Binary Configurations Next: Event Declarations Up: Event ConfigurationsPrevious: Unary Configurations

Binary Configurations

Binary configurations are conjunctions (and) or disjunctions(or) of configurations. The BinaryConfig  abstract class has twoConfig fields c1 and c2.

abstract class BinaryConfig extends Config

  protected Config c1,c2;

  public boolean equals(Config config){
    return  super.equals(config) &&

            c1.equals (((BinaryConfig)config).c1) &&

A conjunction of the class AndConfig  is fixed as soon as one component is fixed and evaluates to false: the other one does not need to be also fixed. Otherwise, the conjunction is fixed when both components are. Evaluation returns the ``and'' of the two components.

public class AndConfig extends BinaryConfig 

  public AndConfig(Config c1, Config c2)

    this.c1 = c1;
    this.c2 = c2;

  public String toString(){ 

     return "(" + c1 + " and " + c2 + ")"; 

  public boolean fixed(Machine machine) 

    boolean b1 = c1.fixed(machine);
    boolean b2 = c2.fixed(machine);

    if (b1 && !c1.evaluate(machine)) return true;
    if (b2 && !c2.evaluate(machine)) return true;

    return b1 && b2; 

  public boolean evaluate(Machine machine){ 

    return c1.evaluate(machine) && c2.evaluate(machine); 

We do not present here the class OrConfig  of configurationdisjunction as it is very similar to rhe AndConfig  class.