Report: STARS MONTHLY MEETING – 18/11/2013

Galois/Coriolis – 14h00


23 People attended



04/11/2013 – 18 month Jacques Serlan Technical Support for the whole clinical computer setup

For the moment he is working for STARS (Ehpad/Dem@care)


About Ehpad : See with Gregory about treadmills, where to put etc


About Hervé: it seems, 1 week here/2weeks Paris


Phd Defense Successful

Serhan COSAR now as post doc


About Bernard, Like Yves Pichon last Stars Monthly meeting – He is working on e-sensys as well.

He comes from Orion team (Phd) and then different project and Kinect in particular.


About Minh Khue current work: Doing a system which can recognize activity people.

The idea is to combine: video game with activity recognition


Past meeting

21-24/10 Barcelone – ACM MM 2013 Worshop – Carlos

Next conf : From 03 to 07/11/2014

24/10 – Nice – Cobtek

28-29/10 – IspraErncip Vidéo Analytics & surveillance meeting – More administrative

29-31/10 – St Heand (St Etienne) Panorama – François & SlawomirIndustrial & Academic

Topic: Multi Cameras – Next one in March

04-08/11 – Tokyo – IROS + IREX – François – Robotic Conf – Quiet Large – Lot of paper on computer vision – FB presented paper from Baptiste & Carlos 

05-09/11 – Vilnius - ICT 2013 Conference as an Exhibitor to demonstrate our Activity Recognition system for older people – Carlos

07/11 – Nice - Innovation Alzheimer Workshop 2013 - ICT, Stimulation & Aging – Baptiste  - Serious game useful for old people

12/11 – Noisy Le Grand - Vanaheim – Final review – The third and last one – They are satisfied with results but they don’t know yet how they are going to use the algorithm


Next meeting

22/11 – Nice - Faculty of Medicine

25/11 – Lenval Cobtek / Florence AskenazySpecialist Autistic children – The same thing with old people, with young people

25-26/11 – Temuco (Chile) – EVIC 2013 – Summer School – Carolina

27/11 – Groupe EPSP -

28/11 – Sophia – Cobtek

03-06/2013 – Sydney - ICCV 2013

11/12 – HWB End Year Event

16/12 – Marionnet Assist – Jean Pierre MERLET – A demo from Baptiste & Minh Khue

17-19/12 - Nice – Dem@care Consortium Meeting – Big demo

20/12 – Sophia – Malik Thesis Defense


Annual Activity Report

Annie & François will send to everyone a template, thanks to reply them before end of November (26/11/2013)

2 goals:

Evaluation of the team next year

Good advertise for the team



Group Tracking and Behavior Recognition in Long Video Surveillance Sequences

C. Gárate, S. Zaidenberg, J. Badie and F. Brémond, in 9th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Jan. 2014. (2014)


Feature matching using co-inertia analysis for people tracking

Srinidhi MUKANAHALLIPATNA SIMHA, Phu Duc CHAU , Francois BREMOND, in Int. Joint Conf.on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Jan. 2014.


It is a PANORAMA workshop paper :
Retrieval tool for person re-identification

Slawomir Bak, François Brémond, Vasanth Bathrinarayanan, Alessandro Capra, Davide Giacalone, Giuseppe Messina, Antonio Buemi

Towards Unsupervised Sudden Group Movement Discovery for Video Surveillance

Contact Author: Sofia Zaidenberg

Co-Authors: Piotr Bilinski, François Brémond


Towards Reliable Real-Time Person Detection

Silviu-Tudor SERBAN (Main author), Srinidhi MUKANAHALLIPATNA SIMHA, Vasanth BATHRINARAYANAN, Etienne CORVEE, Francois BREMOND (Supervisor)








16/12/2013 – 11h – Building: Kahn – Room: Kahn 4 - 1st floor