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Seminaire MASCOTTE
Polynomial-time FPT algorithms

par Jan Arne Telle (Univ. of Bergen, Norway)

Date :14/10/10
Time :10:30
Location :Galois coriolis

 <pre>The runtime of an FPT algorithm can be specified by giving the values of the parameter k that would yield an algorithm with runtime polynomial in the input size n. For example, O(2^k + n) is polynomial for k in O(log n) and linear for k up to log_2 n. This viewpoint is prominent in combining recent results showing that: 1) a large class of domination-type problems in graphs are solvable in O(2^{3k}poly(n)) time for parameter boolean-width (Bui-Xuan, Telle, Vatshelle) and 2) a decomposition of boolean-width O(log n) can be computed in polynomial-time for various graph classes, like interval and permutation graphs (Belmonte, Vatshelle). In this talk we present results from the Master Thesis of Robert Sasak comparing 17 graph parameters, with the aim of identifying candidates for similar results. </pre>

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