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Follow Process

Follow  outputs the first item of its left input channel, then duplicates its right input on the output.

public class Follow extends ReactiveProcess
  private Channel in, left, right, out;
  private boolean first = true;

  public Follow(Channel left,Channel right,Channel out)
    this.left = left; 
    this.right = right; 
    this.out = out; 

  public Follow(NrpMachine machine,
                    String left,String right,String out)
    this.left = machine.getChannel(left); 
    this.right = machine.getChannel(right); 
    this.out = machine.getChannel(out); 

 final public String toString(){ 
    return "follow(" + out + "," + left + "," + right + ")";

  protected byte activation(Machine machine)
    Channel in = first ? left : right;
    byte b = fix(in,machine);
    if (b == TERM){
      first = false;
      return STOP;
    return b;