Nothing, Stop, and Suspend Instructions Next: SequencingUp: Basic InstructionsPrevious: Basic Instructions

Nothing, Stop, and Suspend Instructions

Nothing  does nothing: it is introduced only as the initial program value.

public class Nothing extends Instruction
  final public String toString(){ return "nothing"; }
  final protected byte activation(Machine machine){return TERM;}

Stop  stops execution for the current instant by returning STOP. However, the instruction terminates, thus activation will return TERM at the next instant.

public class Stop extends Instruction
  final public String toString(){ return "stop"; }

  final protected byte activation(Machine machine)
    return STOP;

Suspend  suspends execution for the current instant by returning SUSP.

public class Suspend extends Instruction
  final public String toString(){ return "suspend"; }

  final protected byte activation(Machine machine)
     return SUSP;