Galois/Coriolis – 14h00


24 People attended

Lot of demonstrations to be ready è some Stars members missing

Phu + Piotr & Ratnesh attended to a workshop in scientific English


A little talk about Serhan. He started as Engineer the 12 of march but it is his first Stars’meeting.

In November he will start a fellowship as Post-Doc.


Next new-comers

Joel WANZA – 17/06- 2 month – will work with Annie & Daniel – Program Simulator Light-Esterel compiled/C++ – Talk from Annie – Level Master 1 at Nice


Daniel GAFFE working with Annie, will be back in September for 1 year


Next Leaving

Piotr 20/06/2013 – internship for 3 month within Microsoft USA on a similar topic

Sahil 13/07/2013 -

Imad 31/08/2013

Kartick 31/08/2013

Srinidhi earlier than planned (October) +/- middle of july



Vasanth instead of SrinidhiBack end of july


Past meeting

2 meetings for Vanaheim Project (middle and end of may) – François Sonia + Guillaume + Ratnesh + Giuseppe attended – Talk from Sonia about review & demo and from Guillaume

ð Demo not convincing yet but they seems quiet happy.

17/05 – 14:00 – Coriolis Serhan talked about his work

19-25/05 – ICSE 2013 – San FransiscoSabine & Jean Paul attended

22-23/05 – Brussels – Panorama Review – François – Good challenge with what they are doing in computer vision

28-29/05 – EPFL Visiting – Lausanne – Slawomir submited his work and good feedback from EPFL

29/05 – INRIA – Talk from Fabio SOLARI – Complementary with what we are doing

30/05 - Scientific Mediation by François specially for SAER service – very successful in general

06-07/06 – Netherlands - INSIGHT FPP meeting

13-14/06 – Stockholm - Support Demo Planning Vasanth attended in order to see demonstrator


Cobtek: a talk from François about the last visit to EHPAD and the good process for September


Next meeting

17-19/06 – Lulea - Dem@care Meeting – François + Carlos (1st prototype) + A big challenge: all they are doing in a small computer + lot of partners

22-26/06 – Rennes - JS-JREP – Guillaume + Carlos (PAL) – In order to introduce each other, make demo and all

23-27/06 – Seoul – IAGG – François with Philippe ROBERT + Alexandra KONIG + Pau Choo CHUN

01/07 – Paris – Collaboration/These Lyazid SABRI – Université Paris Est + 09/07 for Francis MARTINEZ

02+05/07 – Florence ESKENAZI – Television of Monaco about what we are doing & Autism


Talk from François about Pal in Rennes from 07 to 12 of July

07-10è Bootcamp PAL

10-12è Workshop PAL




International Conference

D.P. Chau, M. Thonnat and F. Bremond. Automatic Parameter Adaptation for Multi-Object Tracking. In the 9th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems, ICVS 2013, St. Petersburg, Russia on July 16-18, 2013.


AVSS 2013, 27-30/08 -  3 Papers accepted: Rim Romdhane, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Duc Phu CHAU


08/07/2013 – 14:00 – Room: Coriolis – Building: Galois


And Jane will be in holidays from the 09/07 to 12/07