@STRING{O-COMP = "{O}bject {C}omposition, {U}niversit\'e de {G}en\`eve, edited by {D}. {T}sichritzis"} @STRING{ECOOP = "{E}uropean {C}on\-fe\-rence on {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming"} @STRING{ACM = "The Association for Computing Machinery"} @STRING{IEEE = "The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers"} @STRING{TCS = "Theoretical Computer Science"} @STRING{TSI = "Technique et Science Informatique"} @STRING{JOOP = "Journal of Object Oriented Programming"} @STRING{LNCS = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"} @INPROCEEDINGS{ABB93a, AUTHOR = {H. Assenmacher and T. Breitbach and P. Buhler and V. H\"ubsch and R. Schwarz}, BOOKTITLE = {Pro\-cee\-dings of the 7th European Con\-fe\-rence on Object Oriented Programming (ECOOP'93)}, PAGES = {361-383}, SERIES = {LNCS 707, Springer 1993}, TITLE = {P{ANDA} - {S}upporting {D}istributed {P}rogramming in {C++}}, YEAR = {1993} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ABB93b, AUTHOR = {H. Assenmacher and T. Breitbach and P. Buhler and V. H\"ubsch and R. Schwarz}, ADDRESS = {Lisbonne, Portugal}, BOOKTITLE = {{P}roceedings of the {F}ourth {W}orkshop on {F}uture {T}rends of {D}istributed {C}omputing {S}ystems ({FTDCS'93})}, EDITOR = {{IEEE} {C}omputer {S}ociety {P}ress, {L}os {A}lamitos}, PAGES = {470-476}, TITLE = {The {PANDA} {S}ystem {A}rchitecture - {A} {P}ico-{K}ernel {A}pproach}, YEAR = {1993} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ABGR86a, AUTHOR = {M. Accetta and R. Baron and D. Golub and R. Rashid and A. Tevanian}, BOOKTITLE = {Summer {USENIX} {C}onference}, MONTH = jul, PAGES = {93-112}, TITLE = {Mach: a {N}ew {K}ernel {F}oundation for {U}nix {D}evelopment}, YEAR = {1986} } @MANUAL{ANSI95a, MONTH = may, NOTE = {{\tt http://lomond.mathcs.warwick.ac.uk:80/c\%2b\%2b/pub/wp} - {\tt ftp://research.att.com:/dist/c++std/WP}}, ORGANIZATION = {{A}ccredited {S}tandards {C}ommittee ({ANSI}), X3, {INFORMATION PROCESSING SYSTEMS}}, TITLE = {{W}orking {P}aper for {D}raft {P}roposed {I}n\-ter\-na\-tio\-nal {S}tandard for {I}nformation {S}ystems - {P}rogramming {L}anguage {C}++}, YEAR = {1995} } @TECHREPORT{Ass92, AUTHOR = {H. Assenmacher}, INSTITUTION = {University of Kaiserslautern, Computer Science Department}, NUMBER = {SFB124-27/92}, TITLE = {{P}anda {R}untime {P}ackage, {T}he {P}anda-{S}ystem {R}untime {E}nvironment}, YEAR = {1992} } @TECHREPORT{BBGGNSW, AUTHOR = {F. Bodin and P. Beckman and D. Gannon and J. Gotwals and S. Naranaya and S. Srinivas and B. Winnicka}, INSTITUTION = {Department of {C}omputer {S}cience, Indiana University}, TITLE = {Sage++: {A}n {O}bject-{O}riented {T}oolkit and {C}lass {L}ibrary for {B}uilding {F}ortran and {C++} {R}estructuring {T}ools} } @ARTICLE{BBGNY93a, AUTHOR = {F. Bodin and P. Beckman and D. Gannon and S. Naranaya and S. X. Yang}, INSTITUTION = {National {S}cience {F}oundation {O}ffice of {A}dvanced {S}cientific {C}omputing}, JOURNAL = {Scientific {P}rogramming}, NUMBER = {3}, TITLE = {Distributed p{C}++: {B}asic {I}deas for an {O}bject {P}arallel {L}anguage}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {1993} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BBGYKMM93a, AUTHOR = {F. Bodin and P. Beckman and D. Gannon and S. Yang and S. Kesavan and A. Malony and B. Mohr}, ADDRESS = {Portland, {O}regon}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the {S}upercomputing'93 {C}onference}, MONTH = nov, TITLE = {Implementing a {P}arallel {C}++ {R}untime {S}ystem for {S}calable {P}arallel {S}ystems}, YEAR = {1993} } @ARTICLE{BDSYZ92a, AUTHOR = {P. Buhr and G. Ditchfield and R. Stroobosscher and B. Younger and C. Zarnke}, INSTITUTION = {University of Waterloo}, JOURNAL = {{S}oftware - {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = feb, PAGES = {137-172}, TITLE = {\mbox{$\mu${C}++}: {C}oncurrency in the {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguage {C}++}, VOLUME = {22(2)}, YEAR = {1992} } @PHDTHESIS{Ber94, AUTHOR = {L. Bergmans}, SCHOOL = {University of Twente}, TITLE = {Composing {C}oncurrent {O}bjects}, YEAR = {1994} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BFB90, AUTHOR = {J. Bahsoun and L. Feraud and C. Betourne}, ADDRESS = {New Orleans}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Computer Languages}, MONTH = mar, PAGES = {261-270}, TITLE = {{A} {T}wo {D}egrees of {F}reedom {A}pproach for {P}arallel {P}rogramming}, YEAR = {1990}, DAY = {12-15} } @INPROCEEDINGS{BFP94, AUTHOR = {J. Bahsoun and L. Feraud and J. Pouilly and J. Sakdavong}, BOOKTITLE = {Journ\'ees du GDR Programmation - Lille}, MONTH = sep, TITLE = {{P}rogrammation {O}rien\-t\'ee {O}bjet {D}istribu\'ee\,: les {P}erspectives du {M}od\`ele {H}ector}, YEAR = {1994} } @ARTICLE{BLL88a, AUTHOR = {B. Bershad and E. Lazowska and H. Levy}, JOURNAL = {Software - {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = aug, NUMBER = {8}, PAGES = {713-732}, TITLE = {Presto: {A} {S}ystem for {O}bject-{O}riented {P}arallel {P}rogramming}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {1988} } @ARTICLE{BBGNY93b, AUTHOR = {F. Bodin and P. Beckman, and D. Gannon, and S. Narayana, and S. Yang,}, JOURNAL = {Scientific Programming}, NUMBER = {3}, TITLE = {{D}istributed p{C}++: {B}asic {I}deas for an object parallel language}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {93}, documentSize = "74.3 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://cica.cica.indiana.edu/pub/sage/pC++SciPro.ps.gz", scope = "c" } @ARTICLE{Bol93, AUTHOR = {D. Boles}, JOURNAL = {Structured Programming}, PAGES = {158-172}, TITLE = {{P}arallel {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming with {QPC++}}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {1993} } @ARTICLE{Bol93a, AUTHOR = {D. Boles}, JOURNAL = {Structured Programming}, MONTH = {November}, PAGES = {158-172}, TITLE = {{P}arallel {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming with {QPC}++}, VOLUME = {14}, YEAR = {1993}, KEYWORDS = {object-oriented programming, parallel programming, parallel object-oriented programming, active objects, rendezvous, multicasting, C++, QPC++}, scope = "cppconcur" } @ARTICLE{BS90a, AUTHOR = {P. Buhr and R. Stroobosscher}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {W}aterloo}, JOURNAL = {{S}oftware - {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = sep, PAGES = {929-963}, TITLE = {The $\mu${C}++: {P}roviding {L}ight-{W}eight {C}oncurrency on {S}hared-{M}emory {M}ultiprocessor {C}omputers {R}unning {U}nix}, VOLUME = {20(9)}, YEAR = {1990} } @TECHREPORT{BS95a, AUTHOR = {P. Buhr and R. Stroobosscher}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {W}aterloo}, MONTH = jan, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:watmsg.uwaterloo.ca:pub/uSystem}}, NUMBER = {V 4.2}, TITLE = {$\mu${C}++ {A}nnotated {R}e\-fe\-ren\-ce {M}a\-nual}, YEAR = {1995} } @TECHREPORT{BSS94, AUTHOR = {A. Beguelin and E. Seligman and M. Starkey}, INSTITUTION = {School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University}, MONTH = may, NUMBER = {CMU-CS-94-153}, TITLE = {{D}ome: {D}istributed {O}bject {M}igration {E}nvironment}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{BS91a, AUTHOR = {P. Buhr and R. Stroobosscher}, INSTITUTION = {University of Waterloo}, MONTH = {Oct}, NUMBER = {CS-91-53}, TITLE = {u{C}++ {A}nnotated {R}eference {M}anual}, YEAR = {91}, KEYWORDS = {concurrency}, documentSize = "117.1 kbytes", documentURL = "file://cs-archive.uwaterloo.ca/cs-archive/CS-91-53/uC++.dvi.Z", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{CaPo94, AUTHOR = {M. Carroll and L. Pollock}, ADDRESS = {{T}oulouse, {F}rance}, BOOKTITLE = {{P}roceedings of the 1994 {I}nternational {C}onference on {C}omputer {L}anguages}, MONTH = may, NOTE = {{\tt gopher://gopher.eecis.udel.edu/ h0/CIS/Tech\_reports/Tech94/Tech\_Rep-94\_14.ps}}, PAGES = {43-54}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society Press}, TITLE = {{C}omposites: {T}rees for {D}ata {P}arallel {P}rogramming}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{Carr93a, AUTHOR = {H. Carr}, INSTITUTION = {University of Utah}, SCHOOL = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, TITLE = {THE {DC}++ and {C}oncurrent {S}cheme {K}ernel}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{Carr93b, AUTHOR = {H. Carr}, INSTITUTION = {University of Utah}, SCHOOL = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, TITLE = {{D}istributed {C}++ {R}untime {L}ibrary {R}eference {G}uide}, YEAR = {1993} } @PHDTHESIS{Carr94a, AUTHOR = {H. Carr}, INSTITUTION = {University of Utah}, MONTH = jun, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:cs.utah.edu:pub/dc++}}, SCHOOL = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, TITLE = {{D}istributed {C}++}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{CCK93a, AUTHOR = {M. Chandy and P. Carlin and C. Kesselman}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, MONTH = sep, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, NUMBER = {CS-TR-92-02}, TITLE = {The {C}ompositional {C}++ {L}anguage {D}efinition}, YEAR = {1993} } @UNPUBLISHED{CSS94a, AUTHOR = {C. Chang and A. Sussman, and J. Saltz}, MONTH = {December}, NOTE = {Submitted to PPoPP '95}, TITLE = {{S}upport for {D}istributed {D}ynamic {D}ata {S}tructures in {C}++}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {CHAOS++, portable object-oriented runtime library}, abstractURL = "ftp://hpsl.cs.umd.edu/pub/papers/abstracts/chaos++.abs", documentURL = "ftp://hpsl.cs.umd.edu/pub/papers/chaos++.ps.Z", scope = "cpptask" } @TECHREPORT{Chi93, AUTHOR = {S. Chiba}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Information Science, University of Tokyo}, NUMBER = {93-3}, TITLE = {{O}pen {C++} {P}rogrammer's {G}uide}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{CKP93a, AUTHOR = {A. Chien and V. Karamcheti and J. Plevyak}, INSTITUTION = {University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science}, NUMBER = {R-93-1815}, TITLE = {{T}he {C}oncert {S}ystem: {C}ompiler and {R}untime {S}upport for {F}ine-{G}rained {C}oncurrent {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguages}, YEAR = {1993}, documentURL = "http://www-csag.cs.uiuc.edu/papers/concert-overview.ps", scope = "cppconcur" } @INPROCEEDINGS{ChMa92, AUTHOR = {S. Chiba and T. Masuda}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, BOOKTITLE = {Procee\-dings of the ECOOP'92}, EDITOR = {O. Lehrmann Madsen}, MONTH = jul, ORGANIZATION = ECOOP, PAGES = {482-501}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = LNCS, TITLE = {{D}esigning an {E}xtensible {D}istributed {L}anguage with a {M}eta-{L}evel {A}rchitecture}, VOLUME = {615}, YEAR = {1992} } @TECHREPORT{ChSu94, AUTHOR = {C. Chang and A. Sussman}, INSTITUTION = {Dept. of Computer Science and UMIACS, University of Maryland}, NOTE = {{\tt ftp://hpsl.cs.umd.edu/pub/papers/chaos++.ps.Z}}, TITLE = {{S}upport for {D}istributed {D}ynamic {D}ata {S}tructures in {C}++}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{CK92a, AUTHOR = {M. Chandy and C. Kesselman}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, MONTH = sep, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, TITLE = {{CC++}: {A} {D}eclarative {C}oncurrent {O}bject {O}riented {P}rogramming {N}otation}, YEAR = {1992} } @TECHREPORT{CK92b, AUTHOR = {M. Chandy and C. Kesselman}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, NUMBER = {CS-TR-92-13}, TITLE = {{C}ompositional {C}++: {C}ompositional {P}arallel {P}rogramming}, YEAR = {1992} } @TECHREPORT{CKS93a, AUTHOR = {H. Carr and R. Kessler and M. Swanson}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, MONTH = sep, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:cs.utah.edu:pub/dc++}}, TITLE = {{D}istributed {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming with {C}++}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{CKS93b, AUTHOR = {H. Carr and R. Kessler and M. Swanson}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:cs.utah.edu:pub/dc++}}, TITLE = {{C}ompiling {D}istributed {C}++}, YEAR = {1993} } @ARTICLE{CKS93c, AUTHOR = {H. {C}arr and R. {K}essler and M. {S}wanson}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {U}tah}, JOURNAL = {{ACM} {SIGPLAN} {N}otices}, MONTH = jan, TITLE = {{D}istributed {C}++}, VOLUME = {28(1)}, YEAR = {1993} } @ARTICLE{DHW88a, AUTHOR = {D. Detlefs and M. Herlihy and J. Wing}, JOURNAL = {{IEEE} {C}omputer}, MONTH = dec, PAGES = {57-69}, TITLE = {{I}nheritance of {S}ynchronization and {R}ecovery {P}roperties in {A}valon/{C}++}, YEAR = {1988} } @UNPUBLISHED{DN93a, AUTHOR = {{D}rakos and {N}ikos}, MONTH = sep, NOTE = {{\tt http://cs.caltech.edu/comp/papers/cppworkshop/ tableofcontents3\_1.html}}, TITLE = {{S}ummary of {W}orkshop on {P}arallel {P}rogramming in {C}++}, YEAR = {93} } @INPROCEEDINGS{DongenVinc1994a, AUTHOR = {Dongen, Vincent Van and Bonello, Christophe and Gao, Guang R.}, ADDRESS = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, BOOKTITLE = {CASCON '94: Integrated Solutions}, MONTH = {November}, TITLE = {{D}ata {P}arallelism with {H}igh {P}erformance {C}}, YEAR = {1994}, abstractURL = "http://www-acaps.cs.mcgill.ca/cascon94/htm/english/abs/vandonge.htm", documentURL = "http://www-acaps.cs.mcgill.ca/cascon94/papers/vandonge.ps", scope = "cpp" } @ARTICLE{DPS91a, AUTHOR = {G. Dixon and G. Parrington and S. Shrivastava}, JOURNAL = {{IEEE} {S}oftware}, MONTH = jan, PAGES = {66-73}, TITLE = {An {Overview} of the {A}rjuna {D}istributed {P}rogramming {S}ystem}, YEAR = {1991} } @BOOK{ElSt94, AUTHOR = {M. A. Ellis and B. Stroustrup}, MONTH = apr, PUBLISHER = {Addison-{W}esley}, TITLE = {The {A}nnotated {C}++ {R}eference {M}anual}, YEAR = {1994} } @INPROCEEDINGS{FaLe90a, AUTHOR = {J. E. Faust and H. M. Levy}, BOOKTITLE = {{ECOOP/OOPSLA'90} {P}roceedings}, MONTH = oct, PAGES = {278-289}, TITLE = {The {P}erformance of an {O}bject-{O}riented {T}hreads {P}ackage}, YEAR = {1990} } @TECHREPORT{FGT94a, AUTHOR = {I. Foster and J. Garnett and S. Tuecke}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, MONTH = aug, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, TITLE = {{N}exus {U}ser's {G}uide}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{FKOT94a, AUTHOR = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and R. Olson and S. Tuecke}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, MONTH = aug, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, TITLE = {{N}exus: {A}n {I}nteroperability {L}ayer for {P}arallel and {D}istributed {C}omputer {S}ystems}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{FKT94a, AUTHOR = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and S. Tuecke}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, TITLE = {{P}ortable {M}echanisms for {M}ultithreaded {D}istributed {C}omputations}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{FKT94b, AUTHOR = {I. Foster and C. Kesselman and S. Tuecke}, INSTITUTION = {{C}alifornia {I}nstitute of {T}echnology}, NOTE = {{\tt http://www.compbio.caltech.edu/}}, TITLE = {{N}exus: {R}untime {S}upport for {T}ask-{P}arallel {P}rogramming {L}anguages}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{FRS95a, AUTHOR = {N. Furmento and Y. Roudier and G. Siegel}, ADDRESS = {{BP} 145, 06903 {S}ophia {A}ntipolis {C}edex - {F}rance}, INSTITUTION = {I3S - CNRS - UNSA}, MONTH = feb, NOTE = {A para\^{\i}tre}, NUMBER = {RR 95-02}, TITLE = {Une revue des langages {C}++ parall\`eles et distribu\'es}, YEAR = {1995} } @INPROCEEDINGS{FRS95b, AUTHOR = {N. Furmento and Y. Roudier and G. Siegel}, ADDRESS = {Facult\'e {P}olytechnique de {M}ons, Belgique}, BOOKTITLE = {Septi\`emes {R}encontres {F}rancophones du {P}arall\'elisme - {R}en{P}ar'7}, INSTITUTION = {I3S - CNRS - UNSA}, MONTH = jun, TITLE = {Parall\'elisme et {D}istribution en {C++}}, YEAR = {1995} } @MANUAL{GannonDenn93a, AUTHOR = {D. Gannon and S. Yang, and P. Beckman}, MONTH = {Dec}, ORGANIZATION = {Department of Computer Science & CICA Indiana University}, TITLE = {{U}ser {G}uide for a {P}ortable {P}arallel {C}++ {P}rogramming {S}ystem, p{C}++}, YEAR = {93}, documentSize = "6.8 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.cica.indiana.edu/sage/pcxx_ug/pcxx_ug.html", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{GCL92, AUTHOR = {R. Guerraoui and R. Capobianchi and A. Lanusse and P. Roux}, ADDRESS = {Utrecht, the Netherlands}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the ECOOP'92}, EDITOR = {O. Lehrmann Madsen}, MONTH = jul, ORGANIZATION = ECOOP, PAGES = {170-184}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = LNCS, TITLE = {{N}esting {A}ctions through {A}synchronous {M}essage {P}assing: the {ACS} {P}rotocol}, VOLUME = {615}, YEAR = {1992} } @ARTICLE{GeRo86a, AUTHOR = {N. H. Gehani and W. D. Roome}, JOURNAL = {Software - {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = sep, NUMBER = {9}, PAGES = {821-844}, TITLE = {Concurrent {C}}, VOLUME = {16}, YEAR = {1986} } @ARTICLE{GeRo88a, AUTHOR = {N. H. Gehani and W. D. Roome}, JOURNAL = {Software - {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = dec, NUMBER = {12}, PAGES = {1157-1177}, TITLE = {Concurrent {C}++: {C}oncurrent {P}rogramming with {C}lass(es)}, VOLUME = {18}, YEAR = {1988} } @TECHREPORT{Gil92, AUTHOR = {S. Gilbert}, INSTITUTION = {London Pa\-ral\-lel Applications Center (LPAC)}, MONTH = sep, TITLE = {A {M}as{P}ar implementation of {D}ata {P}arallel {C++}}, YEAR = {1992} } @MISC{GilbertSJ1992a, AUTHOR = {Gilbert, S.J.}, HOWPUBLISHED = {Sort of}, MONTH = {September}, TITLE = {{A} {M}as{P}ar implementation of {D}ata {P}arallel {C}++}, YEAR = {1992}, KEYWORDS = {Data Parallel C++ MasPar Class Library Fortran 90 Array}, documentSize = "125.1 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.lpac.ac.uk/SEL-HPC/People/Steve/maspar_report.ps", scope = "c" } @TECHREPORT{GrimshawAn93a, AUTHOR = {Grimshaw, Andrew S.}, INSTITUTION = {University Of Virginia}, MONTH = {May}, NUMBER = {CS-93-30}, TITLE = {{T}he {M}entat {C}omputation {M}odel {D}ata-{D}riven {S}upport for {O}bject-{O}riented {P}arallel {P}rocessing}, YEAR = {93}, documentSize = "74.0 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/techreports/CS-93-30.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @UNPUBLISHED{GroupSagea, AUTHOR = {Group, Sage}, TITLE = {{S}age++ {A} {C}lass library for {B}uilding {F}ortran 90 and {C}++ {R}estructuring {T}ools}, documentSize = "228.8 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.cica.indiana.edu/sage/sagexx_ug/sagexx_ug.html", scope = "c" } @UNPUBLISHED{GrunwaldDi1994c, AUTHOR = {Grunwald, Dirk and Vajracharya, Suvas and Srinivasan, Harini}, NOTE = {Submitted for publication, Supercomputing'94, Washington DC, 1994.}, TITLE = {{T}he {D}esign of an {O}bject-{O}riented {R}untime {S}ystem {F}or {I}ntegrated {T}ask and {O}bject {P}arallelism}, YEAR = {1994}, documentSize = "197.2 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.cs.colorado.edu/homes/grunwald/public_html/SC94-iterates.ps", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HaSu93a, AUTHOR = {C. L. Hartley and V. S. Sunderam}, BOOKTITLE = {International {P}arallel {P}roces\-sing {S}ymposium}, INSTITUTION = {Department of {M}ath and {C}omputer {S}cience}, MONTH = apr, TITLE = {Concurrent {P}rogramming with {S}hared {O}bjects in {N}etworked {E}nvironments}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{HicksJames1995a, AUTHOR = {Hicks, James E. and Nodine, Mark H. and Beckerle, Michael J. and Seed, Cotton}, ADDRESS = {One Kendall Square, Building 200, Cambridge, MA 02139}, INSTITUTION = {Motorola Cambridge Research Center}, NUMBER = {44}, TITLE = {{IPC}: {I}mplicitly {P}arallel {C}}, YEAR = {1995}, abstractURL = "http://csg-www.lcs.mit.edu:8001/mcrctr/tr44/ipc-phase1.html", documentURL = "http://csg-www.lcs.mit.edu:8001/mcrctr/tr44/ipc-phase1.ps.Z", scope = "cpp" } @INPROCEEDINGS{HurteauGil1994a, AUTHOR = {Hurteau, Gilles and Dongen, Vincent Van and Gao, Guang R.}, ADDRESS = {Toronto, Ontario, Canada}, BOOKTITLE = {CASCON '94: Integrated Solutions}, MONTH = {November}, TITLE = {{EPPP} - {A}n {I}ntegrated {E}nvironment for {P}ortable {P}arallel {P}rogramming}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {High Performance C, simulator, and a performance viewer/debugger}, abstractURL = "http://www-acaps.cs.mcgill.ca/cascon94/htm/english/abs/hurteau.htm", documentURL = "http://www-acaps.cs.mcgill.ca/cascon94/papers/hurteau.ps", scope = "cpp" } @ARTICLE{HW93a, AUTHOR = {A. Hugues and M. Wallas}, JOURNAL = {G\'enie {L}ogiciel et {S}yst\`eme {E}xpert}, MONTH = sep, PAGES = {6-22}, TITLE = {Synth\`ese et {C}lassification de {L}angages {P}arall\`eles}, VOLUME = {32}, YEAR = {1993} } @INPROCEEDINGS{IMT90a, AUTHOR = {Y. Ishikawa and C. Mercer and H. Tokuda}, BOOKTITLE = {ECOOP/OOPSLA}, PAGES = {289-299}, TITLE = {{O}bject {O}riented {R}eal-{T}ime {L}anguage {D}esign: {C}onstructs for {T}iming {C}onstraints}, YEAR = {1990} } @ARTICLE{Joh95a, AUTHOR = {D. Johnston}, JOURNAL = {{E}ngineering {C}omputing {J}ournal, {DRAL} - {D}aresbury {L}aboratory and {R}utherford {A}ppleton {L}aboratory}, NOTE = {{\tt email:david@inf.rl.ac.uk}}, TITLE = {{C}++ {P}arallel {S}ystems}, YEAR = {1995} } @INPROCEEDINGS{KaleLVandK1993b, AUTHOR = {Kale, L. V. and Krishnan, Sanjeev}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems, Languages and Applications (OOPSLA)}, EDITOR = {Paepcke, Andreas}, MONTH = {September}, PAGES = {91-108}, PUBLISHER = {ACM Press}, TITLE = {{CHARM}++ : {A} {P}ortable {C}oncurrent {O}bject-{O}riented {S}ystem {B}ased on {C}++}, YEAR = {1993}, KEYWORDS = {Parallel C++, object-oriented, parallel programming, object-parallel, actors, message-driven}, abstractURL = "ftp://a.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/CHARM/papers/INDEX", documentURL = "ftp://a.cs.uiuc.edu/pub/CHARM/papers/Charm++_OOPSLA93.ps.Z", scope = "cpp" } @ARTICLE{Kettani95a, AUTHOR = {N. Kettani}, JOURNAL = {{L'OBJET}\,: {L}ogiciel, {B}ases de {D}onn\'ees, {R}\'eseaux}, PAGES = {16-18}, TITLE = {{L}e {P}oint sur la {N}ormalisation de {C}++}, VOLUME = {1(1)}, YEAR = {1995} } @TECHREPORT{KK93a, AUTHOR = {L. Kale and S. Krishnan}, INSTITUTION = {University of Illinois}, MONTH = mar, NOTE = {Also in ACM Sigplan Notes, Vol 28 No. 10, pp 91-108. Proceedings of OOPSLA-93, September 26-October 1, 1993, Washington DC.}, NUMBER = {UIUCDCS-R-93-1796}, TITLE = {{CHARM}++: {A} {P}ortable {C}oncurrent {O}bject {O}riented {S}ystem {B}ased {O}n {C}++}, YEAR = {1993} } @ARTICLE{KLM93a, AUTHOR = {D. Kafura and K. Lee and M. Mukherji}, JOURNAL = {Journal of Object Oriented Programming}, MONTH = oct, PAGES = {47-55}, TITLE = {{ACT}++: {A} {C}lass {L}ibrary for {C}oncurrent {P}rogramming in {C}++ {U}sing {A}ctors}, YEAR = {1993} } @MANUAL{Kon93, AUTHOR = {L. Kontothanassis}, MONTH = aug, NOTE = {{\tt ftp://ftp.cs.rochester.edu/pub/papers/systems/ 93.tr465.Mercury\_users\_manual.ps.Z}}, ORGANIZATION = {University of Rochester}, TITLE = {The {M}ercury {U}ser's {M}anual}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{Konstantas1988a, AUTHOR = {Konstantas, Dimitri and Nierstrasz, Oscar and Papathomas, Michael}, INSTITUTION = {Centre Universitaire d'Informatique, University of Geneva}, MONTH = {June}, TITLE = {{A}n {I}mplementation of {H}ybrid, a {C}oncurrent {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguage}, YEAR = {1988}, abstractURL = "http://cui_www.unige.ch/cgi-bin/osgrefs/abstract=yes?isindex=Kons88a", documentURL = "ftp://cui.unige.ch/OO-articles/hybridImplementation.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @TECHREPORT{Kontothana93a, AUTHOR = {Kontothanassis, Leonidas}, INSTITUTION = {U of Rochester CS}, MONTH = {Aug}, NUMBER = {TR-465}, TITLE = {{T}he {M}ercury {U}ser's {M}anual.}, YEAR = {93}, KEYWORDS = {Mercury; Presto; NUMA; C++; parallel programming library; lightweight threads; object-affinity scheduling}, documentSize = "63.5 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://ftp.cs.rochester.edu/pub/papers/systems/93.tr465.Mercury_users_manual.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @TECHREPORT{KotzDavid1994c, AUTHOR = {Kotz, David}, INSTITUTION = {Dartmouth College}, NUMBER = {PCS-TR94-235}, TITLE = {{A} {DA}ta-{P}arallel {P}rogramming {L}ibrary for {E}ducation ({DAPPLE})}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {data-parallel C++ class library}, abstractURL = "http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/reports/abstracts/PCS-TR94-235.html", documentURL = "ftp://ftp.cs.dartmouth.edu/pub/CS-techreports/TR94-235.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @ARTICLE{KS90a, AUTHOR = {R. Kessler and M. Swanson}, JOURNAL = {{P}arallel {L}isp: {L}anguages and {S}ystems}, PAGES = {200-234}, TITLE = {{C}oncurrent {S}cheme}, YEAR = {1990} } @ARTICLE{LeQu93a, AUTHOR = {M. Lemke and D. Quinlan}, BOOKTITLE = {{SIGPLAN} {N}otices}, JOURNAL = {S{IGPLAN} {N}otices}, MONTH = jan, NUMBER = {1}, PAGES = {21-23}, TITLE = {P++: a {P}arallel {C}++ {A}rray {C}lass {L}ibrary for {A}rchitecture-{I}ndependant {D}evelopment of {S}tructured {G}rid {A}pplications}, VOLUME = {28}, YEAR = {1993} } @TECHREPORT{LRV92, AUTHOR = {J. R. Larus and B. Richards and G. Viswanathan}, ADDRESS = {University of Wisconsin-Madison}, INSTITUTION = {Computer Science Department}, MONTH = nov, NOTE = {{\tt ftp://ftp.cs.wisc.edu:tech-reports/ tech-reports/reports/92/tr1126.ps.Z}}, NUMBER = {1126}, TITLE = {{C**}: a {L}arge-{G}rain, {O}bject-{O}riented, {D}ata-{P}arallel {P}rogramming {L}anguage}, YEAR = {1992} } @INPROCEEDINGS{MalonyAand94a, AUTHOR = {Malony, A. and Mohr, B. and Beckman, P. and Gannon, D. and Yang, S. and Bodin, F.}, ADDRESS = {Cancun, Mexico}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th International Parallel Processing Symposium (IPPS)}, MONTH = {April}, TITLE = {performance {A}nalysis of p{C}++: {A} portable data-parallel programming system for scalable parallel computers}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "82.4 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://cica.cica.indiana.edu/pub/sage/ipps94.ps.gz", scope = "c" } @INCOLLECTION{MaYo93, AUTHOR = {S. Matsuoka and A. Yonezawa}, BOOKTITLE = {Research directions in concurrent object-oriented programming}, CHAPTER = {1}, EDITOR = {{G}. {A}gha and {P}. {W}egner and {A}. {Y}onezawa}, PAGES = {107--150}, PUBLISHER = {{MIT} {P}ress}, TITLE = {{A}nalysis of {I}nheritance {A}nomaly in {O}bject-{O}riented {C}oncurrent {P}rogramming {L}anguages}, YEAR = {1993} } @INPROCEEDINGS{MBBGYB94a, AUTHOR = {A. Malony and B. Mohr and P. Beckman and D. Gannon and S. Yang and F. Bodin}, ADDRESS = {Canc\'un, {M}exico}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of the 8th {I}nternational {P}arallel {P}rocessing {S}ymbosium ({IPPS})}, MONTH = apr, TITLE = {Performance {A}nalysis of p{C}++: {A} {P}ortable {D}ata-{P}arallel {P}rogramming {S}ystem for {S}calable {P}arallel {C}omputers}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{MENTATa, AUTHOR = {{T}he {M}entat {R}esearch {G}roup}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {V}irginia}, MONTH = jun, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:uvacs.cs.virginia.edu, http://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/$\sim$mentat/}}, TITLE = {{M}entat 2.8 {P}ro\-gram\-ming {L}an\-gua\-ge {R}e\-fe\-ren\-ce {M}a\-nual}, YEAR = {1994} } @TECHREPORT{MENTATb, AUTHOR = {{T}he {M}entat {R}esearch {G}roup}, INSTITUTION = {{U}niversity of {V}irginia}, MONTH = jun, NOTE = {{\tt ftp:uvacs.cs.virginia.edu, http://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/$\sim$mentat/}}, TITLE = {{M}entat 2.8 {T}utorial}, YEAR = {1994} } @MANUAL{MentatGroua, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{M}entat {P}rogramming {L}anguage {R}eference {M}anual}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "64.2 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/mpl_reference_manual.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @MANUAL{MentatGroub, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{M}entat {T}utorial}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "47.5 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/tutorial.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @MANUAL{MentatGrouc, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{M}entat {U}sers {M}anual}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "179.9 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/users_manual.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @MANUAL{MentatGroud, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{M}entat {S}ystem {R}eference {M}anual}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "157.5 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/system_reference.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @MANUAL{MentatGroue, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{I}nstallation {M}anual}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "30.4 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/installation_manual.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @MANUAL{MentatGrouf, AUTHOR = {Mentat}, ORGANIZATION = {University Of Virginia}, TITLE = {{M}entat on the {I}ntel {G}amma and {P}aragon}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "34.9 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/mentat/intel2.6.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{MohrBandBr94a, AUTHOR = {Mohr, B. and Brown, D. and Malony, A.}, ADDRESS = {Linz, Austria}, BOOKTITLE = {CONPAR}, TITLE = {{TAU}: {A} portable parallel program analysis environment for p{C}++}, YEAR = {94}, KEYWORDS = {parallel programming environments, parallel languages, integrated program analysis tools, profiling, event tracing}, documentSize = "175.0 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://cica.cica.indiana.edu/pub/sage/conpar94.ftp.ps.gz", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{MRadestock1994a, AUTHOR = {M. Radestock, S. Eisenbach}, ADDRESS = {Los Angeles, USA}, BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Principles of Distributed Computing (PODC) '94}, MONTH = {August}, TITLE = {{T}owards a {M}inimal {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguage for {D}istributed and {C}oncurrent {P}rogramming}, YEAR = {1994}, documentURL = "http://www-dse.doc.ic.ac.uk/dse-papers/objects/podc94_long.ps.gz", scope = "cppconcur" } @MANUAL{ORWWTPMP95, AUTHOR = {T. O'Brien and G. Roberts and M. Wei and R. Winder and D. Titcombe and M. Plaxton and A. McEwan and J. Poole}, MONTH = jan, ORGANIZATION = {London Parallel Applications Center (LPAC)}, TITLE = {UC++ V1.3 {L}anguage and {C}ompiler {D}ocumentation}, YEAR = {1995} } @ARTICLE{PaNi91, AUTHOR = {M. Papathomas and O. Nierstrasz}, JOURNAL = O-COMP, MONTH = jun, TITLE = {{S}upporting {S}oftware {R}euse in {C}oncurrent {O}bject-{O}riented {L}anguages: {E}xploring the {L}anguage {D}esign {S}pace}, YEAR = {1991}, page = "189" } @UNPUBLISHED{Par, AUTHOR = {G. Parrington}, NOTE = {{\tt http://arjuna.ncl.ac.uk/}}, TITLE = {{R}eliable {D}istributed {P}rogramming in {C}++: {T}he {A}rjuna {A}pproach} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ParkesStev1994b, AUTHOR = {Parkes, Steven and Chandy, John A. and Banerjee, Prithviraj}, BOOKTITLE = {Supercomputing '94}, MONTH = {November}, PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society}, TITLE = {{A} {L}ibrary-based {A}pproach to {P}ortable, {P}arallel, {O}bject-{O}riented {P}rogramming: {I}nterface, {I}mplementation, and {A}pplication}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {parallel, distributed, concurrent, object-oriented, high-performance, unstructured, actor, CAD}, abstractURL = "http://www.computer.org/p3/parkes.html", documentURL = "ftp://ftp.crhc.uiuc.edu/pub/ProperCAD/sc94.pcb.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @ARTICLE{PS88a, AUTHOR = {F. Panzieri and K. Shrivastava}, JOURNAL = {{IEEE} {T}ransactions on {S}oftware {E}ngineering}, MONTH = jan, TITLE = {Rajdoor; {A} {R}emote {P}rocedure {C}all {M}e\-cha\-nism {S}upporting {O}rphan {D}etection and {K}illink}, VOLUME = {14(1)30-37}, YEAR = {1988} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SaGa, AUTHOR = {H. Saleh and P. Gautron}, BOOKTITLE = {ECOOP'91 / Workshop on object-based concurrent computing}, PAGES = {195-210}, SERIES = {LNCS}, TITLE = {A {C}oncurrency {C}ontrol {M}echanism for {C}++ objects}, VOLUME = {612}, YEAR = {1991} } @ARTICLE{SDP91a, AUTHOR = {S. K. Shrivastava and G. N. Dixon and G. D. Parrington}, JOURNAL = {IEEE {S}oftware}, MONTH = jan, TITLE = {{A}n overview of the {A}rjuna {D}istributed {P}rogramming {S}ystem}, YEAR = {1991} } @INPROCEEDINGS{ShefflerTh1995a, AUTHOR = {Sheffler, Thomas J. and Chatterjee, Siddhartha}, BOOKTITLE = {Frontiers '95: The Fifth Symposium on The Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation}, MONTH = {February}, PAGES = {203 --- 210}, TITLE = {{A}n {O}bject-{O}riented {A}pproach to {N}ested {D}ata {P}arallelism}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {nested data-parallel, object oriented, collection based, C++}, abstractURL = "ftp://riacs.edu/pub/Excalibur/excalibur.html", documentURL = "ftp://riacs.edu/pub/Excalibur/RIACS-TR-94.11.ps.Z", scope = "cppdp" } @TECHREPORT{ShefflerTh1995b, AUTHOR = {Sheffler, Thomas J.}, INSTITUTION = {RIACS}, MONTH = {March}, NUMBER = {RIACS-TR-95.04}, TITLE = {{A} portable {MPI}-based parallel vector template library}, YEAR = {1995}, KEYWORDS = {data-parallel C++ templates generics}, abstractURL = "ftp://riacs.edu/pub/Excalibur/excalibur.html", documentURL = "ftp://riacs.edu/pub/Excalibur/RIACS-TR-95.04.ps.Z", scope = "cppdp" } @INPROCEEDINGS{SivilottiP1994a, AUTHOR = {Sivilotti, Paolo A.G.}, BOOKTITLE = {8th International Parallel Processing Symposium}, EDITOR = {Siegel, H.J.}, MONTH = {April}, ORGANIZATION = {IEEE}, PAGES = {44-50}, TITLE = {{A} {V}erified {I}ntegration of {P}arallel {P}rogramming {P}aradigms in {CC}++}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {CC++, parallel C++, paradigm integration, formal verification}, documentSize = "167.9 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.cs.caltech.edu/~paolo/ipps94.ps", scope = "c" } @TECHREPORT{SivilottiP1994b, AUTHOR = {Sivilotti, Paolo A.G. and Carlin, Peter A.}, ADDRESS = {Pasadena CA, 91125}, INSTITUTION = {California Institute of Technology}, NUMBER = {CS-TR-94-02}, TITLE = {{A} {T}utorial for {CC}++}, YEAR = {1994}, KEYWORDS = {CC++, compositional, parallel C++, object oriented}, documentSize = "2.6 kbytes", documentURL = "http://www.cs.caltech.edu/comp/CCplusplus.html", scope = "c" } @MISC{SLOOP94a, AUTHOR = {J.C. Bermond and P. Mussi and al}, HOWPUBLISHED = {{\tt ftp:ftp.unice.fr:/pub/sloop}}, MONTH = dec, TITLE = {{{\sc Sloop}}\,: {S}i\-mu\-la\-tion, {L}angages \`a {O}bjets et {P}arall\'elisme}, YEAR = {1994} } @BOOK{Str94, AUTHOR = {Bjarne Stroustrup}, MONTH = may, PUBLISHER = {Addison-Wesley}, TITLE = {{T}he {D}esign and {E}volution of {C++}}, YEAR = {1994} } @MANUAL{Stu94, AUTHOR = {D. C. Sturman}, ADDRESS = {{U}rbana-{C}hampaign}, ORGANIZATION = {University of {I}llinois}, TITLE = {{T}he {B}roadway {U}ser's {M}anual -- {B}roadway v. 1.0}, YEAR = {1994} } @INPROCEEDINGS{SudholtMar1993a, AUTHOR = {S\}, EDITOR = {Tavangarian, Djamshid and B\}, MONTH = {May}, PAGES = {161--170}, PUBLISHER = {vde-verlag}, TITLE = {x{PPUC}++ --- {A} {D}evelopment {P}latform for {D}istributed {A}pplications}, YEAR = {1993}, Mario = "APS '93 --- Arbeitsplatzrechensysteme", abstractURL = "http://www.cs.tu-berlin.de/~fish/index.html#APS93", Helmut = "Parallel Programming under Unix and C++", scope = "cpp" } @ARTICLE{Sun90a, AUTHOR = {V. S. Sunderam}, BOOKTITLE = {Cocurrency: {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, JOURNAL = {Concurrency: {P}ractice and {E}xperience}, MONTH = dec, NUMBER = {4}, TITLE = {{PVM}: {A} {F}ramework for {P}arallel {D}istributed {C}omputing}, VOLUME = {2}, YEAR = {1990} } @TECHREPORT{ThEg94a, AUTHOR = {R. Thekkath and S. J. Eggers}, ADDRESS = {University of {W}ashington}, INSTITUTION = {Department of {C}omputer {S}cience and {E}ngineering}, MONTH = sep, NUMBER = {94-09-01}, TITLE = {The {PRESTO} {A}pplication {S}uite}, YEAR = {1994} } @INPROCEEDINGS{TrachosKon1993b, AUTHOR = {Trachos, Konstantin}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. 3rd PASA Workshop Parallele Systeme und Algorithmen, PARS Mitteilungen Nr. 11}, ORGANIZATION = {GI/ITG}, PAGES = {45-49}, TITLE = {{P}arallele objektorientierte {P}rogrammierung in {C}++ auf {M}ulti-{T}ransputersystemen}, YEAR = {1993}, KEYWORDS = {distributed memory machines, virtual shared memory, parallel object-oriented programming, composite virtual objects, parallel C++, parallel algorithms, programming environments}, abstractURL = "http://dat.uni-paderborn.de:2010/CHiPP/DOCS/tra93.html", scope = "c" } @INPROCEEDINGS{TT92a, AUTHOR = {K. Tazunori and M. Tokoro}, BOOKTITLE = {OOPSLA}, TITLE = {{DROL}: {A}n {O}bject {O}riented {P}rogramming {L}anguage for {D}istributed {R}eal-{T}ime {S}ystems}, YEAR = {1992} } @PHDTHESIS{WestEmilyA94a, AUTHOR = {West, Emily A}, MONTH = {May}, SCHOOL = {University of Virginia CS&IPC}, TITLE = {{C}ombining {C}ontrol and {D}ata {P}arallelism: {D}ata {P}arallel {E}xtensions to the {M}entat {P}rogramming {L}anguage}, YEAR = {94}, KEYWORDS = {Data parallel C++ like extensions}, documentSize = "128.9 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://uvacs.cs.virginia.edu/pub/techreports/CS-94-16.ps.Z", scope = "c" } @PHDTHESIS{YasugiMasa94a, AUTHOR = {Yasugi, Masahiro}, MONTH = {April}, SCHOOL = {University of Tokyo,Department of Information Science}, TITLE = {{A} concurrent object-oriented programming language system for highly parallel data-driven computers and its applications.}, YEAR = {94}, documentSize = "572.2 kbytes", documentURL = "ftp://camille.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/pub/papers/YasugiThesis-TR94-07-a4.ps.Z", scope = "c" }