VIGIE is called:
$ vigie -b fname.vb
The keywords defining the allowed operations are the following:
Set the verbose mode to print informations during the execution of each following operation.
The keyword read_desc_file must be followed by the name of a description file. After successfull execution of that command, the problem defined by the decription file will be the current problem.
The keyword compute_boundary must be followed by the string ``all'' or by an integer referencing a block number of the current problem. The execution of that command compute the boundary of the specified block of the current problem. It can be used for a 2D or a 3D problem.
The command activate_3D_plan_cut execution creates the context needed for all actions associated to a plan cut for the 3D current problem as in interactive mode after the ``Plan Cut'' Pushbutton activation, except the Motif Widgets. After the command execution VIGIE is in 3D_plan_cut mode, until the current problem has changed or an other mode is activated.
The keyword open_3D_plancut_window must be followed by two integers specifying the width and height of the pixmap to be used in 3D_plan_cut mode for drawing. If the width and height are not equal, the user geometry will be distorted.
The open_3D_plancut_window command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_zoom must be followed by six floating point values specifying the value xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax of the bounding box to use insteed of the default. If the bounding box is not a cube, the display may be distorted.
You can used the zoom Button in interactive mode to find a good bounding box for a problem.
The set_3D_plancut_zoom command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_rot must be followed by three
floating point values specifying the angles ,
of the rotations around de
axes for
the mesh position in the bounding box.
You can used the rot Button in interactive mode to find a good position for a particular display.
The set_3D_plancut_rot command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_cube must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the default boundimg box of the current problem will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_cube command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_skeleton must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the 3D mesh skeleton of the current problem will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_skeleton command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_wireframe must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the 3D mesh frontier of the current problem will displayed in wireframe mode when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_wireframe command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_solid must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the 3D mesh frontier of the current problem will displayed by the painter method when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_solid command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_plan must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the intersection of the 3D mesh frontier of the current problem by the current plane will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_plan command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_Ivalue must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the colored values of the current variable in the current plane will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_Ivalue command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_Ilines must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the isolines of the current variable in the current plane will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_Ilines command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_MeshPlane must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the 2D mesh computed as the intersection of the 3D mesh by the current plane will displayed when the draw_3D_plancut command will be executed.
The set_3D_plancut_MeshPlane command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_value must be followed by a string specifying the name of the variable to use for colored values and isolines display.
The set_3D_plancut_value command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_3D_plancut_isos must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the affectation of new colors and isolines values. This file is editable and can be produced by the use of the ``SetIsos'' Pushbutton in interactive mode.
The set_3D_plancut_isos command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The draw_3D_plancut command execution draw in the pixmap specified by open_3D_plancut_window all the items selected by the execution of previous set_3D_plancut_xxx commands followed by the string ``on''. The default value is, as in interactive mode, to print only the skeleton (if available). The boolean values associated to these items are not reset by the execution of the draw_3D_plancut command and can be used again for an other draw.
The draw_3D_plancut command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword dump_3D_plancut_window must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the creation of a ``window dump'' of the current pixmap.
The dump_3D_plancut_window command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword set_plane_equation must be followed by for
floating point values specifying the coefficients of a plane equation
of the form:
The plane defined becomes the current plane.
The ``extension'' Pushbutton can be used in the interactive mode of VIGIE to find the equation coefficients of a selected plane.
The set_plane_equation command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The close_3D_plancut_window command must be associated to a previous open_3D_plancut_window command. After its execution the pixmap created at the ``open'' execution is destroyed.
The close_3D_plancut_window command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The keyword create_2D_cut_plane must be followed by a string specifying the name of a 2D problem to create. This new problem has a mesh obtained by the intersection of the 3D mesh by the current plane and variables known at nodes by interpolation of the variables of the 3D problem.
The execution of the create_2D_cut_plane command is similar to the actions associated to the pushbutton ``2D Cut Plane'' in interactive mode.
After successfull execution, the current problem is the new 2D problem created.
The create_2D_cut_plane command must be used in 3D_plan_cut mode.
The command activate_2D execution creates the context needed for all visualisation actions associated to current 2D problem as in interactive mode after the ``2D'' Pushbutton activation, except the Motif Widgets. After the command execution VIGIE is in 2D mode, until the current problem has changed.
The keyword open_2D_window must be followed by two integers specifying the width and height of the pixmap to be used in 2D mode for drawing.
The open_2D_window command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_zoom must be followed by for
floating point values specifying the value
of the bounding box to use insteed of the default.
If the bounding box specified has not the same width/height ratio as
the window specified by open_2D_window command, the display
may be distorted.
You can used the zoom Button in interactive mode to find a good bounding box for a problem.
The set_2D_zoom command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_mesh must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the mesh of the current 2D problem will displayed when the draw_2D command will be executed.
The set_2D_mesh command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_boundary must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the frontier of the current 2D problem will displayed when the draw_2D command will be executed.
The set_2D_boundary command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_Ivalue must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the colored values of the current variable of the current 2D problem will displayed when the draw_2D command will be executed.
The set_2D_Ivalue command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_Ilines must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the isolines of the current variable of the current 2D problem will displayed when the draw_2D command will be executed.
The set_2D_Ilines command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_extr must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if extrema of the current variable will be displayed at the bottom of the window previously opened.
The keyword set_2D_value must be followed by a string specifying the name of the variable to use for colored values and isolines display.
The set_2D_value command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_isos must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the affectation of new colors and isolines values. This file is editable and can be produced by the use of the ``SetIsos'' Pushbutton in interactive mode.
The set_2D_isos command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword set_2D_ColorMap must be followed by the name of a colormap. The available colormap names are: rainbow, RGBpath, greys, heat. The selected colormap will be used for following drawing commands.
The set_2D_ColorMap command must be used in 2D mode.
The draw_2D command execution draw in the pixmap specified by the previous open_2D_window all the items selected by the execution of previous set_2D_xxx commands followed by the string ``on''. The default value is, as in interactive mode, to print only the boundary. The boolean values associated to these items are not reset by the execution of the draw_2D command and can be used again for an other draw.
The draw_2D command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword dump_2D_window must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the creation of a ``window dump'' of the current pixmap.
The dump_2D_window command must be used in 2D mode.
The keyword print_2D_extrema must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file in which extremun values of the current variable, set by set_2D_value, will be wrote.
The print_2D_extrema command must be used in 2D mode.
The execution of a close_2D_window command must be associated to the execution of a previous open_2D_window command. After its execution the pixmap created at the ``open'' execution is destroyed.
The close_2D_window command must be used in 2D mode.
The command activate_m2D execution creates the context needed for all visualisation actions associated to current 2D problem as in interactive mode after the ``multi 2D plot'' Pushbutton activation, except the Motif Widgets. After the command execution VIGIE is in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_name must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the name of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_name command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_ufr must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the user specified frontier of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_ufr command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_cfr must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the computed frontier of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_cfr command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_mesh must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the mesh of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_mesh command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_ivalue must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the colored values of the current variable of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_ivalue command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_ilines must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the isolines of the current variable of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_ilines command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_frvalue must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the frontiers colored by the values of the current frontier variable of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_frvalue command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_frvproj must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the values of the current frontier variable of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_frvproj command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_vct must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the vector representation of the current vector variable of the current 2D solution will displayed in each window solution at each node when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_vct command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_flow must be followed by the string ``on'' or ``off'' specifying if the saved flow lines for the current 2D solutions will displayed in each window solution when the create_m2d_ps command will be executed.
The set_m2d_flow command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_mvalue must be followed by the name of the mesh variable to use for colored values and isolines display.
The set_m2d_mvalue command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword set_m2d_misos must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the affectation of new colors and isolines values. This file is editable and can be produced by the use of the ``SetIsos'' Pushbutton in interactive mode.
The set_m2d_misos command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.
The keyword create_m2d_ps must be followed by a string specifying the name of the file to use for the creation of a PostScript file displaying all the solutions of the current problem with the representation modes set by the previously defined command.
The create_m2d_ps command must be used in multi 2D plot mode.