GALOIS/Coriolis – 14h00


26 People attended


New-comers Presentation By themselves

Serhan COSAR as IE – 13/03 – 12 month - Video understanding, Machine Learning, Behaviour recognition

(In holidays this week)

Michal KOPERSKI as Internship – 02/04 - 6 month - Human action recognition using RGB-Depth sensors

Linked with Carlos

Narjes GHRAIRI – Through Campaign Internship  - 08/04 - 6 month - Primitive Event Generation in an Activity Recognition Platform – She works with Annie & Daniel


Next new-comers

Cherif BERGHEUL – Through Campaign Internship  22/04 -  5 month - Adaptive composition and formal verification of software in ubiquitous computing. Application to ambient health care systems.

Will work as well with Jean-Yves TIGLI


Marco San BIAGIO – 22/04 – 5 month – As Doctoral visitorIstituto italiano de Tecnologia PAVIS - working on Computer Vision issue, in particular to Multi-Sensor Fusion – Will work with Julien B + Slawomir

Joel WANZA – 10/06- 2 month – will work with Annie & Daniel – Program Simulator Light-Esterel compiled

Stefanus CANDRA – 26/08 – 4 Month – Machine Learning & Computer Vision


People who is going to left

Abhineshwar TOMAR – after 6 month as ACET is going towards new horizons in Belgium after the 30 of April



Slawomir is BackA little talk from him

Phu left for 2 month – NeovisionMarch & April

Vasanth instead of SrinidhiIn June & July

NB: Vasanth will be in holidays from the 25/04 and then will leave for 2 month so be organized if you need to collaborate with him


VISIT FROM Abdelghani CHIBANI + 2 Students working on the cloud and coming to combine their research with Julien G about SUP Between the 29/04 and the 03/05


Past meeting

12/03 – Talking about Aurélie’s working with Kinect with CSTB – For the moment nothing new that they already know

15/03 – Nice - Visit of Institute Claude Pompidou (Alzheimer disease) – Very nice place in particular to reproduce serious game

19-20/03 – Val de Reuil - Dem@care – Few words from Carlos about success and areas where improvements are needed (test computer plug with kinect)

A few words from François about the Challenge of Dem@care (Trying to install new sup in hospital with the goal to detect people sitting, walking and so on)

22/03 – Visit from Thierry PRIOL – new Partnership European Director presented the new European framework & new way to find European project

26/03 - Paris - Conf “Dépendances – Les Echos– About the future project from the government


28-29/03 – Nice - Fragility –– A few words from Carlos and from François as well, about the new framework

ie, in one side: Alzheimer disease and now, a new approach: those who are not sick but would tend to fragility and develop demencia.

09/04 – Scientific Mediation by François – Workshop designed for the ones who are not scientific but who are in relation with scientific topics to have precisely a better scientific approach  with keywords and to have an overall vision about the different fields.

10-12/04 – Catana - PANORAMA – Review meeting - A few words from Slawomir – 2 days with some demos, talks about futures plans and visit the site which is look like “Electronics valley”.


Next meeting

16/04 – Paris – HWB ftF mtgAbout Health being

17+18/04 – Paris - EIT ICT Labs + Les Rencontres du Numérique de l’ANR (Cité des Sciences)

22/04 – Montpellier - Az@game

06 to 09/05 – ModeneFirst Spring Short School on Surveillance

10/05 – Barcelona – Computer Vision Center


Talking about next Vanaheim meeting from 14/05 to 16/05 and maby Slawomir will present something during the review in September



International Journal

·       P.H. Robert, A. Konig, S. Andrieu, F. Bremond, I. Chemin, P.C. Chung, J.F. Dartigues , B. Dubois, G. Feutren, R. Guillemaud, P.A. Kenisberg, S. Nave, B. Vellas, F. Verhey, J. Yesavage and P. Mallea. Recommendations for ICT use in Alzheimer's Disease assessment: Monaco CTAD expert meeting, JNHA - The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging Ref. No.: JNHA-D-13-00016R1, 2013

·       F. Porikli, F. Bremond, S. L. Dockstader, J. Ferryman, A. Hoogs, B. C. Lovell, S. Pankanti, B. Rinner, P. Tu, and P. L. Venetianer. Video Surveillance: Past, Present, and Now the Future, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine forum, IEEE-SPM forum to appear in the May 2013 issue


International Conference

·       P. Bilinski, E. Corvee, S. Bak and F. Bremond. Relative Dense Tracklets for Human Action Recognition . The 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition , FG 2013, Shanghai, China, 22-26 April, 2013.


A few words from Guillaume about the last CP 21/03/2013:

AERES; new associated teams (Apics, Coati, Zenith); presentation form Didier Parigot about”Shared-Data Overlay Network”; next recruitment for CR2


François met Florence ESKENASY, Psychiatrist at Lenval in Nice concerning autism & anorexia – This service is working about therapy with fragrance.


Next Conferences:

FG 2013 - 22 to 26/04 – Shanghai - Piotr will attend

Have to prepare something before leaving…


ICSE 2013 – 18-26/05 – San Francisco – Sabine & Jean Paul will attend – Luis Emiliano couldn’t attended


IAGG 2013 – 23-27/06 – Seoul – François will attend


ICVS 2013 – 16-18/07 – St Petersbourg

Poster of Phu accepted – Monique will attend


ECML PKDD 2013 – 23-27/09 - Prague, Czech Republic -
paper submission: Monday, April 22, 2013


ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) -

Visual Understanding with RGB-D Sensors  Paper submission due: Jun. 30, 2013


Administrative Reminder

- F: “Think asking to stay at INRIA after the “legal time” 48h before” – and it’s better when you are 2

- Tuesday presentation: François explained that we can’t create Menue-dépense every week look like grocery receipt & Guillaume for having a collection like 5€ each per month

- From 30/04 the evening to 10/05 the evening we have to anticipate the future needs
Because as we already informed: no order, no request for purchase, no mission and so on will be considered during this period;

You will find the gate opening hours on the billboards Borel 0 & Borel -1

-To get reimbursement/Menue-Dépenses, accounting service request original receipt & credit card receipt

Jane’s Holidays

-I’ll be off next Friday the 19th and the 22nd of April


-From 9th to 12th Of July

-And 14th of August to 06 of September

During summer holidays, I will try to visit my mail box but for any emergency you could contact AP SUPPORT

But it could be better if you could anticipate your Mission and everything

If anyway you had any emergency, please think to start your email writing “ STARS “ in the object and be as clear as possible.


Ending meeting with a few words from Slawomir about his secondment in Praha (Project Centaur) – He prepared an interesting presentation about Honeywell and various Lab that he visited and so on.


After the meeting: Team Picture at restaurant place – Picture by Laurie VERMEERSCH


For those who couldn’t be there because mission, holidays and so on, another one will be plan in a few weeks


End at: 15h16



13/05/2013 – 14:00 – Room: Coriolis – Building: Galois