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HEPHAISTOS applications



Our work deal with the synthesis and analysis of mechanisms that play a role in various domains:

  • machine-tool in collaboration with CMW
  • highly accurate positioning device with partenrs like ESR, ILL and Paulstra
  • medical with the development of micro-robot for endoscopy, a parallel robot for rehabilitation and our invovement in the European project ARES
  • space applications in collaboration with Alcatel for the development of spatial instruments
  • assistance robotics, especially oriented toward elderly/handicaped people. This is a long term objective whose purpose is to develop smart robotized devices that will facilitate crucial steps in the elderly's life, allow to monitor their ability (for example in order to provide an evolution of the systems and their interface according to these abilities) and whose cost shall remain low. Beside this economical aspect an important paradigm is that the systems should adapt to the user and its environment and not the opposite. This has led to numerous prototypes see the prototypes web page . This field is so large that we expose our guidelines and priorities in this specific page


  • software for the modeling and the automatic generation of numerical simulators in collaboration with Airbus Toulouse


Other applications of the methods and tools developed in the project have been successful, namely in:

  • computer vision (3D modeling) in collaboration with the MOVI project of INRIA Grenoble
  • control theory for the tuning of VHF antenna in collaboration with the MIAOU project
  • molecular chemistry with the company Gentech
  • quantum mechanics for the enumeration of Kochen-Specker vectors with croate, american and australian partners

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