Roadmap for lessons 3 and 4
- finite types
- big operators
- playing with graph
Lesson 3
- The SSR gives some support for finite types.
- 'I_n is the the set of natural numbers smaller than n.
- a : 'I_n is composed of a value m and a proof that m <= n.
- Example : oid modifies the proof part with an equivalent one.
- nat_of_ord is a coercion (see H)
- 'I_0 is an empty type
- Every finite type is also an equality type.
- For 'I_n, only the value matters
- a finite type can be seen as a sequence
- enum T gives this sequence.
- it is duplicate free.
- it relates to the cardinal of a finite type
- for finite type, boolean reflection can be extended to quantifiers
Selecting an element
- pick selects an element that has a given property
- pickP triggers the reflection
Building finite types
- SSR automatically discovers the pair of two finite types is finite
- For functions there is an explicit construction ffun x => body
Big operators
provide a library to manipulate iterations in SSR
this is an encapsulation of the fold function
- iteration is provided by the \big notation
- the basic operation is on list
- special notations are introduced for usual case (\sum, \prod, \bigcap ..)
- different ranges are provided
- it is possible to filter elements from the range
Switching range
- it is possible to change representation (big_nth, big_mkord).
Big operators and equality
- one can exchange function and/or predicate
Monoid structure
- one can use associativity to reorder the bigop
Abelian Monoid structure
- one can use communitativity to massage the bigop
- one can use exchange sum and product
Property, Relation and Morphism