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Seminaire MASCOTTE
Generation of Realistic 802.11 Interferences in the Omnet++ INET Framework Based on Real Traffic Measurements

par Juan-Carlos Maureira/Diego Dujovne

Date :11/12/08
Location :Lagrange Gris

The realistic simulation of 802.11 traffic subject to high interference, for example in dense urban areas, is still an open issue. In this paper, we present an extension to the Omnet++ INET 802.11 Framework to solve this issue in some cases, when a simulation study is conducted about an (observable) existing location. This extension consists in playing back the real traffic recorded from this existing location and combine it with the virtual traffic of the simulation scenario to compute the resulting interferences. Furthermore, we assume that the coordinates of the sources of interference in the real scene are not known a priori. This paper describe the steps required to retrieve this missing information from the captured traffic and compute the resulting realistic interferences. We validate our proposed solution using comparisons between real measurements and simulated results.

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