Kahn 4 – 1st Floor – 11:00 am



19 People attended


A little aside from François saying it’s the time to see for any needs of interns.


Next Leaving

18/12/2013 - Stefan after 4 month of Internship

“Evaluation of activity recognition system using RGB-Depth camera (e.g. Kinect)”

Nice presentation the 16/12 of his work – Good contribution


Past meeting

19/11 + 06/12 – E-sensys - Store monitoring – They have the label

22/11 – Nice - Faculty of Medicine – Presentation with Philippe Robert for young doctors if they are interested for research

25/11 – Lenval Cobtek / Florence AskenazyProf on Autism interested in our tools in activity monitoring with kids from 2 to 5 years old – They receive money from Monaco to make experience - Goal: make games with noise and all what disturb autistic children to do studies.

27/11 – Sophia - Groupe EPSP - - Jean Yves Tigli wasn’t there – Medical studies with local doctors - Epistemology

28/11 – Sophia – Cobtek – Carlos + Minh Khue + Jacques Attended – Medical and Computer part è Good synergie

28/11 – Dem@care telco

06/12 – Hephaïstos Presentation – Team for Roboticians with Jean Pierre MERLET – They are very interested to work with doctors – Main Topic: Calibration of systems

09/12 –Territorial Diagnosis – 3 Students paid by conseil general department for taking care for old people – Baptiste made a demo

09/12 – GeniousGoal: Design games for people with Alzheimer disease – No other meeting planed for the moment

10/12 – PACA Est – E-sensys + a meeting board the 16/12 pm

10/12 – CENTAUR next secondement with Malik (06/01 to 05/03/2014)

12/12 – Silver Economy – Paris –

Baptiste made demo – Not so many people because he wasn’t in a good place but Demo ok.

13/12 – Nice Cobtek

13/12 – Sophia – Euler Violet – 02:30 pm – Rehearsal Malik Defense – 1st rehearsal a little bit too long – next one 17/12 am


Next meeting

16/12 – Sophia - AFM (French Association against Myopathy)

And afternoon Marionnet Assist – Jean Pierre MERLET – A demo from Baptiste & Minh Khue

17-19/12 - Nice – Dem@care Consortium Meeting – Big demo

20/12 – Sophia – Malik Thesis Defense

06-08/01 – Lisbon – VISAPP 2014 – François, Carolina, Sophia, Slawomir, Silviu, Srinidhi will attend

07/01 – Workshop Panorama

13/01 – Bilan ADT paris PAL Infra – François to present a demo


Annual Activity Report  èDone – Annie sent it to the all team the 19/12/2013


Stars in group Assignment by Topic (in order to help the agent in the team to exchange views, work and all in their domain)

èGuillaume talked about it

- Segmentation (video, image, background subtraction) : Anh-Tuan,
Ratnesh, Vasanth
- Detection : Vasanth, Malik, Anh-Tuan
- Tracking : Phu, Ratnesh, Julien B, Carolina, Malik, Agustin, Slawek
- Multi-camera (calibration, re-identification) : Slawek, Ratnesh,
Agustin, Malik  (NB : "multi-camera group" is part of "tracking group")
- Action recognition : Piotr, Michal
- Supervised event recognition : Carlos, Carolina, Stefanus
- Unsupervised activity learning : Serhan, Salma, Giuseppe, Hervé
- "Serious games" : Baptiste, Minh-Khue
- Software platforms (SUP) : Julien G, Jacques + all SUP contributors



Group Tracking and Behavior Recognition in Long Video Surveillance Sequences

C. Gárate, S. Zaidenberg, J. Badie and F. Brémond, in 9th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Jan. 2014. (2014)


Feature matching using co-inertia analysis for people tracking

Srinidhi MUKANAHALLIPATNA SIMHA, Phu Duc CHAU , Francois BREMOND, in Int. Joint Conf.on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISAPP), Jan. 2014.


It is a PANORAMA workshop paper :
Retrieval tool for person re-identification

Slawomir Bak, François Brémond, Vasanth Bathrinarayanan, Alessandro Capra, Davide Giacalone, Giuseppe Messina, Antonio Buemi

Towards Unsupervised Sudden Group Movement Discovery for Video Surveillance

Contact Author: Sofia Zaidenberg

Co-Authors: Piotr Bilinski, François Brémond


Towards Reliable Real-Time Person Detection

Silviu-Tudor SERBAN (Main author), Srinidhi MUKANAHALLIPATNA SIMHA, Vasanth BATHRINARAYANAN, Etienne CORVEE, Francois BREMOND (Supervisor)



Enjoye Chrismas time ;)


The INRIA center will be closed on the 25 + 1st of January 2014
26 and 27th December will be open like saturday 08:00 am to 08:00 pm
The lunch schedule will be reduced [12h - 13h] the 23rd, 24th, 30th and 31st, with reduced choice of dishes.



17/01/2014 – 14h – Building: Galois – Room: Coriolis