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Seminaire MASCOTTE
Cop and robber games when the robber can hide and ride

par Nicolas Nisse

Date :12/01/10
Time :10:30
Location :Lagrange Gris

In the classical cop and robber game, two players, the cop and the
robber, move alternatively along edges of a finite graph. The cop
captures the robber if both players are on the same vertex at the same
moment of time. A graph G is called cop win if the cop always captures
the robber after a finite number of steps. Nowakowski, Winkler (1983)
and Quilliot (1983) characterized the cop-win graphs as dismantlable
graphs (defined by a particular ordering of the vertices). In this
work, we investigate three different variants of cop and robber games:
when the robber is faster, when the robber is visible only every k
moves (k fixed), and when the cop captures the robber in some
neighborhood (when the cop has a "tazzer" :) ). We characterize the
cop-win graphs in several of these games.

This joint work with V. Chepoi, J. Chalopin and Y. Vaxes

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