Report: STARS MONTHLY MEETING – 18/10/2013

Galois/Coriolis – 14h00


22 People attended



Piotr – 10/10: back after 3 month Microsoft internship to SeatleA little talk from him about his feeling and all


Presentation from Yves PICHON about the Project With Yves Pichon & Bernard Boulay, Malik, Slawomir

e-Sensys is an INRIA startup project that aims at helping the retail industry to shift from analog CCTV to IP video by boosting the video system's profitability by :

-        Reducing the operator's cost in small & mid-size stores,

-        Significantly improving the operator's profitability in large stores and,

-        Using the video system to grow stores' revenue.


e-Sensys will use the Stars team's technologies as a backbone to develop the new solutions required to initiate that market shift towards IP.


Next Newcomers

04/11/2013 – 18 month Jacques Serlan Technical Support Ehpad


People who has left

Marco – Internship 20/09/2013

Narjes + CherifInternship – 30/09/2013

Sonia – 30/09/2013 – Engineer Mexico

Rim – 30/09/2013 – Now she is Doctor

Title: Activity Recognition and Uncertain Knowledge in video scenes applied to Health Care Monitoring


Next Leaving

31/10 – Hervéwill be allocated to Inria Paris but still working with STARS


Defense Thesis

20/12/2013 – 10h – Inria Sophia – Euler Violet - Malik SOUDED

People tracking through a network of video cameras

Presented the Jury: Monique Thonnat as president, James Ferryman and Carlo Regazzoni as reviewers, Patrick Bouthemy (Inria Rennes) as examiner and Marie Claude Frasson (Digital Barriers) as guest


Past meeting

08-14/09 – Bristol – BMVC – Guillaume – Small conf – More students

12-13/09 – Nice – SEGAMED 2013 – - organized every year by Nice people - How to use serious games in a health domain

13/09 – Inria Sophia – Toyota project

18-20/09 – Goteborg - Review Meeting Support - Vasanth

16-20/09 – Greece - Dem@care Summer School/DemAALLot of particpants – François made a demo about work of carlos & Baptiste

23/09 – Jaroslaw BAK for 5 Days (Erasmus) – A little different about what he is doing but interesting

23-27/09 – Nancy – Bootcamp PAL – Baptiste – Integration meeting with, different Engineers from the different Inria Teams – Now they have something to work together about “people staying at home”

24/09 – Interview from François for Inria Birthday – 30 years old

25-27/09 – Paris – VANAHEIM Final Review François talked

30/09 – INRIA Sophia – 13h30 - PHD Rim Defense

01/10 – Paris - Eval AEN PAL

02-04/10 – Dem@care – François + Carlos + SerhanBig project on assistance living

07-10/10 – Gif Sur Yvette – Visite équipe TAO + Galen - Guillaume

09+10/10 – Team Sphere (Sensor Platform for HEalthcare in a Residential Environment) from Bristol – Success meeting

10/10 – FFTT + Dartfish (Stat about software with sport)- Baptiste

08+11/10 – Cobtek LenvalYou are welcome to visit or if you have any question about Ehpad

11/10 – Sousse – Jury Soutenance Master Narjes Ghrairi - Annie

14-17/10 – CRCV at University of Central Florida – Big University/nice welcome and the website of Mubarak Shah is just gorgeous and could be nice if in France people had the same awareness.


Talk about Serhan – He will defend the 01/11/2013 to start as Post-doc the 04/11 within Stars


Narjes didn’t get the grant Cordi

ð Really important to have a nice CV, reference letters, writing paper and all


New campaign of internship if open till mid of november


Annie: Report about the activity we have done during the year


A word from Guillaume about Tuesday Presentation : “Even you don’t like it, it’s a good exercice for you and please inform when you are not available to present”


14/10/2013 – Jane attended at Inria Award 2013 (Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris)

5 awards :

Inria French Academie des Sciences Grand prizeWinner : Jean Michel Morel

Inria – French Académie des Sciences – Dassault Systemes Innovation AwardWinner : Pascale Vicat Blanc

Inria  - French Académie des Sciences Young Research Award – Winner : Anatole Lécuyer

Support for research & Innovation Inria Award – Winners: Edith Corre, Marie Hélène Pautrat & Michel Loyer

Research Support Department Inria Award – Winners: Assistants to project teams of INRIA Centre Sophia Antipolis - Mediterranée


Next meeting

21-24/10 Barcelone – ACM MM 2013 Worshop – Carlos

21/10 – Audition Ingénieur ADT 4eme et derniere session

23/10 Inria Sophia - AERES

24/10 – Nice - Cobtek

28-29/10 IspraErncip Vidéo Analytics & surveillance meeting

29-31/10 – St Heand (St Etienne) Panorama – François & Slawomir

04-08/11 – Tokyo – IROS + IREX – François – Robotic Conf

05-09/11 – Vilnius - ICT 2013 Conference as an Exhibitor to demonstrate our Activity Recognition system for older people – Carlos

07/11 – Nice - Innovation Alzheimer Workshop 2013 - ICT, Stimulation & Aging – Baptiste will attend

12/11 Vanaheim – Final review

15/11 – Workshop ICT & CTAD : ICT Stimulation & Aging – Will no participate




From Rathnesh

paper (CVPR 13 workshop) surveys various tracking
evaluation software (MOTA, MT etc) and points out following :

1. Different software produces different quantitative results .
2. Annotations for same video differs from lab to lab.

--> If you are using PNNL dataset (parking lot) from CRCV (Mubarak's)
cvpr 12 , then be careful that occluded (partial) people are not marked
and some Ids share the same time frame (lousy and poor annotation quality).
There are some other important conclusions too”


Yuliya Tarabalka (AYIN team, INRIA), Guillaume Charpiat, Ludovic Brucker (NASA), Bjoern Menze (ETH Zürich / MIT / Asclepios team) - "Enforcing Monotonous Shape Growth or Shrinkage in Video Segmentation" - BMVC, Bristol, sept. 2013


Carlos Fernando Crispim-Junior, Baptiste Fosty, Qiao Ma, Rim Romdhane, Francois Bremond and Monique Thonnat "Combining Multiple Sensors for Event Recognition of Older People" has been accepted in ACM MM MIIRH 2013 (21-25/10/2013 – Barcelone).


Baptiste FOSTY “Event Recognition System for Older People Monitoring Using an RGB-D Camera”

workshop ASROB-2013 in conjunction with IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, November 7, 2013, Tokyo Big Sight, Japan



18/11/2013 – 14h – Building: Galois – Room: Coriolis