GALOIS/Coriolis – 14h00


23 People attended

New-comers Presentation from newcomers themselves

Imad RIDA as Scientist Acet – 01/03 - 6 month - Assessing people detection using RGB-Depth sensors (e.g. Kinect)

Kartick SUBRAMANIAN as internship – 01/03 - 6 month - Adaptable People tracking and Machine Learning

PhD in Singapore (Nanyang Technological University) with Suresh SUNDARAM – to adapt machine learning technical to help tracking

Giuseppe DONATIELLO as IE – 04/03 – 12 month - People tracking and video understanding

Next new-comers

Serhan COSAR as IE – 13/03 – 12 month - Video understanding, Machine Learning, Behaviour recognition

Michal KOPERSKI as Internship – 01/04 - 6 month - Human action recognition using RGB-Depth sensors

Marco San BIAGIO – 22/04 – 5 month – As Doctoral visitor – Istituto italiano de Tecnologia PAVIS - working on Computer Vision issue, in particular to Multi-Sensor Fusion.

Will work with Slawomir


Through Campaign Internship

Narjes GHRAIRI – 01/04 – 6 month - Primitive Event Generation in an Activity Recognition Platform

Cherif BERGHEUL – 01/04 – 6 month - Adaptive composition and formal verification of software in ubiquitous computing.

Application to ambient health care systems.


About SUP θSAHIL who suggested some changes in newSUP, had successfully integrated them.



Phu left for 2 month – Neovision – March & April

Vasanth instead of Srinidhi – In June & July (waiting confirmation from Neo)

NB: Vasanth will be in holidays in May before leaving for 2 month so be organized if you need to collaborate with him


Talk from Franηois about the request from Abdelghani CHIBANI to send at STARS, 2 students to work on SUP

π  Annie & Julien are in the loop

π  Jane see with Mr CHIBANI about admin part (actually, it will be for short stay ie: 3 or 5 days each time)

Past meeting

11/02 – Evaluation ADT 2013 – with Salma & Guido’s works – Waiting for 1 EI for 1 year to work on it

18-19/02 - Data collection STENA – Goteborg Sueden – By Vasanth working on some results from a video that he recorded

25/02 – Visit & talk from Vania Bogorny, professor at UFSC, Brazil, at the Department of Informatics and Statistics

– they appreciated the demo from the team

26/02 – Solar Games – Like Az@game - Multimedia Application Editor for mediation of knowledge & cognitive remediation through a web approach more collaborative fun & social – Games adapted specifically for patient with dementia or autism

θInterested to work with us in order to measure reaction and interpret its as fair as possible

07/03 – Cobtek meeting - INRIA Sophia – 8 people – Baptiste & Carlos attended – Lot of data presently and now is needed to provide some results – But 2 points are in progress : need some tera and how to transfer the data

08/03 – Professor Michel BARLAUD – I3S – Collaboration with Piotr


Next meeting

12/03 – Talking about Aurιlie’Works

15/03 - Visit of ICP – Institut Alzheimer Claude Pompidou – The Staff will start in september

19-20/03 – Dem@care – Carlos is dealing to make SUP working

22/03 – Visit from Thierry PRIOL – new Partnership European Director

26/03 - Conf “Dιpendances – Les Echos” - Paris

28-29/03 – Fragilitι – Nice – Carlos will attend and those who can be interested are welcome & tell it to Franηois)

09/04 – Scientific Mediation by Franηois – Workshop designed for the ones who are not scientific but who are in relation with scientific topics to have precisely a better scientific approach  with keywords and to have an overall vision about the different fields.

10-12/04 – PANORAMA – In Sicily with Slawomir



A little talk by Annie about the Committee of the 14th of Feb

See the report here





International Journal

·         P. Robert, E.Castelli, P.C. Chung, T.Chiroux, C.F Crispim-Junior, P.Mallea and F. Bremond, SWEET HOME ICT technologies for the assessment of elderly subjects, IRBM BioMedical Engineering and Research Ref. No.: IRBM-D-13-00003, 2013


International Conference

·         Q. MA, B. Fosty, C. Crispim-Junior and F. Bremond. Fusion Framework for Video Event Recognition. In the proceedings of the 10th IASTED International Conference on Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Applications , SPPRA 2013, Innsbruck. 12~14 February, 2013.


·         M. Souded and F. Bremond. Optimized Cascade of Classifiers for People Detection Using Covariance Features. In the Int'l Conf. on Computer Vision Theory and Applications Conference, VISAPP, Barcelona, Spain, 21-24 February, 2013.


·         P. Bilinski, E. Corvee, S. Bak and F. Bremond. Relative Dense Tracklets for Human Action Recognition . The 10th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition , FG 2013, Shanghai, China, 22-26 April, 2013.

Past Conferences

SPPRA – Feb 2013 – Qiao MA Attended – A few words from Carlos – She talked the last day so not a lot people

VISAPP 2013 – Feb 2013 – A few words from Malik who Attended


Next Conferences:

ICVS 2013 – 16-18 July – St Petersbourg –

Paper submission deadline  February 28, 2013 – EXTENDED to 11/03


AVSS 2013 – 27-30 August – Krakow

Paper submission: Mar 18, 2013


ECML PKDD 2013 – 23-27 September - Prague, Czech Republic -
paper submission: Monday, April 22, 2013


ICCV 2013 – 01 au 08 December – Sydney

Abstract submission deadline: April 8, 2013

Submission of full paper: April 12, 2013


ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and Technology (ACM TIST) -

Visual Understanding with RGB-D Sensors  Paper submission due: Jun. 30, 2013



If we provide efficient publications & results we could apply for INRIA AWARD 2013 ;)

Not the right moment for the team



END AT 15:10



15/04/2013 – 14:00 – Room: Coriolis – Building: Galois