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Seminaire MASCOTTE
Speeding-up wireless network simulations for asymmetrical communications

par Juan-Carlos Maureira

Date :26/01/10
Time :10:30
Location :Lagrange Gris

This paper reports on our work in speeding-up the simulation execution time of wireless networks when asymmetrical communications are assumed. This assumption, on large network topologies, may result in an excessive execution time due to theĂ‚' calculation of each node'sĂ‚'  neighbor list. We propose a new algorithm to compute nodesĂ‚'  neighbour lists by exploiting the node's locality and so, tackle theĂ‚'  problem of execution time in a reasonable way. Evaluation shows that the proposed algorithm could deliver as much as the same performance than algorithms that assume symmetry of communications when calculating node's neighbour lists.

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