Call for Participation to the Parallel Structure Initiative (PSI)

The Parallel Structures Initiative (PSI) is a prospective work initiated by the Technical Committee on Computational Kinematics of IFtoMM for the study of the kinematics of mechanisms with parallel structure.

  1. Motivations for the PSI

    Parallel robots have been intensively studied in the last 20 years, mostly in the motion simulator community and in the robotics community. Nowadays they are routinely used for some specific applications but their impact will become larger in the future (for example in the machine-tool industry). Still this young research field has not reached the level of accomplishment that has been obtained for other types of mechanisms such as serial robots.

    This can be understood for theoretical problems as the total amount of man/year devoted to the study of parallel structures is still very low while these structures may be considered as the more complex mechanisms.

    But even as the most basic levels they are considerable differences between the state of the art in parallel structures and others mechanisms. For example there is still no standard way to define a parallel mechanism similar to the Denavit-Hartenberg parameters used for classical robot.

  2. Objectives of the PSI

    The purpose of the PSI is to initiate a collaborative work among academics, companies and end-users in the field of kinematics for parallel structures. Three main objectives have been identified:

    Clearly Objectives 2 and 3 involve solving very complex problems. This can only be obtained by a collaborative work between researchers in the field of mechanism theory and mathematics, software companies and end-users.

    If the above Objectives can be successfully reached, it will then be possible to design efficiently parallel structures of any topology according to the task they will have to performed.

  3. Contributions

    If you intend to contribute to the PSI please send an e-mail to with PSI in the Subject line and a short description of what can be your contribution to PSI. As soon as a minimal task force has been established we will organize more formally the PSI.

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