subroutine sub2(x,y,z,N,o) real a,x,y,z integer n,o,i dimension x(2*N),y(2*N),z(2*N) C a normal loop: a = 0.5 * X(20) DO 200 i=5+o,N,2 C with an if-then and a goto if (Z(i) .gt. 0.0) then Z(i) = Z(i-1)-2*Z(i)+Y(i+1) X(i) = 3*X(i) - Y(i+1)*Y(i-1) else if (Z(i).lt.-10.0) then Z(i) = -Z(i) else Z(i) = cos(X(i)) goto 100 endif Y(i) = log(Z(i)) 100 Y(i) = Y(i) + 1 200 continue a = X(10) + a C a while loop: i = 1 DO while( i = i+5 Z(i) = Z(i-1)+Z(i+1) X(i) = 3*X(i) - Y(i+1)*Y(i-1) enddo end