From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect all_algebra. (** *** Exercices on polynomials - Formalisation of the algebraic part of a simple proof that PI is irrational described in: - *) Section Algebraic_part. Open Scope ring_scope. Import GRing.Theory Num.Theory. (** *** Parameters definitions: - Let n na nb be natural numbers - Suppose nb is a non zero nat: nb != 0 - Define the corresponding rationals a , b - Define pi as a/b. *) (* to complete for na nb*) Variable n : nat. Hypothesis nbne0: nb != 0%N. Definition a:rat := (Posz na)%:~R. Definition b:rat := Definition pi := (** *** Definition of the polynomials: - Look at the f definition: the factorial, the coercion nat :> R (as a Ring), etc... - Define F:{poly rat} using bigop. *) Definition f :{poly rat} := (n`!)%:R^-1 *: ('X^n * (a%:P - b*:'X)^+n). (** *** Prove that: - b is non zero rational. *) (* Some intermediary simple theorems *) Lemma bne0: b != 0. (** *** Prove that: - (a - bX) has a size of 2 *) Lemma P1_size: size (a%:P - b*:'X) = 2. Proof. Qed. (** *** Prove that: - the lead_coef of (a - bX) is -b. *) Lemma P1_lead_coef: lead_coef (a%:P - b*:'X) = -b. Proof. Qed. (** *** Prove that: - the size of (a-X)^n is n.+1 *) Lemma P_size : size ((a%:P - b*:'X)^+n) = n.+1. Qed. (* 2 useful lemmas for the Qint predicat. *) Lemma int_Qint (z:int) : z%:~R \is a Qint. Proof. by apply/QintP; exists z. Qed. Lemma nat_Qint (m:nat) : m%:R \is a Qint. Proof. by apply/QintP; exists m. Qed. (** *** Prove that: - Exponent and composition of polynomials combine: *) Lemma comp_poly_exprn: forall (p q:{poly rat}) i, p^+i \Po q = (p \Po q) ^+i. Qed. (** *** Prove that: - f's small coefficients are zero *) (* Let's begin the Niven proof *) Lemma f_small_coef0 i: (i < n)%N -> f`_i = 0. Proof. Qed. (** *** Prove that: - f/n! as integral coefficients *) Lemma f_int i: (n`!)%:R * f`_i \is a Qint. Proof. Qed. (** *** Prove that: the f^`(i) (x) have integral values for x = 0 *) Lemma derive_f_0_int: forall i, f^`(i).[0] \is a Qint. Proof. Qed. (** *** Deduce that: F (0) has an integral value *) Lemma F0_int : F.[0] \is a Qint. Proof. Qed. (** *** Then prove - the symmetry argument f(x) = f(pi -x). *) Lemma pf_sym: f \Po (pi%:P -'X) = f. Proof. Qed. (** *** Prove - the symmetry for the derivative *) Lemma derivn_fpix i : (f^`(i)\Po(pi%:P -'X))= (-1)^+i *: f^`(i). Proof. Qed. (** *** Deduce that - F(pi) is an integer *) Lemma FPi_int : F.[pi] \is a Qint. Proof. Qed. (** *** if you have time - you can prove the equality F^`(2) + F = f - that is needed by the analytic part of the Niven proof *) Lemma D2FDF : F^`(2) + F = f. Proof. Qed. End Algebraic_part.