¡Bienvenido!            W e l c o m e !           Bienvenue!

I'm a Ph.D. student in  project ARIANA (INRIA/CNRS/UNSA) located at the research unit of INRIA Sophia Antipolis.  My mean research themes are probabilistic image processing, segmentation and classification. My thesis subject is:

 " Data fusion by means of a stochastic multi-scale approach: application to the study of the urban areas by remote sensing ".

It's about the extraction of urban areas and intra-urban analysis  from images obtained by various sensors. The algorithms will be tested on Mexico City.  A multi-scale markovian method will be proposed to combine information taken from several sensors.

If you want to discover a beautiful country, I invite you to know MEXICO.  There are many unknown places. In particular, there is a nice town called Orizaba  located at Veracruz state.

Oscar Viveros Cancino
INRIA Sophia Antipolis
2004, route des Lucioles,  BP93
06902, Sophia Antipolis Cedex.