1 - Detection and tracking of threats in aerial infrared images by a minimal path approach. G. Aubert et A. Baudour et L. Blanc-Féraud et L. Guillot et Y. Le Guilloux. Dans Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Dallas, Texas, USA, mars 2010.
author |
= |
{Aubert, G. and Baudour, A. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and Guillot, L. and Le Guilloux, Y.}, |
title |
= |
{Detection and tracking of threats in aerial infrared images by a minimal path approach}, |
year |
= |
{2010}, |
month |
= |
{mars}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)}, |
address |
= |
{Dallas, Texas, USA}, |
keyword |
= |
{} |
} |