Adjoining Independent Computations
Laurent Hascoët
Stefka Fidanova
Christophe Held
(INRIA, BP93, 06902 Sophia-Antipolis, France)
Proceedings of the AD2000 Conference, Nice, France, june 2000 (7 pages)
The reverse or adjoint mode of automatic
differentiation is a software engineering technique that permits
efficient computation of gradients. However, this technique
requires a lot of temporary memory. In this paper, we present a
refinement that reduces memory consumption in the case of
parallel loops, and we give a proof of its correctness based on
properties of the data-dependence graph of adjoint programs
and parallel loops. This technique is particularly suitable for
assembly loops that dominate in mesh-based computations.
Application is done on the kernel of a realistic Navier-Stokes
Keywords:Automatic Differentiation, reverse mode, adjoints,
parallel loops, data-dependence, Navier-Stokes
Full text (pdf)
author = {Hasco\"et, L. and Fidanova, S. and Held, C.},
title = {Adjoining Independent Computations},
booktitle = {Automatic Differentiation of Algorithms, from Simulation to Optimization},
series = "Computer and Information Science",
publisher = "Springer",
note = {selected papers from the AD2000 conference, Nice, France},
pages = "299-304",
year = 2001