GALOIS/Coriolis – 14h00


21 People attended

New-comers Presentation

Sahil DHAWAN from the 14/01/2013 – Internship for 6 month – Assessing people detection using RGB-Depth sensors (e.g. Kinect)

By himself

Malik SOUDED from the 01/02/2013 – PhD – 6 month - Tracking of persons through a network of video cameras

Malik writing manuscript was introduced By François


Next new-comers (François)

And Correction about Serhan From Jane

Rida IMAD as Scientist Acet – 01/03 - 6 month - Assessing people detection using RGB-Depth sensors (e.g. Kinect)

Kartick SUBRAMANIAN as internship – 01/03 - 6 month - Adaptable People tracking and Machine Learning

PhD in Singapore with Suresh SUNDARAM – to adapt machine learning technical to help tracking

Giuseppe DONATIELLO as IE – 04/03 – 12 month - People tracking and video understanding

Serhan COSAR as IE – 12/03 – 12 month - Video understanding, Machine Learning, Behaviour recognition

Michal KOPERSKI as Internship – 01/04 - 6 month - Human action recognition using RGB-Depth sensors.


Through Campaign Internship

Narjes GHRAIRI – 01/04 – 6 month - Primitive Event Generation in an Activity Recognition Platform

Cherif BERGHEUL – 01/04 – 6 month - Adaptive composition and formal verification of software in ubiquitous computing.

Application to ambient health care systems.


CENTAUR (François)

Slawomir left for 2 month – Honeywell the hosting Organization – Feb & March

Phu will leave for 2 month – Neovision – March & April

Maybe Vasanth instead of Srinidhi - In August & September


Past meeting

08/01 & 09/01 – Dem@care WP5 + WP7 - Carlos

09/01 – Vicomo – Paris – Project Finished (François)

10/01 – Centaur – Jane’s trying to get the tips & Tricks about the rules and financement

11/01 - Az@game – Montpellier – François + Baptiste – Think a feedback for Josiane ZERUBIA – Legal issue

15/01 – Thesis Defence Boris MEDEN – Paris – François & feedback from Julien B about the manuscript

17/01 – STAPS - François – Az@game Project – Collaboration with Gregory & team Reves

18/01 – Panorama - François

18/01 – INRIA President Wishes 2013 – François – Thanks, events & Buildings for the last year

22/01 – SUPAERO – François

24/01 – Thales research days – AbhineswharAbsent to talk about it

24+25/01 – ICT Labs

25/01 – Mediterranean days Students

06/02 – Fondation Noisiez - - Day Hospital for Alzheimer's disease or related diseases.

07/02 – COLLOQUIUM JACQUES MORGENSTERN - Joëlle Coutaz - Professeure à l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble
L'interaction Homme-Machine, c'est plus qu'une affaire de peinture!” – Sonia & Phu attended


Next meeting

11/02 – Evaluation ADT 2013 – with salma & Guido’s works

18-19/02 - Data collection STENA – Goteborg SuedenVasanth

25/02 – Visit from Vania Bogorny, professor at UFSC, Brazil, at the Department of Informatics and Statistics. Her background is in computer science – She will make a talk about trajectory

07/03 – Cobtek meeting at Sophia – 8 people


Hal (Annie)

We can now post your personal copy


Publications – (François)

·         Q. MA, B. Fosty, C. Crispim-Junior and F. Bremond. Fusion Framework for Video Event Recognition.

In the proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications - SPPRA 2013 - Innsbruck - 12~14 February 2013


·         M. Souded and F. Bremond. Optimized Cascade of Classifiers for People Detection Using Covariance Features. In the Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications Conference

VISAPP – Barcelona – Spain - 21-24 February - 2013


·         P. Bilinski, E. Corvee, S. Bak and F. Bremond. Relative Dense Tracklets for Human Action Recognition.

The 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition

FG 2013 – Shanghai – China - 22-26 April – 2013

Reminder about resident permit renewal

The resident permit renewal request has to be made 2 month before the deadline

Because no admissible arguments so 180€ penalties automatically

François – Jane è Be sure that you request for the renewal of your contract or hosting agreement be done in time to be in the good time for the request of you resident permit.



Next Conferences:

ICVS 2013 – 16-18 July – St Petersbourg

Paper submission deadline  February 28, 2013


AVSS 2013 – 27-30 August – Krakow

Paper submission: Mar 18, 2013


ICCV 2013 – 01 au 08 December – Sydney

Abstract submission deadline: April 8, 2013

Submission of full paper: April 12, 2013


Info Competitive Selections


Young graduate scientists

Senior researchers

François – Publications & Ref Letters are important


SUP- demo from Julien G


End of the meeting Stars at 15h04



11/03/2013 – 14:00 – Room: Coriolis – Building: Galois