Publications about fluorescence MACROscopy
Result of the query in the list of publications :
2 Conference articles |
1 - Wavefront sensing for aberration modeling in fluorescence MACROscopy. P. Pankajakshan and A. Dieterlen and G. Engler and Z. Kam and L. Blanc-Féraud and J. Zerubia and J.C. Olivo-Marin. In Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), Chicago, USA, April 2011. Keywords : fluorescence MACROscopy , phase retrieval, field aberration.
author |
= |
{Pankajakshan, P. and Dieterlen, A. and Engler, G. and Kam, Z. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and Zerubia, J. and Olivo-Marin, J.C.}, |
title |
= |
{Wavefront sensing for aberration modeling in fluorescence MACROscopy}, |
year |
= |
{2011}, |
month |
= |
{April}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI)}, |
address |
= |
{Chicago, USA}, |
url |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00563988/en/}, |
keyword |
= |
{fluorescence MACROscopy , phase retrieval, field aberration} |
} |
Abstract :
In this paper, we present an approach to calculate the wavefront in
the back pupil plane of an objective in a fluorescent MACROscope.
We use the three-dimensional image of a fluorescent bead because it
contains potential pupil information in the ‘far’ out-of-focus planes
for sensing the wavefront at the back focal plane of the objective.
Wavefront sensing by phase retrieval technique is needed for several
reasons. Firstly, the point-spread function of the imaging system
can be calculated from the estimated pupil phase and used for image
restoration. Secondly, the aberrations in the optics of the objective
can be determined by studying this phase. Finally, the estimated
wavefront can be used to correct the aberrated optical path with-
out a wavefront sensor. In this paper, we estimate the wavefront of
a MACROscope optical system by using Bayesian inferencing and
derive the Gerchberg-Saxton algorithm as a special case. |
2 - Point-spread function model for fluorescence MACROscopy imaging. P. Pankajakshan and Z. Kam and A. Dieterlen and G. Engler and L. Blanc-Féraud and J. Zerubia and J.C. Olivo-Marin. In Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, pages 1364-136, Pacific Grove, CA, USA , November 2010. Keywords : fluorescence MACROscopy , point-spread function, pupil function, vignetting .
author |
= |
{Pankajakshan, P. and Kam, Z. and Dieterlen, A. and Engler, G. and Blanc-Féraud, L. and Zerubia, J. and Olivo-Marin, J.C.}, |
title |
= |
{Point-spread function model for fluorescence MACROscopy imaging}, |
year |
= |
{2010}, |
month |
= |
{November}, |
booktitle |
= |
{Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers}, |
pages |
= |
{1364-136}, |
address |
= |
{Pacific Grove, CA, USA }, |
url |
= |
{http://hal.inria.fr/inria-00555940_v1/}, |
keyword |
= |
{fluorescence MACROscopy , point-spread function, pupil function, vignetting } |
} |
Abstract :
In this paper, we model the point-spread function (PSF) of a fluorescence MACROscope with a field aberration. The MACROscope is an imaging arrangement that is designed to directly study small and large specimen preparations without physically sectioning them. However, due to the different optical components of the MACROscope, it cannot achieve the condition of lateral spatial invariance for all magnifications. For example, under low zoom settings, this field aberration becomes prominent, the PSF varies in the lateral field, and is proportional to the distance from the center of the field. On the other hand, for larger zooms, these aberrations become gradually absent. A computational approach to correct this aberration often relies on an accurate knowledge of the PSF. The PSF can be defined either theoretically using a scalar diffraction model or empirically by acquiring a three-dimensional image of a fluorescent bead that approximates a point source. The experimental PSF is difficult to obtain and can change with slight deviations from the physical conditions. In this paper, we model the PSF using the scalar diffraction approach, and the pupil function is modeled by chopping it. By comparing our modeled PSF with an experimentally obtained PSF, we validate our hypothesis that the spatial variance is caused by two limiting optical apertures brought together on different conjugate planes. |
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