Adaptive Fair Channel Allocation Implementation for 802.11e EDCF

You can download our ns codes freely for academic use, but please cite our contribution when you use it:

This note will help you to install our ns simulation codes of adaptive fair channel allocation algorithm for IEEE 802.11e EDCF. 


1. Download the file ns-afedcf.tgz. After decompressing the ns-afedcf.tgz, go into the directory /ns-afedcf/ns2/tcl/wlan/test-icc04. 

2. In ~ns-afedcf/, read README and run 'make' to recompile NS. 

In /ns-afedcf/ns2/tcl/wlan/test-icc04 are located 2 script files in order to run the simulatioms: 

   ns main.tcl etoile 

main.tcl:  This is the main script for defining the parameters of IEEE 802.11 PHY and MAC layers. If BackoffThresh_pri is set to 1, you will choose our adaptive threshold parameter for that priority queue. 

etoile-scenario.tcl:  This is one scenario example of runing CBR audio, video and background traffics over three different queues. 


This ns-patch of our adaptive fair EDCF code has been modified from the basic ns simulator. We change in the MAC (, mac-802_11.h, mac-timers.h, by adding the variables Backoff_Threshold[pri] and Thresh. The first one enable the use of the backoff threshold (with value 1) or disabled (with value 0) and the second one will be the adaptive backoff threshold which may be updated during the simulation. The value of Backoff_Threshold[pri] is given from the running scenario while the Thresh will be updated dynamically in the code when the cw[pri] changes during the running of the simulation (if the Backoff_Threshold[i] = 0, this means Thresh for each priority i queue will always be updated to 0). Also, another extension is in BackoffTimer::pause() function where the mac must increases its contention window and reset a new backoff time in this status. 

Qiang Ni

     Last modified: Wed. March 03, 18:30 MEST 2004