From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect. Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Unset Printing Implicit Defensive. (** ---- ** Exercise 1 *) (** Try to define a next function over 'I_n that correspond to the successor function over the natural plus the special case that "n -1" is mapped to zero *) Definition onext n (x : 'I_n) : 'I_n. Proof. refine ( (* Sub takes two arguments *) Sub (* Write the valued in the following line *) (* Leave _ for the proof, you will fill it in by tactics later *) _ ). Defined. Eval compute in val (onext (Ordinal (isT : 2 < 4))). Eval compute in val (onext (Ordinal (isT : 3 < 4))). (** ---- ** Exercise 2 *) (** Show that injectivity is decidable for a function f : aT -> rT with aT a finite *) Module MyInj. Check injective. Definition injectiveb (aT : finType) (rT : eqType) (f : aT -> rT) : bool := Lemma injectiveP (aT : finType) (rT : eqType) (f : aT -> rT) : reflect (injective f) (injectiveb f). Proof. Admitted. End MyInj. (** ---- ** Exercise 3 Build a function that maps an element of an ordinal to another element of the same ordinal with a p subtracted from it. *) Lemma neg_offset_ord_proof n (i : 'I_n) (p : nat) : i - p < n. Proof. Admitted. Definition neg_offset_ord n (i : 'I_n) p := Ordinal (neg_offset_ord_proof i p). Eval compute in (val (neg_offset_ord (Ordinal (isT : 7 < 9)) 4)). (** ---- ** Exercise 4 *) (** Try to formalize the following problem *) (** Given a parking where the boolean indicates if the slot is occupied or not *) Definition parking n := 'I_n -> 'I_n -> bool. (** Number of cars at line i *) Definition sumL n (p : parking n) i := \sum_(j < n) p i j. (** Number of cars at column j *) Definition sumC n (p : parking n) j := \sum_(i < n) p i j. (** Show that if 0 < n there is always two lines, or two columns, or a column and a line that have the same numbers of cars *) (* Two intermediate lemmas to use injectivity *) Lemma leq_sumL n (p : parking n) i : sumL p i < n.+1. Proof. Admitted. Lemma leq_sumC n (p : parking n) j : sumC p j < n.+1. Proof. Admitted. Lemma inl_inj {A B} : injective (@inl A B). Proof. by move=> x y []. Qed. Lemma inr_inj {A B} : injective (@inr A B). Proof. by move=> x y []. Qed. Lemma result n (p : parking n) : 0 < n -> exists i, exists j, [\/ (i != j) /\ (sumL p i = sumL p j), (i != j) /\ (sumC p i = sumC p j) | sumL p i = sumC p j]. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 5 *) (** Prove the following state by induction and by following Gauss proof. *) Lemma gauss_ex_p1 : forall n, (\sum_(i < n) i).*2 = n * n.-1. Proof. Admitted. Lemma gauss_ex_p2 : forall n, (\sum_(i < n) i).*2 = n * n.-1. Proof. Admitted. Lemma gauss_ex_p3 : forall n, (\sum_(i < n) i).*2 = n * n.-1. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 6 *) Lemma sum_odd1 : forall n, \sum_(i < n) (2 * i + 1) = n ^ 2. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 7 *) Lemma sum_exp : forall x n, x ^ n.+1 - 1 = (x - 1) * \sum_(i < n.+1) x ^ i. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 8 *) (** Prove the following state by induction and by using a similar trick as for Gauss noticing that n ^ 3 = n * (n ^ 2) *) Lemma bound_square : forall n, \sum_(i < n) i ^ 2 <= n ^ 3. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 9 Prove the following statement using only big operator theorems. [big_cat_nat], [big_nat_cond], [big_mkcondl], [big1] *) Lemma sum_prefix_0 (f : nat -> nat) n m : n <= m -> (forall k, k < n -> f k = 0) -> \sum_(0 <= i < m) f i = \sum_(n <= i < m) f i. Proof. Admitted. (** ---- ** Exercise 10 *) (** building a monoid law *) Section cex. Variable op2 : nat -> nat -> nat. Hypothesis op2n0 : right_id 0 op2. Hypothesis op20n : left_id 0 op2. Hypothesis op2A : associative op2. Hypothesis op2add : forall x y, op2 x y = x + y. Canonical Structure op2Mon : 0 := Monoid.Law op2A op20n op2n0. Lemma ex_op2 : \big[op2/0]_(i < 3) i = 3. Proof. Admitted. End cex.