From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra zmodp. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. Import GRing.Theory. Open Scope ring_scope. Section CPGE. (** #
# * Preliminaries - Every morphism induces an ismorphism between a complement of its kernel and its image. The function #pinvmx# is the inverse of this isomporhism, but since the complement of the kernel that was used to produce #pinvmx# is arbitrary, we must project the result of #pinvmx# on S in order to get the specific inverse with image S. - We thus define a matrix pinvmx_on S u, which represents the partial inverse of u that maps the image of u (represented by u) to S, and which is correct only when S is indeed a complement of kermx u. #
# *) Lemma pinvmx_on_key : unit. Proof. exact: tt. Qed. Definition pinvmx_on (F : fieldType) (m n : nat) (S : 'M_m) (A : 'M[F]_(m, n)) : 'M_(n, m) := locked_with pinvmx_on_key (pinvmx A *m proj_mx S (kermx A)). Lemma pinvmx_on_sub (F : fieldType) (m n : nat) (S : 'M_(m)) (A : 'M[F]_(m, n)) : (pinvmx_on S A <= S)%MS. Proof. rewrite [pinvmx_on _ _]unlock. by rewrite (submx_trans (proj_mx_sub _ _ _)) ?genmxE. Qed. Lemma mulmxKpV_on (F : fieldType) (m1 m2 n : nat) (S : 'M_(m2)) (A : 'M[F]_(m1, n)) (B : 'M_(m2, n)) : (S :&: kermx B)%MS = 0 -> (S + kermx B == 1%:M)%MS -> (A <= B)%MS -> A *m pinvmx_on S B *m B = A. Proof. move=> SIkB0 SDkB1 subAB; rewrite [pinvmx_on _ _]unlock -[RHS](mulmxKpV subAB). symmetry; apply: subr0_eq; rewrite -mulmxBl -mulmxBr. apply/sub_kermxP; rewrite mulmx_sub // proj_mx_compl_sub //. by rewrite (eqmxP SDkB1) submx1. Qed. (** #
# #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# * Exercices de mathématiques oraux X-ens Algebre 1 * Exercise 6.12: Endomorphisms u such that Ker u = Im u. Let E be a vector space (any dimension, but in Coq we reason in finite dimension). #
# *) Section ex_6_12. Variables (F : fieldType) (n' : nat). Let n := n'.+1. Section Q1. (** #
# ** Question 1. Let u be an endomorphism of E, such that Ker u = Im u and S be a complement of Im u, so that E is the direct sum of S and Im u. - First, prove that E is the direct sum of S and Ker u #
# *) Variable (u : 'M[F]_n) (S : 'M[F]_n). Hypothesis eq_keru_imu : (kermx u :=: u)%MS. Hypothesis S_u_direct : (S :&: u)%MS = 0. Hypothesis S_u_eq1 : (S + u == 1)%MS. Fact S_ku_direct : (S :&: kermx u)%MS = 0. Proof. apply/eqmx0P. rewrite !(cap_eqmx (_ : S :=: S)%MS eq_keru_imu) //. Admitted. Hint Resolve S_ku_direct. Fact S_ku_eq1 : (S + kermx u == 1)%MS. Admitted. Hint Resolve S_ku_eq1. Implicit Types (x y z : 'rV[F]_n). (** #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# *** Question 1.a. Show that for all x in E, there is a unique pair (y, z) in S² such that x = y + u (z), and pose v and z so that y = v(x) and z = w(x). Instead of defining y and z for each x, we now define explicitly the matrix that computes y and z from x. - A direct consequence of this is that v and w will be morphisms by construction, you can thus skip the part of the paper proof that deals with this. #
# *) Definition w := locked (proj_mx S u). Definition v := locked (proj_mx u S * pinvmx_on S u). (** #
# Note that we used locking in order to protect w and v from expanding unexpectedly during proofs. #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# **** Question 1.a.i. Prove the following lemmas. #
# *) Lemma wS x : (x *m w <= S)%MS. Proof. unlock w. Admitted. Lemma vS x : (x *m v <= S)%MS. Proof. unlock v. Admitted. Lemma w_id x : (x <= S)%MS -> x *m w = x. Proof. unlock w => xS. Admitted. (** #
# **** Question 1.a.ii. #
# *) Lemma Su_rect x : x = x *m w + (x *m v) *m u. Proof. unlock v w. Admitted. (** #
# #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# **** Question 1.a.iii. From the following lemma #
# *) Lemma Su_dec_eq0 y z : (y <= S)%MS -> (z <= S)%MS -> (y + z *m u == 0) = (y == 0) && (z == 0). Proof. move=> yS zS; apply/idP/idP; last first. by move=> /andP[/eqP -> /eqP ->]; rewrite add0r mul0mx. rewrite addr_eq0 -mulNmx => /eqP eq_y_Nzu. have : (y <= S :&: u)%MS by rewrite sub_capmx yS eq_y_Nzu submxMl. rewrite S_u_direct // submx0 => /eqP y_eq0. move/eqP: eq_y_Nzu; rewrite y_eq0 eq_sym mulNmx oppr_eq0 eqxx /= => /eqP. move=> /sub_kermxP; rewrite eq_keru_imu => z_keru. have : (z <= S :&: u)%MS by rewrite sub_capmx zS. by rewrite S_u_direct // submx0. Qed. (** #
# deduce #
# *) Lemma Su_dec_uniq y y' z z' : (y <= S)%MS -> (z <= S)%MS -> (y' <= S)%MS -> (z' <= S)%MS -> (y + z *m u == y' + z' *m u) = (y == y') && (z == z'). Proof. Admitted. (** #
# #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# **** Question 1.a.iii. Show some simplification lemmas - the two first are direct - the two last use Su_dec_uniq. #
# *) Lemma u2_eq0 : u *m u = 0. Admitted. Lemma u2K m (a : 'M_(m,n)) : a *m u *m u = 0. Lemma uv x : (x <= S)%MS -> (x *m u) *m v = x. Proof. Admitted. Lemma uw x : (x <= S)%MS -> (x *m u) *m w = 0. Proof. Admitted. (** #
# #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# *** Question 1.b. - Show that v is linear. (by definition) - Show that u o v + v o u = 1. #
Indeed u (v x) + v (u x)
  = u (v x) + v (u (w x)) + v (u (u (v x))) by Su_rect
  = u (v x) + v (u (w x)) by u2K
  = u (v x) + w x by uv
  = x by -Su_rect
# #
# *) Lemma add_uv_vu : v *m u + u *m v = 1. Proof. Admitted. (** #
# *** Question 1.c. - Show that w is linear. - Show that u o w + w o u = u. #
Indeed u (w x) + w (u x)
  = u (w x) + w (u (w x)) + w (u (u (v x))) by Su_rect
  = u (w x) + w (u (w x)) by u2K
  = u (w x) by uw
  = u (x - u (v x)) by  Su_rect
  = u x by u2K
# #
# *) Lemma add_wu_uw : w *m u + u *m w = u. Proof. Admitted. End Q1. (** #
# #
# *) (** -------------------------------------------- *) (** #
# ** Questions 2 and 3 Let u be a endomorphism of E such that u^2 = 0. - Q2. Suppose there is a v such that u v + v u = 1, prove the kernel and image of u are equal. - Q3. Suppose u != 0 and suppose there is a w such that uw + wu = u. Find a counter example of Ker u = Im u. (Hint: take u e1 = 0, u e2 = 0 and u e3 = e2 in 'M_3 and use a dimension argument). #
# *) Section Q2. Variable (u : 'M[F]_n). Lemma u20_eq_u_kermx v : u ^+ 2 = 0 -> v *m u + u *m v = 1 -> (u == kermx u)%MS. Proof. Admitted. End Q2. Section Q3. Hypothesis charF_neq2 : [char F]^'.-nat 2. Let u : 'M[F]_3 := Let w : 'M[F]_3 := Lemma u_neq0 : u != 0. Admitted. Lemma wuDuw_eq_u : w *m u + u *m w = u. Proof. Admitted. Lemma neq_u_kermxu : (u != kermx u)%MS. Proof. Admitted. End Q3. End ex_6_12. End CPGE.