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Boreon 09
David Coudert Reconfiguration dans les réseaux
Jérome Galtier Tools for community detection
Frédéric Giroire Analysis of P2P storage systems
Cristiana Gomes Routing and Scheduling Problem in Wireless Networks
Frédéric Havet Théorie des graphes dans MASCOTTE
Juan-Carlos Maureira Network provisioning for high speed vehicles moving along predictable routes Part 1 : Spiderman Handover
Christelle Molle Structures combinatoires et simulation des réseaux maillés
Julian Monteiro P2P Storage system : How much locality can they take ?
Joanna Moulierac Label space reduction in GMPLS network
Napoleão Nepomuceno Joint optimization of routing and radio configuration in fixed wireless networks
Patricio Reyes Gathering in Wireless Networks
Judicaël Ribault Open Simulation Architecture : Ongoing works and perspectives
Hervé Rivano EcoSCells
Ignasi Sau Résumé de thèse