This simple example illustrates the very basic structure of a reactive program using SugarCubes:
- construction of a program (a very simple one: just one atomic action);
- creation of an execution machine;
- addition of the program into the reactive machine
- activation of the machine.
How to compile?
(Instructions provided for a UNIX system using JDK 1.1.x or higher version number).
javac -classpath SugarCubesv3.0.3.jar
How to execute?
java -cp SugarCubesv3.0.3.jar:. HelloWorld
You should get the following result:
instant 1:
Hello World!
instant 2:
instant 3:
instant 4:
instant 5:
instant 6:
instant 7:
instant 8:
instant 9:
instant 10:
import inria.meije.rc.sugarcubes.Machine;
import inria.meije.rc.sugarcubes.SC;
import inria.meije.rc.sugarcubes.Program;
class HelloWorld
public static void main(String[] args){
// First one writes a reactive program.
Program print = SC.print("Hello World!\n");
// Then one makes a reactive execution machine.
Machine machine = SC.machine();
// One adds the program into the machine.
// One makes the machine reacts for ten consecutive instants.
for(int i = 1; i<=10; i++){
System.out.println("instant "+i+": ");