- On type inference in the intersection type discipline
We introduce a new unification procedure for the type inference problem in the intersection
type discipline. We show that unification exactly corresponds to reduction in an extended
lambda-calculus, where one never erases arguments that would be discarded by ordinary
beta-reduction. We show that our notion of unification allows us to compute a principal
typing for any strongly normalizing lambda-expression.
- Récursion généralisée et inférence
de types avec intersection:
In the first part, we define a new programming language with a functional core and
generalised recursion, by using Boudol's type system with degrees to rule out unsafe
recursions. The language is extended first with recursive records, then with mixins,
allowing the programmer to fully mix functional and object-oriented paradigms. We
also present an implementation, MlObj, and an abstract machine for execution.
In a second part, we design a new inference algorithm for intersection type systems,
on an extension of the lambda-calculus. After proving its correctness, we study
its generalisation to references and recursion, we compare it with existing inference
algorithms, mainly System I, and we show that its finite rank version becomes decidable.
- Using ambients to control resources:
Current software and hardware systems, being parallel and reconfigurable,
raise new safety and reliability problems, and the resolution of these problems
requires new methods. Numerous proposals attempt at reducing the threat of
bugs and preventing several kinds of attacks. In this paper, we develop an
extension of the calculus of Mobile Ambients, named Controlled Ambients, that
is suited for expressing such issues, specifically Denial of Service attacks.
We present a type system for Controlled Ambients, which makes static resource
control possible in our setting, and enhance it with a rich notion of resources.
- Recursion in the call-by-value lambda-calculus:
We propose an abstract machine to run the call-by-value lambda-calculus
extended with a call-by-value fixed-point, and we show that this provides
us with a correct implementation of our calculus.
- On the expressiveness of pure
mobile ambients:
We consider the Pure Safe Ambient Calculus, which is Levi and Sangiorgi's
Safe Ambient Calculus (a variant of Cardelli and Gordon's Mobile Ambient Calculus)
restricted to its mobility primitives, and we focus on its expressive power.
Since it has no form of communication or substitution, we show how these
notions can be simulated by mobility and modifications in the hierarchical
structure of ambients. As a main result, we use these techniques to design
an encoding of the synchronous pi-calculus into pure ambients, and we study
its correctness, thus showing that pure ambients are as expressive as the
pi-calculus. In order to simplify the proof and give an intuitive understanding
of the encoding, we design an intermediate language: the pi-calculus with
Explicit Substitutions and Channels, which is an extension of the pi-calculus
in which communication and substitution are broken into simpler steps, and
we show that is has the same expressive power as the pi-calculus.
- Subtyping and typing algorithms
for mobile ambients:
The ambient calculus was designed to model mobile processes and
study their properties. A first type system was proposed by Cardelli-Gordon-Ghelli
to prevent run-time faults. We extend it by introducing subtyping and present
a type-checking algorithm which returns a minimal type relatively to this
system. By the way, we also add two new constructs to the language. Finally,
we remove the type annotations from the syntax and give a type-inference
algorithm for the original type system.
Pascal Zimmer