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Publications Monday, December 8th 2014, 13:09

The Publications

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14 Collection articles or Books chapters
14 - Déconvolution en imagerie.
J. Idier and L. Blanc-Féraud. In Approche bayésienne pour les problèmes inverses, Ed. J. Idier, Publ. Hermes, 2001.

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5 Books
1 - Markov Random Fields in Image Segmentation. Collection Foundation and Trends in Signal Processing.
Z. Kato and J. Zerubia. Publ. Now Editor, World Scientific, September 2012.
2 - Applications de la geometrie stochastique a l'analyse d'images.
X. Descombes and et al. Publ. Hermes, Ed. X. Descombes, 2011.
3 - Stochastic geometry for image analysis.
X. Descombes and et al. Publ. Wiley/Iste, Ed. X. Descombes, 2011.
4 - Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
A. Rangarajan and M. Figueiredo and J. Zerubia. Publ. Springer Verlag, (LNCS 2683), July 2003.
5 - Energy minimization methods in computer vision and pattern recognition.
M. Figueiredo and J. Zerubia and A.K. Jain. Publ. Springer Verlag, (LNCS 2134), 2001.

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