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Seminaire MASCOTTE
On the chromatic number of digraphs

par Ararat Harutyunyan (Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada)

Date :22/05/12
Time :10:30
Location :Galois Coriolis

Ă‚' We will review some results which provide evidence that partitioning
the vertex set of a digraph into the
smallest number of acyclic sets is a natural extension of the notion
of the chromatic number of (undirected)
graphs. We will also present some recently obtained results in this
area. In particular, we will show analogs
of Brooks' Theorem and Gallai's Theorem for digraphs, and explore the
complexity of some algorithmic problems.
Then we will discuss some extremal results as well as problems on
planar digraphs.
This is joint work with Bojan Mohar.

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