Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI)
INRIA "Equipes Associées"
(Demande de prolongation)
sélection |
2009 |
Equipe-Projet INRIA : Mascotte | Organisme étranger partenaire : Universidade Federal do Ceará |
Centre de recherche INRIA : Sophia Antipolis Thème INRIA : Com B |
Pays : Brésil |
français |
étranger |
Nom, prénom | Frédéric Havet | Claudia Linhares Sales |
Grade/statut | Chargé de recherche | Professeur en Informatique |
Organisme d'appartenance | projet MASCOTTE, projet commun (INRIA Sophia Antipolis - I3S (UMR 6070 of the CNRS and the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis) |
Departamento de Computação Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil. |
Adresse postale | Projet Mascotte, commun I3S(CNRS/UNSA)-INRIA INRIA Sophia-Antipolis 2004, route des Lucioles -- B.P. 93 06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex France |
Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Ceará Bloco 910 - Campus do Pici CEP 60455-760, Fortaleza-CE Brasil |
URL | | |
Téléphone | +33 4 92 38 50 18 | +55 85 3366-9842 |
Télécopie | +33 4 89 73 24 00 | +55 85 3366-9837 |
Courriel | Frédé | |
Collaboration title : Efficient algorithms in WIreless Networks |
Rationale :
The research themes are the design of exact or approximate algorithms
for solving problems in networks, in particular wireless networks. The
problems that we will consider can be modelled in terms of graphs, more
precisely into graph colouring or graph decomposition problems. We will
more specifically study the following problems. Concurrently to this researches, we develop the libraries Mascopt and Parego, an common interface of which has been jointly implemented.We will incorporate several algorithms we will obtain in order to compare their theoretical and practical efficiencies. |
Equipe associée EWIN carried out its researches and students exchanges as planned in the proposal.
Besides the two PhD students in co-supervision, there were several long term stay of PhD students both ways.
In addition, a Master sutdent in Fortaleza, Ronan Soares starts a co-supervised PhD in November 2010.
One of the main goal of Equipe Associée EWIN is to favour students exchanges and it has been attained. Indeed, most of the missions in the frame of EWIN have been done by Master or PhD students. In addition, Ronan Soares, a Master student in Fortaleza obtained a grant to do a cosupervised PhD. He starts in November 2010.
Regarding the scientific objectives, we followed the programme as planned in the proposal 2010 .
Both partner teams work on graphs decompositions like tree-decompositions defined by Robertson and Seymour in their Graph Minors theory. Beside their theoretical interest, these decompositions have many algorithmic applications. In particular, many NP-complete problems can be solved in polynomial time when restricted to classes of graphs with small treewidth, i.e., admitting "good" decompositions. Moreover, these decompositions have an interesting algorithmic interpretation in terms of graph searching game, a.k.a. pursuit-evasion games : their widths (treewidth, pathwidth...) correspond to the smallest number of searchers required to capture a fugitive in a graph in the different variants of graph searching games. Recently, we [Coudert et al, Rerouting requests in WDM networks] proposed to model a routing reconfiguration problem in MPLS or WDM networks as a variant of graph searching in digraphs. The initial problem is to schedule the interruptions and reroutings of a set of requests in a network in order to minimize the number of simultaneously interrupted during the reconfiguration process. The problem is NP-complete in general, hence in previous work, we proposed heuristics and studied particular digraph classes. For networks operators, the real cost of a routing reconfiguration also depends on other parameters as the total number of the requests that are interrupted during the process and the duration of such interruptions. We established [CCM+10a, CCM+10b] tradeoffs between some of these parameters. Moreover, Ronan Soares did a master thesis [Soa10] supervised by Claudia Linhares Sales, with a three months internship in the MASCOTTE team, on graph searching problems applied to the interruptions duration parameter. We also worked on some other problems related to graph searching games [CCNV10].
1. EA expenses (on Equipe Associée funding) | Cost |
Invitations of partners | 10 880 |
Visits of INRIA researchers | 9 120 |
Total | 20 000 |
2. External expenses (on funding other than EA) | Cost | |
Name of Institution 1 (*): Federal University of Ceara | ||
Invitations of partners | ||
Visits of INRIA researchers | 2 550 |
Name of Institution 2:Projet Mascotte | ||
Invitations of partners | 160 | |
Visits of INRIA researchers | ||
Total | 2 710 |
Total of expenses on external funding |
2710 |
Total of expenses on EA or external funding |
22 710 |
Remark: Only the eligible costs for an Equipe Associée,that is related to bilaterals visits, are presented here. The main expenses related to Equipe Associée EWIN are the PhD grants of the students (some of them being co-supervised). These expenses are covered by various institutions: CAPES, Projet Mascotte, Ministère de l'Education et de la Recherche, Région PACA and the company 3ROAM.
1. Seniors Researchers
Name |
position |
origin | destination |
purpose |
duration |
Cost (if EA funding) |
Cost (if external funding) |
Linhares Sales | Professor | Fortaleza | Sophia Antipolis | Visit | 1 week | 1 440 | 160 |
Nisse | CR | Sophia Antipolis | Fortaleza | Visit | 2 weeks | 2 370 | 500 |
Campelo | Professor | Fortaleza | Sophia Antipolis | Visit | 1 week | 1 600 | |
Correa | Professor | Fortaleza | Sophia Antipolis | Visit | 1 week | 1 600 |
Total of the durations |
7 weeks |
2. Juniors
Name |
position |
origin |
destination | purpose |
duration |
Cost (if EA funding) |
Cost (if external funding) |
Araujo | PhD student | Sophia | Fortaleza | Thesis | 1 month | 2 675 | 800 |
Maia | Master student | Fortaleza | Sophia | Internship | 3 months | 4 625 | |
Nepomuceno | PhD student | Sophia | Fortaleza | Thesis | 2 weeks | 1 420 | 450 |
Sampaio | PhD student | Sophia | Fortaleza | Visit | 1 month | 2 070 | 800 |
Campos | PhD student | Fortaleza | Sophia | Visit | 2 weeks | 2 200 |
Total of the duration |
8 months |
We will continue our study of microwave networks. We have now established some link models but they need ot be refined in order to (better) take into consideration some paramaters such as delay, survivability and traffic variations. For each new model, we will design and experiment new heuristics to generating solutions respecting the constraints. Concurrently, we will also study how to migrate from a network configuration to another. When a loss of quality of some links is forecasted (e.g. due to weather) or when an important variation of traffic is expected (difference between day and night), it is important to plan links modifications and routing changes in order to reduce the impact on the quality of service.
We will go on optimizing the cost of routing reconfiguration. We will investigate several problems.
1. Echanges
One of the main goal of Equipe Associée EWIN is to favour students exchanges.
Hence the exchanges between the two teams will mainly be done by students.
Estimated cost
Seniors researchers | 3 | 6 300 |
Postdoctoral fellow |
PhD students | 4 | 12 000 |
Intern |
Other (precise) : |
6 | 18 300 |
Estimated cost
Seniors researchers | 2 | 3 800 |
Postdoctoral fellow |
1 | 2 200 |
PhD students | ||
Interns |
1 | 3 000 |
Other (precise) : |
6 | 9 000 |
2. External funding
This cooperation is supported by the following institutions via PhD grants:
We have or will apply for several exchange programme fundings (INRIA/CNPq, INRIA/FunCape, Capes/Cofecub, ...). We are hoping that some of these applications will be succesfull, so that all our planned exchanges could be done. Anyway, Projet Mascotte and Pargo Team have agreed to give at least 5 000 euros each to the Associate Team if necessary.Elle est également soutenue pour le paiement des échanges par:
3. Budget proposal
Indiquez, dans le tableau ci-dessous, le coût global estimé de
la proposition et le budget demandé à la DRI dans le cadre de
cette Equipe Associée.
A. Total cost of the proposal | 27 300 | |
B. External funding | 17 300 | |
EA funding | 10 000 |