Rectangle à coins arrondis: STARS MONTHLY MEETING – 06/05/2015 
Building: Galois - Room: Coriolis – 2:00 pm





21 people attended


Rectangle à coins arrondis: NEWCOMERS 



Iman Khalis-stagiaire-01/05/2015- will work with Annie & Daniel - Last year of master

Jane Desplanques- 01/05/2015



Rectangle à coins arrondis: WHO HAS LEFT 



Strumia Carola trainee 01/10/2104 -30/04/2015

Souded Malik  Engineer 01/12/2009-10/04/2015

Serlan Jacques  –04/11/2013-03/05/2015

Lacroix-Coste Nadia   – Assistant : 01/10/2014 -07/05/2015


Rectangle à coins arrondis: PAST MEETING 


April 2015

13 –Smart Spaces Meeting –TRENTE (ITALY) Rachid guerchouche

14-PANORAMA-FONTAINEBLEAU, SEINE-ET-MARNE-François Bremond – Preparing the review end of May – Focus on demonstration

16-Safee Meeting-Nice-François Bremond – French Project in home care

23-CoBTek meeting –Nice-François Bremond

27 –presentation - Edouard Auvinet - Kinect


Rectangle à coins arrondis: NEXT MEETING 




Mai 2015

6 –presentation Andrew Sixsmith - chief of department of gerontology presented his work

10- meeting IC1307 iV&L Net- Bruxelles-François Bremond

13 – Cobtek à Sophia

21- reunion Laboratoire IRIT-Toulouse-François Bremond



Rectangle à coins arrondis: PUBLICATION 



S. Bak, F. Martins, F. Bremond (2015)
Person re-identication by pose priors
In Proceedings of Image Processing: Algorithms and Systems XIII. IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging 2015


Duc Phu CHAU, Kartick SUBRAMANIAN and Francois BREMOND, Adaptive Intelligent Controller for Multi-Object Tracking, in The 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Systems (ICVS 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS ), Springer Verlag, Copenhagen, Denmark, 06 - 09 July 2015.


IJCAI 2015 conference

Video Covariance Matrix Logarithm for Human Action Recognition in Videos

P. Bilinski and F. Bremond

24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI)

Oral and poster presentations

Buenos Aires, Argentina, July 25 - 31, 2015


Article type: Original Research

Title: Ecological Assessment of Autonomy in Instrumental Activities of Daily Living in Dementia Patients by the means of an Automatic Video Monitoring System

Authors: Alexandra König, Carlos Crispim-Junior, Alvaro Gomez Uria Covella, Francois Bremond, Alexandre Derreumaux, Gregory Bensadoun, Renaud David, Frans Verhey, Pauline Aalten, Philippe Robert

Journal: Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.

Status: accepted, no publication information available



Rectangle à coins arrondis: OTHERS 



Photo of the teamJ

Rectangle à coins arrondis: NEXT STARS MONTHLY MEETING :
05/06/2015 – 02:00 pm – Galois/Room: 






Next meeting postponed to 08th of june