Publications about Gap closure
Result of the query in the list of publications :
Article |
1 - Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure. M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, 29(1): pages 1-20, September 2007. Keywords : Gap closure, Higher-order, Active contour, Shape, Prior, Road network.
author |
= |
{Rochery, M. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure}, |
year |
= |
{2007}, |
month |
= |
{September}, |
journal |
= |
{Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision}, |
volume |
= |
{29}, |
number |
= |
{1}, |
pages |
= |
{1-20}, |
url |
= |
{http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10851-007-0021-x}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/ariana/Articles/2007_Rochery07.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Gap closure, Higher-order, Active contour, Shape, Prior, Road network} |
} |
Abstract :
One of the main difficulties in extracting line networks from images, and in particular road networks from remote sensing images, is the existence of interruptions in the data caused, for example, by occlusions. These can lead to gaps in the extracted network that do not correspond to gaps in the real network. In this paper, we describe a higher-order active contour energy that in addition to favouring network-like regions, includes a prior term penalizing networks containing ‘nearby opposing extremities’, thereby making gaps in the extracted network less likely. The new energy term causes such extremities to attract one another during gradient descent. They thus move towards one another and join, closing the gap. To minimize the energy, we develop specific techniques to handle the high-order derivatives that appear in the gradient descent equation. We present the results of automatic extraction of networks from real remote-sensing images, showing the ability of the model to overcome interruptions. |
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2 Conference articles |
1 - New Higher-order Active Contour Energies for Network Extraction. M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Genoa, Italy, September 2005. Keywords : Gap closure, Shape, Prior, Higher-order, Active contour.
author |
= |
{Rochery, M. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{New Higher-order Active Contour Energies for Network Extraction}, |
year |
= |
{2005}, |
month |
= |
{September}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, |
address |
= |
{Genoa, Italy}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/ariana/Articles/rochery_icip05.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Gap closure, Shape, Prior, Higher-order, Active contour} |
} |
Abstract :
Using the framework of higher-order active contours, we present a new quadratic em continuation energy for the extraction of line networks (e.g. road, hydrographic, vascular) in the presence of occlusions. Occlusions create gaps in the data that frequently translate to gaps in the extracted network. The new energy penalizes earby opposing extremities of the network, and thus favours the closure of the gaps created by occlusions. Nearby opposing extremities are identified using a
sophisticated interaction between pairs of points on the contour. This new model allows the extraction of fully connected networks, even though occlusions violate common assumptions about the homogeneity of the
interior, and high contrast with the exterior, of the network. We present experimental results on real aerial images that demonstrate the effectiveness of the new model for network extraction tasks. |
2 - Gap closure in (road) networks using higher-order active contours. M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. In Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Singapore, October 2004. Keywords : Active contour, Gap closure, Higher-order, Shape, Road network.
author |
= |
{Rochery, M. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Gap closure in (road) networks using higher-order active contours}, |
year |
= |
{2004}, |
month |
= |
{October}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, |
address |
= |
{Singapore}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/ariana/Articles/rochery_icip04.pdf}, |
keyword |
= |
{Active contour, Gap closure, Higher-order, Shape, Road network} |
} |
Abstract :
We present a new model for the extraction of networks from images in the presence of occlusions. Such occlusions cause gaps in the extracted network that need to be closed. Using higher-order active contours, which allow the incorporation of sophisticated geometric information, we introduce a new, non-local, `gap closure' force that causes pairs of network extremities that are close together to extend towards one another and join, thus closing the gap
between them. We demonstrate the benefits of the model using the problem of road network extraction, presenting results on aerial images. |
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Technical and Research Report |
1 - Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure. M. Rochery and I. H. Jermyn and J. Zerubia. Research Report 5717, INRIA, France, October 2005. Keywords : Road network, Continuity, Gap closure, Higher-order, Active contour, Shape.
author |
= |
{Rochery, M. and Jermyn, I. H. and Zerubia, J.}, |
title |
= |
{Higher-Order Active Contour Energies for Gap Closure}, |
year |
= |
{2005}, |
month |
= |
{October}, |
institution |
= |
{INRIA}, |
type |
= |
{Research Report}, |
number |
= |
{5717}, |
address |
= |
{France}, |
url |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00070300/fr/}, |
pdf |
= |
{ftp://ftp.inria.fr/INRIA/publication/publi-pdf/RR/RR-5717.pdf}, |
ps |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/docs/00/07/03/00/PS/RR-5717.ps}, |
keyword |
= |
{Road network, Continuity, Gap closure, Higher-order, Active contour, Shape} |
} |
Résumé :
L'un des principaux problèmes lors de l'extraction de réseaux
linéiques dans des images, et en particulier l'extraction de réseaux
routiers dans des images de télédétection, est l'existence d'interruptions
dans les données, causées, par exemple, par des occultations. Ces
interruptions peuvent mener à des trous dans le réseau extrait qui
n'existent pas dans le réseau réel. Dans ce rapport, nous décrivons une
énergie de contour actif d'ordre supérieur qui, en plus de favoriser les
régions composées de bras fins et connectés entre eux, inclut un terme d'a
priori qui pénalise les configurations du réseau où des extremités proches
et se faisant face apparaissent. L'apparition dans le réseau extrait de ces
configurations est donc moins probable. Si des extremités proches et se
faisant face apparaissent pendant l'évolution par descente de gradient
utilisée pour minimiser l'énergie, le nouveau terme dans l'énergie crée une
attraction entre ces extremités, qui se rapprochent donc l'une de l'autre
et se rejoignent, fermant ainsi le trou entre elles. Pour minimiser
l'énergie, nous développons des techniques spécifiques pour traiter les
derivées d'ordre élevé qui apparaissent dans l'équation de descente de
gradient. Nous présentons des résultats d'extraction automatique de réseaux
routiers à partir d'images de télédétection, montrant ainsi la capacité du
modèle à surmonter les interruptions. |
Abstract :
One of the main difficulties in extracting line networks from
images, and in particular road networks from remote sensing images, is the
existence of interruptions in the data caused, for example, by occlusions.
These can lead to gaps in the extracted network that do not correspond to
gaps in the real network. In this report, we describe a higher-order active
contour energy that in addition to favouring network-like regions composed
of thin arms joining at junctions, also includes a prior term that
penalizes network configurations containing `nearby opposing extremities',
and thereby makes their appearance in the extracted network less likely. If
nearby opposing extremities form during the gradient descent evolution used
to minimize the energy, the new energy term causes the extremities to
attract one another, and hence to move towards one another and join, thus
closing the gap. To minimize the energy, we develop specific techniques to
handle the high-order derivatives that appear in the gradient descent
equation. We present the results of automatic extraction of networks from
real remote-sensing images, showing the ability of the model to overcome
interruptions. |
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