Add LoadPath "./interval". Require Import ssreflect ssrbool ssrfun eqtype ssrnat seq fintype ssralg matrix bigops. Require Import Reals. Require Import Fourier. Require Import Rstruct min_max real_matrix. (* - instantiates a canonical matrix norm: the maximum norm *) Set Implicit Arguments. Unset Strict Implicit. Import Prenex Implicits. Open Scope R_scope. Open Scope ring_scope. Delimit Scope R_scope with Re. Delimit Scope ring_scope with Ri. Import GRing.Theory. Section matNormMaxDef. Variable m n: nat. Definition sum_abs (A: 'M_(m, n)) i:R := \sum_j (Rabs (A i j)). Definition norm_m (A: 'M_(m, n)):R:= \big[Rmax/R0]_i (sum_abs A i). End matNormMaxDef. Section matNormMaxProp. Lemma sum_abs_pos: forall n p (a:'M_(n, p)) i, R0 <= sum_abs a i. Proof. move => n p a i; rewrite /sum_abs; elim index_enum. by rewrite big_nil; right. move => x s IH; rewrite big_cons. by apply Rplus_le_le_0_compat; [apply Rabs_pos|]. Qed. Lemma eq_sum_abs: forall n p (a:'M_(n, p)) i, sum_abs a i = Rabs (sum_abs a i). Proof. move => *; rewrite Rabs_right; [done| ]. apply Rle_ge; apply sum_abs_pos. Qed. Lemma pres_ineq1: forall (n p: nat) (f r:R)( v: 'cV_p),(forall j, Rabs (v j ord0)<= r )-> ( 0 <= f )-> \sum_i (Rabs (v i ord0)* f )<= \sum_(i< p)( r*f ). Proof. move => n p f v r Hv Hf. elim: (index_enum ) => //=. by rewrite !big_nil; right. move => x s IH ; rewrite !big_cons. apply Rplus_le_compat; last by done. apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [by apply Hf|by apply Hv]. Qed. Lemma pres_ineq: forall p (f: 'I_p->R)( v: 'cV_p) r, (forall j, Rabs (v j ord0)<= r )-> (forall x, 0 <= f x )-> \sum_i (Rabs (v i ord0)* f i)<= \sum_i( r*f i). Proof. move => m f v r Hv Hf. elim: (index_enum ) => //=. by rewrite !big_nil; right. move => x s IH; rewrite !big_cons . apply Rplus_le_compat; last by done. apply Rmult_le_compat_r; [by apply Hf|by apply Hv]. Qed. Lemma desc_norm_m:forall n p (a:'M_(n , p)) r, norm_m a = Rmax (sum_abs a r) (\big[Rmax/R0]_(kn p a r; rewrite /norm_m. have H:= sum_abs_pos a. by apply sxbigD1 with (P:=(fun _ :'I_n=> true)) (j:=r) (F:= (fun t => sum_abs a t)). Qed. Lemma normM_ex: forall n p (M: 'M_(n, p)), (0 < n)%Dn -> exists k, norm_m M = sum_abs M k. Proof. move => n p M Hm. rewrite /norm_m. apply (@max_exists n Hm). apply sum_abs_pos. Qed. Lemma normM_pos: forall n p (m: 'M_(n, p)), 0 <= norm_m m. Proof. move => n p M; rewrite /norm_m. elim index_enum. by rewrite big_nil; right. move=> t s IH. rewrite big_cons. by apply Rmax_ge; [apply sum_abs_pos|] . Qed. Lemma normM_max: forall n p (m: 'M_(n, p)) i, sum_abs m i <= norm_m m. Proof. move => n p a i. rewrite (desc_norm_m a i); apply RmaxLess1. Qed. Lemma ineq_norm_m: forall n p q (a: 'M_(n, p)) (b: 'M_(p, q)), norm_m (a *m b) <= norm_m a * norm_m b. Proof. move =>n p q a b. rewrite {1}/norm_m /mulmx /sum_abs. have H1: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs ((\matrix_(i0, k) (\sum_j0 a i0 j0 * b j0 k)) i j)) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs (\sum_s a i s*b s j)). apply eq_bigr => i _. apply eq_bigr => j _. by rewrite mxE. rewrite H1. apply Rle_trans with (\big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j (\sum_s (Rabs (a i s * b s j))))). apply (Rmax_le_f_le ) => i. apply (sum_le_f_le ) => j. apply abs_sum_le_sum_abs. have H2: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j \sum_s Rabs (a i s * b s j)) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j \sum_s Rabs (a i s )*Rabs( b s j)) . apply eq_bigr =>i _; apply eq_bigr => j _;apply eq_bigr => s _; apply Rabs_mult. rewrite H2. have H3: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j \sum_s Rabs (a i s) * Rabs (b s j)) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s)*\sum_j Rabs (b s j)) . have H4: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j \sum_s Rabs (a i s) * Rabs (b s j)) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s \sum_j Rabs (a i s) * Rabs (b s j)) . apply eq_bigr => i _. apply: exchange_big. rewrite H4. apply eq_bigr => i _; apply eq_bigr => s _. rewrite -big_distrr //=. rewrite H3. apply Rle_trans with (\big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s) *norm_m b)). apply (Rmax_le_f_le ) => i. apply (sum_le_f_le ) => s. apply Rmult_le_compat_l; first by apply Rabs_pos. fold (sum_abs b s). apply normM_max. have H5: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s) * norm_m b) = (\big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s) ))* norm_m b. rewrite ->Rmult_comm. have H6 : \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s) * norm_m b) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s norm_m b *Rabs (a i s) ) . apply eq_bigr => i _; apply eq_bigr => s _; by rewrite /(@GRing.mul) /= Rmult_comm. rewrite H6. rewrite distr_mult_max. apply eq_bigr => i _. by rewrite -big_distrr. apply normM_pos. rewrite H5. have H7: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_s Rabs (a i s)) = norm_m a. by rewrite /norm_m /sum_abs. rewrite H7. apply Rle_refl. Qed. Lemma normM_plus_le: forall n p (a b: 'M_(n, p)), norm_m (a + b) <= norm_m a + norm_m b. Proof. move =>n p a b. rewrite {1}/norm_m /addmx /sum_abs. have H1: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs ((\matrix_(i0, j0) (a i0 j0 + b i0 j0)) i j)) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs (a i j + b i j)). apply eq_bigr => i _. apply eq_bigr => j _. by rewrite mxE. rewrite H1. apply Rle_trans with (\big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j (Rabs (a i j) +Rabs( b i j)))). apply (Rmax_le_f_le )=> i. apply (sum_le_f_le ) => s. apply Rabs_triang. have H2: \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j (Rabs (a i j) + Rabs (b i j))) = \big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs (a i j) +\sum_j Rabs (b i j)) . apply eq_bigr => i _. rewrite big_split //=. rewrite H2. apply Rle_trans with (\big[Rmax/0]_i (\sum_j Rabs (a i j)) + \big[Rmax/0]_i ( \sum_j Rabs (b i j)) ). apply (distr_plus_max ). move => i; fold (sum_abs b i); apply sum_abs_pos. move => i; fold (sum_abs a i); apply sum_abs_pos. rewrite /norm_m /sum_abs. apply Rle_refl. Qed. Lemma hom_pos_normM: forall n p (m: 'M_(n,p)) a, norm_m (a *m: m) = Rabs a * norm_m m. Proof. move =>n p v a. rewrite /norm_m. elim: index_enum. by rewrite !big_nil mulr0. move=> t s IH; rewrite !big_cons IH . rewrite <- RmaxRmult; [| apply Rabs_pos]. f_equal. replace ((Rabs a * sum_abs v t)%Re) with ((Rabs a * sum_abs v t)%Ri); last by toR. rewrite /sum_abs big_distrr /=. apply: eq_bigr => i _; rewrite mxE Rabs_mult; toR. Qed. Lemma zeroM_0: forall n p, @norm_m n p 0 = 0. Proof. move=> n p; rewrite /norm_m; elim: index_enum. by rewrite big_nil. move=> t s IH; rewrite !big_cons IH Rmax_left; last by apply sum_abs_pos. by rewrite /sum_abs; apply: big1 => * ; rewrite mxE Rabs_R0. Qed. Lemma canonical1: forall p q (A:'M_(p, q)) i j, Rabs (A i j) <= norm_m A. Proof. move =>p q a i j. rewrite /norm_m. apply Rle_trans with (sum_abs a i);[|apply max_max; apply sum_abs_pos]. rewrite /sum_abs. rewrite (bigD1 j ) //=. rewrite -{1}(Rplus_0_r (Rabs (a i j))). apply Rplus_le_compat_l. elim: index_enum. by rewrite big_nil; right. move=> x s IH; rewrite !big_cons. case C: (x!=j); last by done. rewrite -{1}(Rplus_0_r R0). apply Rplus_le_compat;[apply Rabs_pos|done]. Qed. Lemma canonical2: forall p q (A B:'M_(p, q)), (forall i j, Rabs (A i j) <= Rabs (B i j)) ->norm_m A <= norm_m B. Proof. move=> p q a b H. rewrite /norm_m; apply (Rmax_le_f_le ) => i. by rewrite /sum_abs; apply (sum_le_f_le ) => j. Qed. End matNormMaxProp. Canonical Structure the_norm := @MNorm norm_m normM_pos hom_pos_normM normM_plus_le ineq_norm_m canonical1 canonical2. Section sqrMatNormMax. Variable p': nat. Notation p := p'.+1. Lemma Hp: (0 < p)%Dn. by done. Qed. Lemma norm_unitM: || (1 : 'M_p) : the_norm | = 1. Proof. elim: (normM_ex (1: 'M_p)); last by exact Hp. move=> k Hk. rewrite /= Hk /sum_abs / (bigD1 k) //= !mxE eq_refl Rabs_R1. have H: \sum_(i < p | i != k) Rabs (1%:M k i) = 0. elim: index_enum. by rewrite big_nil. move => x s IH; rewrite big_cons. case X:(x!=k). rewrite IH mxE . have H: (k==x)=false. apply/eqP. move/eqP:X=>X. rewrite /not in X |-*=> H. have H1: x = k by apply sym_eq. by apply X. rewrite H Rabs_R0. rewrite GRing.add0r //= . apply IH. by rewrite H addr0. Qed. Lemma matr_inv_norm: forall a: 'M_(p), norm_m (1 - a) < 1 -> \det a <>0. Proof. move=> a Ha. apply (@cor1_th5 p' _ norm_unitM). by rewrite //=. Qed. Lemma norm_inv_ser: forall a: 'M_(p), norm_m a <1-> norm_m (( 1 - a)^-1) <= 1/(1 - norm_m a). Proof. move=> a H. apply (@norm_inv_ser0 p' _ norm_unitM a H ). exact norm_unitM. Qed. End sqrMatNormMax. Implicit Arguments norm_m [m n].