strategie--, reunissant une trentaine de DSI, donne les grandes tendances du marche etc. Il permet parfois de definir des politiques communes
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concurrents [#concurrents]
Les personnes se respectent et echangent -meme quand ils sont concurrents-. Ils peuvent se rencontrer a l ADIRA et s apprecier. Cela favorise les accords, partenariats, fusions...
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Defined by concurrents []
font adherer [#font_adherer]
Ce sont les individus qui font adherer leur entreprise. S ils changent d entreprise, l adhesion suit.
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Defined by font adherer []
conseil d administration [#conseil_d_administration]
Il y a un conseil d administration, mais qui valide surtout ce que les groupes de travail proposent, qui ne donne pas les grandes orientations.
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Defined by conseil d administration []
nouveaux membres [#nouveaux_membres]
bonne croissance, due en grande partie aux evenements, qui attirent regulierement de nouveaux membres
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Defined by nouveaux membres []
enqueteurs [#enqueteurs]
les groupes de travail permanents : Les deux qui jouent le plus grand role sont le --club strategie--, et la commission --metiers et remunerations--, la plus ancienne. Elle realise des etudes sur l evolution des metiers et des salaires, etudes disponibles sur le site internet -pour les adherents uniquement-. Utilisation pour ces etudes d interviews de 2 a 3h dans les entreprises. Les enqueteurs sont des benevoles, mais les methodes sont rigoureuses.
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Defined by enqueteurs []
cotisent [#cotisent]
Certains adherents cotisent mais ne participent pas. Ils sont seulement destinataires des documents produits
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Defined by cotisent []
type de groupe [#type_de_groupe]
Premier type de groupe : les groupes de travail permanents
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commission [#commission]
les groupes de travail permanents : Les deux qui jouent le plus grand role sont le --club strategie--, et la commission --metiers et remunerations--, la plus ancienne. Elle realise des etudes sur l evolution des metiers et des salaires, etudes disponibles sur le site internet -pour les adherents uniquement-. Utilisation pour ces etudes d interviews de 2 a 3h dans les entreprises. Les enqueteurs sont des benevoles, mais les methodes sont rigoureuses.
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Defined by commission []
les groupes de travail permanents : Les deux qui jouent le plus grand role sont le --club strategie--, et la commission --metiers et remunerations--, la plus ancienne
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groupes de travail permanents [#groupes_de_travail_permanents]
les groupes de travail permanents : Les deux qui jouent le plus grand role sont le --club strategie--, et la commission --metiers et remunerations--, la plus ancienne
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Defined by groupes de travail permanents []
soiree dediee [#soiree_dediee]
Quand un groupe de travail a termine, sa production est disponible via le site web et presentee lors d une soiree dediee.
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evenements [#evenements]
Les evenements sont maintenant enregistres en DVD -a usage interne-.
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evenement [#evenement_]
Un evenement comprend une partie pedagogique -invitation de personnalites abordant un sujet pouvant avoir des implications pour les entreprises-, et une partie culturelle et conviviale
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Defined by evenement []
nouveaux groupes [#nouveaux_groupes]
Creation de nouveaux groupes : generalement propose par un ou deux membres.
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conditions [#conditions]
Creation de nouveaux groupes : generalement propose par un ou deux membres. L ADIRA verifie d abord que les conditions soient reunies pour que ca fonctionne -theme, personnes...-, offre le support pour --recruter-- des membres et assure la logistique administrative : envoi des comptes-rendus, salle de reunion, commande des plateaux-repas, etc.
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Defined by conditions []
gestion --ephemere-- [#gestion_--ephemere--]
L association ne cherche pas a archiver des documents qui, lies a une tendance du moment, ne seraient plus pertinents plus tard -une grande partie de leurs documents sont de cette nature-. Il s agit donc le plus souvent d un besoin de gestion --ephemere-- des documents
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Defined by gestion --ephemere-- []
implantations locales de grandes entreprises [#implantations_locales_de_grandes_entreprises]
Relations avec les implantations locales de grandes entreprises. Exemple du responsable local d ALCATEL, qui s est appuye sur un evenement realise avec l ADIRA pour amener son entreprise a envisager de developper de nouvelles activites en Rhone-Alpes.
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Defined by implantations locales de grandes entreprises []
ecoles [#ecoles]
Relations exterieures: Relations ponctuelles avec des ecoles, la presse specialisee, les organismes professionnels. Ce sont souvent eux qui s adressent a l ADIRA, a propos d un evenement par exemple.
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Defined by ecoles []
presse specialisee [#presse_specialisee]
Relations exterieures: Relations ponctuelles avec des ecoles, la presse specialisee, les organismes professionnels. Ce sont souvent eux qui s adressent a l ADIRA, a propos d un evenement par exemple.
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Defined by presse specialisee []
organismes professionnels [#organismes_professionnels]
Relations exterieures: Relations ponctuelles avec des ecoles, la presse specialisee, les organismes professionnels. Ce sont souvent eux qui s adressent a l ADIRA, a propos d un evenement par exemple.
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Defined by organismes professionnels []
associations similaires dans d autres regions [#associations_similaires_dans_d_autres_regions]
Relations avec des associations similaires dans d autres regions, mais ces dernieres ont rarement une structure permanente comme celle de l ADIRA.
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Defined by associations similaires dans d autres regions []
experience [#experience]
Contents of the course evolve continually regarding the experience of teachers and the needs of learners.
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Defined by experience []
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Defined by experience []
ADERLY -Agence le Developpement Economique de la Region Lyonnaise [#ADERLY_-Agence_le_Developpement_Economique_de_la_Region_Lyonnaise]
L ADERLY -Agence le Developpement Economique de la Region Lyonnaise- travaille souvent avec l ADIRA, sur des dossiers precis -implantations d entreprises, etc.-. Il s agit de travaux concrets et faisant ensuite l objet d un retour, ce qui est apprecie par l ADIRA -qui parfois --rend service-- a des partenaires sans meme etre informee de ce qu ils font, ni citee ensuite-.
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Defined by ADERLY -Agence le Developpement Economique de la Region Lyonnaise []
new objective [#new_objective]
Defined by new objective []
individual competencies [#individual_competencies]
Defined by individual competencies []
enrolment of members [#enrolment_of_members]
Defined by enrolment of members []
Task sharing [#Task_sharing]
Defined by Task sharing []
personal projects [#personal_projects]
Defined by personal projects []
ICT advisors in their school [#ICT_advisors_in_their_school]
Defined by ICT advisors in their school []
internal rules of behaviour [#internal_rules_of_behaviour]
Defined by internal rules of behaviour []
External relations of the group [#External_relations_of_the_group]
Defined by External relations of the group []
interacting [#interacting]
Defined by interacting []
facilitation task [#facilitation_task]
Defined by facilitation task []
projects [#projects]
Defined by projects []
interests [#interests]
Defined by interests []
CoP s nature [#CoP]
Defined by CoP s nature []
Members [#Members]
Defined by Members []
domain [#domain_]
Defined by domain []
group [#group]
Defined by group []
members practice [#members_practice]
Defined by members practice []
Satisfaction [#Satisfaction_]
Defined by Satisfaction []
school [#school]
Defined by school []
Form@HETICE is heterogeneous [#Form@HETICE_is_heterogeneous_]
Defined by Form@HETICE is heterogeneous []
Life stages of the group [#Life_stages_of_the_group]
Defined by Life stages of the group []
new members [#new_members]
Defined by new members []
institution [#institution]
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involvement of the members [#involvement_of_the_members]
Defined by involvement of the members []
productions of the group [#productions_of_the_group]
Defined by productions of the group []
professeurs [#professeurs]
Avec vos professeurs, vous êtes tous rassemblés et vous formez ce qu’on appelle une communauté de pratique.
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Defined by professeurs []
classes [#classes]
Et donc, il y a autant de forums que de classes ? Donc, il y a des forums qui marchent bien, donc c’est par groupe…
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Defined by classes []
apprenants [#apprenants]
N.VdeW. : Voilà, donc je présentais à Dominique Bouillet le projet Palette qui est un projet européen qui va s’intéresser aux communautés de pratique qui se développent autour des nouveaux outils, notamment des communautés d’ apprenants qui peuvent utiliser les nouvelles technologies comme c’est le cas pour le module Unix dont vous vous occupez
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Defined by apprenants []
tuteur [#tuteur]
c’est quelque chose d’intéressant parce que ils ont la vision de l’apprenant et on a la vision du tuteur et cette double vision rend la production des illustrations interactives assez enrichissante.
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Defined by tuteur []
recherche [#recherche]
Effectivement, moi je suis arrivée à l’INT il y a trois ans. Donc ici, je fais de l’enseignement et de la recherche. Donc, à l’époque, c’était Denis qui coordonnait le module UX, je crois, tout seul.
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Defined by recherche []
profs [#profs]
On pourrait peut-être essayer de raconter le début de la communauté : Comment ça s’est passé il y a trois ans ? Pourquoi le cours a-t-il changé de forme ? Sous quelles impulsions ? Est-ce que c’était parce qu’il y avait des profs qui partaient, des nouveaux qui arrivaient ? Expliquer comment a commencé la mise en ligne concrète du cours.
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Defined by profs []
savoir [#savoir]
C'est-à-dire que l’enseignement français jusqu’à ce qu’ils arrivent dans la grande école, il est très directif. C’est le professeur qui disperse son savoir et on n’a pas eu l’habitude quand on était de petits élèves à la maternelle jusque…
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Defined by savoir []
observateurs [#observateurs]
Et en posant la question dans le forum, donc on enrichit la FAQ et ça implique la discussion entre des élèves parce qu’on dit aux élèves qu’ils doivent répondre en priorité. Nous, on est observateurs du forum, on intervient dans le forum que si y’a des grosses bêtises qui sont dites ou si il y a des questions urgentes auxquelles il faut répondre.
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Defined by observateurs []
responsable [#responsable]
Donc là, je suis connecté sur la plateforme Ganesha en tant que responsable d’un groupe.
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Defined by responsable []
enseignement [#enseignement]
Donc, nous accompagnons les enseignants pour tout ce qui est l’usage des TICE, donc pour leur enseignement
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Defined by enseignement []
module [#module]
Donc, ils ne travaillent pas à distance, dans le sens où ils ne sont pas partis en stage à l’étranger pour étudier ce module.
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Defined by module []
Enseignant [#Enseignant]
Je suis Dominique Bouillet. Enseignant de l’épreuve informatique.
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Defined by Enseignant []
autodidacte [#autodidacte]
Il y a ceux qui ont appris en autodidacte, il y a ceux qui ont un certain type de formation plus orienté informatique, donc qui donne des disparités assez importantes.
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Defined by autodidacte []
camarades [#camarades_]
Donc on va un petit peu vous poser des questions sur la façon dont vous travaillez avec ces outils, dont vous échangez avec vos professeurs, avec votre tuteur, avec vos camarades pour savoir si via ce nouvel enseignement (parce que il y a 4 ans ce n’était pas enseigné de la même façon) vous avez de nouvelles pratiques qui sont apparues, de nouvelles façon de faire et voilà.
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Defined by camarades []
autoformation [#autoformation]
Donc, il y a des nouvelles versions qui sortent et des particularités qu’on peut avoir en local et qui sont inhérentes au domaine. Donc, il a fait la première étape et l’étape suivante qui a consisté donc à passer à un produit en autoformation.
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Defined by autoformation []
Unix 11 [#Unix_11]
Juste une question avant de rentrer dans le vif du sujet : pourquoi Unix 11 ?
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Defined by Unix 11 []
cultures [#cultures]
Frédérique avait raison tout à l’heure en parlant de reformuler les questions… Du fait de cette diversité de cultures qu’on a, y’a des mots qu’on emploie couramment parce que nous effectivement ici en France ça a un sens particulier, mais qui pour certains francophones d’Afrique ou ailleurs n’ont pas la même signification… et donc c’est vrai que c’est très important de pouvoir reformuler la question dans le forum.
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Defined by cultures []
informatique [#informatique]
Je suis Dominique Bouillet. Enseignant de l’épreuve informatique.
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Defined by informatique []
débutants [#débutants]
Et c’est dur de s’auto-former en programmation… ça ne va pas de soi,… c’est un support supplémentaire, mais après ça dépend de ce qu’on met dedans. Parce que si vous allez sur des sites qui sont beaucoup axés débutants, là c’est expliqué, voilà… « D’abord pour lister un répertoire, on fait ça…
Defined by [ébutants]
Defined by débutants [ébutants]
motivation [#motivation]
c’est vrai que quelque part ils ont des fonctionnements très différents les uns des autres. Et certains, pour un cours, ils ont une motivation, c’est... C’est un petit peu décevant pour nous en tant qu’enseignant d’entendre ce discours…
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Defined by motivation []
CoP s nature [#CoP_s_nature]
Defined by CoP s nature []
active member [#active_member]
Defined by active member []
main animator [#main_animator]
Defined by main animator []
discussions [#discussions]
Defined by discussions []
teachers [#teachers]
Defined by teachers []
needs of learners [#needs_of_learne]
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company [#company]
Defined by company []
exchange knowle [#exchange_knowle]
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CES manager [#CES_manager_]
Defined by CES manager []
CES Certificat [#CES_Certificat_]
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IT interest [#IT_interest]
Defined by IT interest []
experiences [#experiences]
Defined by experiences []
Institut nation [#Institut_nation]
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France [#France]
Defined by France []
professional ac [#professional_ac]
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learners [#learners]
Defined by learners []
online training [#online_training]
Defined by online training []
mature [#mature]
Defined by mature []
Social events [#Social_events]
Defined by Social events []
workers [#workers]
Defined by workers []
community of learners [#community_of_le]
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moderated by [#moderated_by]
Defined by moderated by []
enseignant-cher [#enseignant-cher]
Djamel Belaïd, je suis enseignant-chercheur au département informatique.
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Defined by enseignant-cher []
coordinateur du [#coordinateur_du]
Dominique a un rôle particulier parce que il s’occupe de la plateforme, il fait le contenu, et d’autre part. Djamel a un autre rôle particulier parce qu’il est coordinateur du domaine informatique. Et moi, j’ai un rôle un peu particulier parce que je coordonne UX. Voilà, mais on est tous les trois tuteurs, on a chacun un groupe.
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Defined by coordinateur du []
auto-apprentiss [#auto-apprentiss]
Là, ce qui coince pendant une heure et demi, ben en auto-apprentissage certains vont le faire en une heure et demi, d’autres vont le faire en quatre heures
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Defined by auto-apprentiss []
Project objecti [#Project_objecti]
Defined by Project objecti []
age [#age]
Competencies and age of the learners : a minimum level of competencies is wanted to enter the CES - the typical age of members is 30 =20 to obtain L2 + 10 years of experience, from 27 to 50 years old
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Defined by age []
new learners [#new_learners]
About the process by which new learners enter in the CoP -see also 00:45:20- : by an interview with the pedagogical manager
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Defined by new learners []
data networks [#data_networks]
Bruno presents himself, involved in continuing education and in data networks
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Defined by data networks []
different CoPs [#different_CoPs]
About the interaction of the different tools used at the INT : the members of this CES, using different platforms during their training -Telje, the INT media library platform, etc.-, therefore different emailings, are members of different CoPs
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Defined by different CoPs []
profiles [#profiles]
A difficult but important objective : to create trough the platform a link between the past and present learners of all CES to build a large community. It is a difficult objective because it would require an important staff resource -a full time job- and because it is not so easy to create links between different CES with learners having different profiles: Bruno have recently tried to link 2 CES and it failed because of the notion of community
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Defined by profiles []
Motivation [#Motivation]
Motivation of the learners of the CoP: some of them want to improve their knowledge, for others the exam is a test asked by their employer - for the moment 3 learners between the six will try to get the master
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Defined by Motivation []
copyright rules [#copyright_rules]
How teachers and learners exchange documents trough the platform, in the respect of the INT rules and the copyright rules
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employer [#employer]
Motivation of the learners of the CoP: some of them want to improve their knowledge, for others the exam is a test asked by their employer - for the moment 3 learners between the six will try to get the master
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domains [#domains]
About the BADGE-CGE diploma: specialized master - M2/ D1 - for people having a L2 diploma plus 10 years of experience - the diploma is obtained in 2 or 3 years with 2 CES in 3 domains and is validated by a professional thesis conducted in 1 year
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knowledge [#knowledge]
Motivation of the learners of the CoP: some of them want to improve their knowledge, for others the exam is a test asked by their employer - for the moment 3 learners between the six will try to get the master
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members of the [#members]
Communication between the members by emailing tools : the learners use the platform or their own email for collaborative work
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speaking French [#speaking_French]
Origin of the learners : it depends of their background -they did their 10 years of experience in small or big compagnies-. These differences make richer exchanges between the members and that is also the reason why the members are happy with that training -they are French or from North Africa, all speaking French-
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woman [#woman]
About parity: only one woman for 6 learners
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eligible for [#eligible_for]
About Patricia, a learner of the CoP: Patricia is not eligible for a specialized master - she is involved in 2 CES in the same time : Telecom Networks and Services - Security of Systems and Networks
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working people [#working_people]
History of the CoP: a BADGE-CGE CES, created to provide a training suitable for working people
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interview [#interview]
The role of the pedagogical manager1 : to seek for the needs in continuing education, espacially towards the needs of the companies, according to Catherine Sorieul - responsible of the BADGE-CGE CES, to find adapted contents and to associate adapted teachers, to define the planning, to test each learner wanting to join the training trough an interview,
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moderator [#moderator]
Name and role of the interviewee : Bruno - pedagogical manager, moderator, responsible for access and planning - and Patricia, from 01:22:20 to 01:31:2,7 - a learner
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objective [#objective]
A difficult but important objective : to create trough the platform a link between the past and present learners of all CES to build a large community. It is a difficult objective because it would require an important staff resource -a full time job- and because it is not so easy to create links between different CES with learners having different profiles: Bruno have recently tried to link 2 CES and it failed because of the notion of community
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press [#press]
How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members : through workshops, press, Telecom Companies
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human links created [#human_links_created]
Patricia - About human links created between the members of the CoP : these links are created more by face-to-face meeting than across the platform -but when they are created, the communication accross the platform or by emailing is more important- Patricia gives the example of a learner with whom she takes the train to go to the INT
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Competencies [#Competencies]
Competencies and age of the learners : a minimum level of competencies is wanted to enter the CES - the typical age of members is 30 =20 to obtain L2 + 10 years of experience, from 27 to 50 years old
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come from [#North_Africa]
The interactivity between the learners: they come from different parts of France or North Africa, with an almost similar background, with the same aim : to obtain the BADGE-CGE diploma
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Second need remaining to be answered : to add interactivity in the eLearning training, e.g. to have more but shorter audio-conferences with little groups : for instance 2 or 3 persons having an audio or even a visio-conference with the possibility to view again a passed session
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workshops [#workshops]
How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members : through workshops, press, Telecom Companies
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tutor [#tutor]
About the relationship between the pedagogical manager and the learners after the CES : the learners usually ask Bruno to be the tutor of their specialized master
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aim [#aim]
The interactivity between the learners: they come from different parts of France or North Africa, with an almost similar background, with the same aim : to obtain the BADGE-CGE diploma
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L2 diploma [#L2_diploma]
About the BADGE-CGE diploma: specialized master - M2/ D1 - for people having a L2 diploma plus 10 years of experience - the diploma is obtained in 2 or 3 years with 2 CES in 3 domains and is validated by a professional thesis conducted in 1 year
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INT rules [#INT_rules]
Defined by INT rules []
companies [#companies]
The role of the pedagogical manager1 : to seek for the needs in continuing education, espacially towards the needs of the companies, according to Catherine Sorieul - responsible of the BADGE-CGE CES,
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Intra Entrepris [#Intra_Entrepris]
About the Intra Entreprise Trainings: the present CES is an Inter Entreprises Certificate but sometimes compagnies ask for an Intra Enterprise Training
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past and present learners [#past_and_presen]
A difficult but important objective : to create trough the platform a link between the past and present learners of all CES to build a large community.
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Defined by past and present learners []
Telecom Network [#Telecom_Network]
Name of the CoP : BADGE-CGE - Telecom Networks and Services CES Certificat d enseignement specialise - a community of learners made up of 21 members : 15 teachers
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Inter Entreprises [#Inter_Entrepris]
About the Intra Entreprise Trainings: the present CES is an Inter Entreprises Certificate but sometimes compagnies ask for an Intra Enterprise Training
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official texts are uploaded by [#official_texts_are_uploaded_by]
About the documents uploaded in the workspace : they are not so many, and the use is moderated by Bruno. In fact, some official texts are uploaded by Bruno and various documents related to the courses are uploaded by the learners ( light documents are often sent by email)
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continuing education [#continuing_education]
Bruno presents himself, involved in continuing education and in data networks
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learner members [#learner_members]
How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members : through workshops, press, Telecom Companies
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under the authority of [#under_the_authority_of]
About the 15 teachers involved in this CoP : each teacher is in charge of teaching modules and of the follow-up of learners, under the authority of the moderator, via the Telje platform forum
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years of experience [#10_years_of_exp]
About the BADGE-CGE diploma: specialized master - M2/ D1 - for people having a L2 diploma plus 10 years of experience - the diploma is obtained in 2 or 3 years with 2 CES in 3 domains and is validated by a professional thesis conducted in 1 year
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Maghreb countri [#Maghreb_countri]
A first tool for this CoP : Telje, history of Telje - for Maghreb countries ; specifications : 1-for online courses, 2-for tests in limited time and corrections, 3-for interactive meetings - audio-meetings
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micro-communities [#micro-communiti]
Creation of micro-communities : 2 or 3 learners inside the CoP for conducting projects, these projects are proposed by the teachers
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evoluation in t [#evoluation_in_t]
These debreifings have contributed, with other factors, to have an evoluation in the training programs introducing for instance sociology courses and human resource courses, to supply the lack of human links in online courses
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courses are uploaded by [#courses_are_uploaded_by]
About the documents uploaded in the workspace : they are not so many, and the use is moderated by Bruno. In fact, some official texts are uploaded by Bruno and various documents related to the courses are uploaded by the learners ( light documents are often sent by email)
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Security of Sys [#Security_of_Sys]
Defined by Security of Sys []
professional experience [#professional_experience]
About the results the learners are waiting for. For Patricia 2 motivations : 1- to obtain in the future the specialized master -2- the knowledge. For all members : validation of their professional experience
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small or big compagnies [#small_or_big_compagnies]
Origin of the learners : it depends of their background -they did their 10 years of experience in small or big compagnies-. These differences make richer exchanges between the members and that is also the reason why the members are happy with that training -they are French or from North Africa, all speaking French-
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responsible for [#responsible_for]
Name and role of the interviewee : Bruno - pedagogical manager, moderator, responsible for access and planning - and Patricia, from 01:22:20 to 01:31:2,7 - a learner
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minimum level of competencies [#minimum_level_of_competencies]
Competencies and age of the learners : a minimum level of competencies is wanted to enter the CES - the typical age of members is 30 =20 to obtain L2 + 10 years of experience, from 27 to 50 years old
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BADGE-CGE diplo [#BADGE-CGE_diplo]
About the BADGE-CGE diploma: specialized master - M2/ D1 - for people having a L2 diploma plus 10 years of experience - the diploma is obtained in 2 or 3 years with 2 CES in 3 domains and is validated by a professional thesis conducted in 1 year
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Telecom Companies [#Telecom_Companies]
How the CoP communicates to have new enrolled learner members : through workshops, press, Telecom Companies
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exchange docume [#exchange_docume]
How teachers and learners exchange documents trough the platform, in the respect of the INT rules and the copyright rules
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Defined by exchange docume []
responsible of [#responsible_of_]
The role of the pedagogical manager : to seek for the needs in continuing education, espacially towards the needs of the companies, according to Catherine Sorieul - responsible of the BADGE-CGE CES
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Undetermined (1)

Actors and Community, by Amira and Rose_FLAT CL [#]


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