@string{ISSAC = "Proc.\ ISSAC"} @TechReport{DPMTRRcyl00, author = "Devillers, O. and Mourrain, B. and Preparata, F. and Trébuchet, Ph.", title = "On circular cylinders by four or five points", institution = "INRIA", year = "2000", type = "Rapport de Recherche", OPTnumber = "???", OPTfile = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-???.html", OPTmonth = "Octobre", OPTnote = "" } @Article{MPR01acc, author = "Mourrain, B. and Pan, Y. V. and Ruatta, O.", title = "Asymptotic acceleration of solving multivariate polynomial systems of equations", journal = "submitted", year = "2001", OPTvolume = "", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "", OPTmonth = "" } @Article{GCMT00, author = "Grellier, O. and Comon, P. and Mourrain, B. and Trébuchet, Ph.", title = "Analytical Blind Channel Identification", journal = "submitted", year = "2000", OPTvolume = "", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @TechReport{BMHP00, author = "Mourrain, B. and Prieto, H.", title = "A framework for Symbolic and Numeric Computations", institution = "INRIA", year = "2000", type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = "4013", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-4013.html", OPTmonth = "Octobre", OPTnote = "" } @Article{DMPT00cyl, author = "Devillers, O. and Mourrain, B. and Preparata, F.P. and Trébuchet, Ph.", title = "On circular cylinders by four and five points in space", journal = "submitted", year = "2000", OPTvolume = "", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{BEM00resres, author = "Busé, L. and Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Residual resultant of complete intersection", journal = "JPAA", year = "2000", OPTvolume = "", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/0101-BEM-jpaa.ps.gz" } @Article{BMPhT00, author = "Mourrain, B. and Trébuchet, Ph.", title = "Solving projective complete intersection faster", journal = "Proc. ISSAC", year="2000", editor="C. Traverso", pages ="231-238", publisher = "New-York, ACM Press.", file="ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/0008-BMPhT-issac.ps.gz" } @inproceedings{FDMT00, author = "Fronville, A. and Devillers, O. and Teillaud, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "{A}lgebraic {M}ethods and {A}rithmetic {F}iltering for {E}xact {P}redicates on {C}ircle {A}rcs", booktitle = "Proc. 16th ACM Symp. on Comp. Geometry", address = "Hong Kong, Chine", year = 2000, page = "139-147 " } @Article{BEM00, author = "Busé, L. and Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Generalized resultant over unirational algebraic varieties", journal = "J. of Symbolic Computation", year = "2000", volume = "29", pages = "515-526", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/0009-BEM-genres.ps.gz" } @Article{BMPlaa00, author = "Bondyfalat, D. and Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.", title = "Solution of a polynomial system of equations via the eigenvector computation", journal = "Lin. Alg. and its Appl.", year = "2000", volume = "319", pages = "193-209", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{ElMo00jpaa, author = "Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "{Algorithms for residues and {L}ojasiewicz exponents}", journal = "J. of Pure and Applied Algebra", year = "2000", volume = "153", pages = "27-44", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @InProceedings{iros00, author = {H. Hirukawa and B.Mourrain and Y. Papegay}, title = {A Symbolic-Numeric Silhouette Algorithm}, booktitle = {Proceedings of 2000 IEEE International conference on RObotics Systems}, year = {2000}, organization = {IEEE Robotics Society}, file="ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/0011-HMP-iros2000.ps.gz" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @TechReport{FDMT99, author = "Fronville, A. and Devillers, O. and Teillaud, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "{A}lgebraic {M}ethods and {A}rithmetic {F}iltering for {E}xact {P}redicates on {C}ircle {A}rcs", institution = "INRIA", year = "1999", type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = "3826", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-3826.html", OPTmonth = "Décembre", OPTnote = "" } @inproceedings{EMPV99, author={{I.Z.} Emiris and B. Mourrain and V.P. Plagianakos and M.N. Vrahatis}, title = {Robust Methods for Counting, Localizing and Computing with Certainty Simple Zeros of Analytic Functions}, booktitle = "Proc. 5th Intern. Symp. Orthogonal Polyn., Spec. Functions \& Appl.", address = "Patras, Greece", year = 1999, note = "toappear", } @Article{CMS99, author = "Choie, Y.J. and Mourrain, B. and Solé, P.", title = "Rankin Cohen brackets and Invariant Theory", journal = "J. of Algebraic Combinatorics", year = "1999", OPTvolume = "", OPTnumber = "", OPTpages = "", OPTmonth = "", note = "toappear", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @InProceedings{ADG99, author = "Bondyfalat, D. and Mourrain, B. and Papadopoulo, T.", title = "An Application of Automatic Theorem Proving in Computer Vision", booktitle = "Automated Deduction in Geometry", year = "1999", editor = "Gao, X.-S. and Wang, D. and Yang, L.", series = "LNAI", number = "1669", pages = "207-231", publisher = "Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg" } @TechReport{EMVRR99, author = "Emiris, I.Z. and Mourrain, B. and Vrahatis, M.N.", title = "Sign Methods for Counting and Computing Real Roots of Algebraic Systems", institution = "INRIA", year = "1999", type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = "3669", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-3669.html", OPTabstract = "" } @InProceedings{MEBMissac99, author = "Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "A new algorithm for the geometric decomposition of a variety", booktitle = "Proc. Intern. Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation", year="1999", editor="S. Dooley", pages ="9-16", OPTorganization = "", publisher = "ACM Press, New-York", OPTnote = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9903-ElMo-issac.ps.gz", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{MoPa99strmt, author = {Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.}, title = "Multivariate Polynomials, Duality and Structured Matrices", journal = "J. of Complexity", year = "2000", volume = "16", number = "1", pages = "110-180", OPTmonth = "", file= "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/0004-MP-jocstruct.ps.gz" } @Article{MoPa99lift, author = {Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.}, title = "Lifting/descending processes for polynomial zeros", journal = "J. of Complexity", year = "2000", volume = "16",pages = "265-273" } @InProceedings{BMnf99, author = "Mourrain, B.", title = "A new criterion for normal form algorithms", booktitle = "Proc. AAECC", year = "1999", volume = "1719", editor = "Fossorier, M. and Imai, H. and Shu Lin and Poli, A.", pages = "430-443", series = "LNCS", publisher = "Springer, Berlin", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9911-BM-aaecc.ps.gz" } @Article{BMS99, author = "Bonnecaze, A. and Mourrain, B. and Solé, P.", title = "Jacobi Polynomials, Type II codes, and designs", journal = "Designs, Codes and Cryptography", year = "1999", volume = "16", OPTnumber = "", pages = "215-234", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{EmMo99, author = "{I.Z.} Emiris and B.~Mourrain", title = "Computer Algebra Methods for Studying and Computing Molecular Conformations", JOURNAL="Algorithmica, Special Issue on Algorithms for Computational Biology", volume="25", pages="372--402", year="1999", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/9803-EM-molecul.ps.gz" } @Article{EMres99, author = "{I.Z.} Emiris and B.~Mourrain", title = "{Matrices in Elimination Theory}", journal = "J. of Symbolic Computation", year = "1999", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9904-EmMo-resultant.ps.gz", volume = "28", number = "1\&2", pages = "3-44", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{CGM98, AUTHOR = {P. Comon and O. Grellier and B. Mourrain}, TITLE = "Blind Channel Identification with {MSK} inputs", BOOKTITLE = {Asilomar Conference}, ADDRESS = {Pacific Grove, California}, MONTH = {November 1-4}, YEAR = 1998, file = "http://www.i3s.unice.fr/~comon/FichiersPs/wa33.ps.gz", NOTE = {Invited session} } @InProceedings{BMHERCMA98, author = "Mourrain, B.", title = "An introduction to linear algebra methods for solving polynomial equations", booktitle = "HERCMA'98", year = "1999", editor = "E.A. Lipitakis", pages = "179-200", OPTorganization = "", OPTpublisher = "", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9806-BM-hercma.ps.gz", OPTabstract = "" } @TechReport{ElMbzt98, author = "Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Some applications of Bezoutians in Effective Algebraic Geometry", type = "Rapport de Recherche", institution = "INRIA, Sophia Antipolis", file= "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-3572.html", year = "1998", number = "3572", OPTmonth = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @InProceedings{MPstoc98, author = {Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.}, title = "Asymptotic Acceleration of Solving Multivariate Polynomial Systems of Equations", booktitle = "Proc. STOC", year = "1998", OPTeditor = "", pages = "488-496", OPTorganization = "", publisher = "ACM Press.", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9804-MP-stoc98.ps.gz", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @InProceedings{BMPissac98, title = "Controlled iterative methods for solving polynomial systems", author = "Bondyfalat, D. and Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.", booktitle = "Proc. ISSAC'98", year = "1998", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9802-BMP-iter.ps.gz", editor = "O. Gloor", pages = "252-259", OPTorganization = "", publisher = "NewYork, ACM Press.", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @article{BMr98, author = {Mourrain, B.}, title = {Computing isolated polynomial roots by matrix methods}, journal = "J. of Symbolic Computation, Special Issue on Symbolic-Numeric Algebra for Polynomials", year = "1998", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9701-BM-resol.ps.gz", volume = "26", number = "6", pages = "715-738", month = "Dec.", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @TechReport{MPRR98, author = "Mourrain, B. and Pan, V. Y.", title = "Multivariate Polynomials, Duality and Structured Matrices", institution = "INRIA", year = "1998", type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = "3513", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-3513.html", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Habilitation{MHab97, author = {Mourrain, B.}, title = {Algorithmes et Applications en Géométrie Algébrique}, year = "1997", school = "Univ. de Nice", month = sep, file = "http://www.inria.fr/saga/Bernard.Mourrain/Habilitation/index.html" } @coursenotes{BMYPecf97, author = "Mourrain, B. and Papegay, Y.", title = "Ecole de Printemps de Calcul Formel", school = "INRIA",year = "1997", pages = "93", note = "Support de Cours C-172", month = "Avril", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/C-172.html" } @article{MoPa97cal, author = {Mourrain, B. and Pan, V.~Y.}, title = {Multidimensional structured matrices and polynomial systems}, journal = "Calcolo, Special Issue for the workshop: Structure, Algorithms and Applications", address = "Cortona, Italy", volume = "33", pages = "389-401", year =1997 , file ="ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9609-BMVP-cortona.ps.gz" } @InProceedings{MoPa97fcm, author = "Mourrain, B. and Pan, V.~Y.", title = {Solving special polynomial systems by using structured matrices and algebraic residues}, booktitle = "Foundations of Computational Mathematics (Rio de Janeiro)", year = "1997", editor = "F. Cucker and M. Shub", OPTtseries= "", publisher= {Springer-Verlag},pages = "287-304", OPTnumber = "85", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9701-BMVP-rio.ps.gz" } @TechReport{EmMo96RRcyhx, author = "Emiris, {I.Z.} and Mourrain, B.", title = "Polynomial system solving; the case of a $6$-atom molecule", institution = "INRIA", year ="1996",type ="Rapport de Recherche", number = "3075", month = "Dec.", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-3075.html" } @TechReport{ElMo96, author = "Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Approche Effective des Résidus Algébriques", institution = "INRIA, Sophia Antipolis", year = "1996", type = "Rapport de Recherche", number = "2884", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-2884.html", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{MBmega96, author = "Mourrain, B.", title = "Isolated points, duality and residues", journal = "J. of Pure and Applied Algebra", year = "1996", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9606-BM-mega.ps.gz", volume = "117 \& 118", OPTnumber = "", pages = "469-493", OPTmonth = "", note = "Special issue for the Proc. of the 4th Int. Symp. on Effective Methods in Algebraic Geometry (MEGA)", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{BBMS96, author = "Bonnecaze, A. and Solé, P. and Bachoc, C. and Mourrain, B.", title = "{Type II codes over $Z_4$}", journal = "IEEE Transactions on Information Theory", year = "1997", volume = "43", number = "3", pages = "969-976", OPTmonth = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @Article{CoMo96, author = "Comon, P. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Decomposition of Quantics in sums of power of linear forms", journal = "{Signal Processing}", year = "1996", publisher = {Elsevier}, volume = "53", number = "2", pages = "93-107", OPTmonth = "", note = "Special issue on High-Order Statistics", OPTkeywords = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9503-PCBM-quantic.ps.gz", OPTabstract = "" } @INPROCEEDINGS{CaMo96, AUTHOR="Cardinal, J.P. and Mourrain, B.", TITLE="Algebraic approach of residues and Applications", BOOKTITLE={Proc. AMS-SIAM Summer Seminar on Math. of Numerical Analysis, (Park City, Utah, 1995)}, series="Lectures in Applied Math.", EDITOR="J.~Renegar and M.~Shub and S.~Smale", volume=32,publisher={American Mathematical Society Press, Providence}, YEAR=1996, pages={189-210}, file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9601-BM-residues-utah.ps.gz" } @InProceedings{FaMo95a, author = {Faugeras, O. and Mourrain, B.}, title = {On the geometry and Algebra of the point and line correspondences between $N$ images}, year = 1995, pages = {102--109}, editor = {Mohr, Roger and Wu, Chengke}, publisher = {Xidan University Press}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Europe-China Workshop on Geometrical Modeling and Invariants for Computer Vision}, modified = {faugeras}, keywords = {Invariants, Geometry, Grassmann-Cayley algebra, Plücker relations} } @InProceedings{MoSt95, title = "Applications of Clifford algebra in Robotics", year = "1995", author = {Mourrain, B. and Stolfi, N.}, booktitle = {Computational Kinematics'95}, editor = "Merlet, J.P. and Ravani, B.", series = "Solid Mechanics and its aplications", OPTvolume = "", publisher = "Kluwer {A}ca. {P}ub.", OPTorganization = "Computational Kinematics'95", address = "Sophia-Antipolis", OPTmonth = "", pages = "141-150", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9509-BMNS-clifford.ps.gz" } @InProceedings{GaMoRi95, title = "Symbolic and Numeric Computation for the Real-Time simulation of a car behavior", year = "1995", author = {Garnier, C. and Mourrain, B. and Rideau, C.}, booktitle = "{C}omputational {K}inematics'95", editor = "Merlet, J.P. and Ravani, B.", series = "Solid Mechanics and its aplications", OPTvolume = "", publisher = "Kluwer {A}ca. {P}ub.", address = "Sophia-Antipolis", OPTmonth = "", pages = "123-132", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "", OPTURL = "" } @InProceedings{FaMo95b, title = "On the geometry and algebra of the point and line correspondences between {$N$} images", year = "1995", author = {Faugeras, O. and Mourrain, B.}, booktitle = {ICCV'95}, OPTeditor = "", OPTseries = "", OPTvolume = "", OPTpublisher = "", OPTorganization = "", OPTaddress = "", OPTmonth = "", pages = {951--956}, OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9506-OFBM-iccv.ps.gz" } @TechReport{FaMo95RR, author = {Faugeras, O. and Mourrain, B.}, title = "On the geometry and algebra of the point and line correspondences between ${N}$ images", institution = "INRIA", year = "1995", type = "Rapport de recherche", number = "2665", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-2665.html", address = "Sophia-Antipolis", } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @INPROCEEDINGS{MB94mega, author = {Mourrain, B.}, title= {Enumeration problems in {G}eometry, {R}obotics and {V}ision}, booktitle= "Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry and Applications", editor = "L. Gonz\'alez and T. Recio", series = "Prog. in Math.", volume = "143", publisher = "Birkh{\"a}user, Basel", year = "1996", pages = "285-306", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9407-BM-mega.ps.Z" } @Article{FoKaMo94, author = "R. Fournier and N. Kajler and B. Mourrain", title = "Visualization of Mathematical Surfaces: the IZIC Server Approach", journal = "{J}. of {S}ymbolic {C}omputations", year = "1994", volume = "19", OPTnumber = "", pages = "159-173", OPTmonth = "", OPTkeywords = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9403-FKM-JSC.ps.gz" } @InProceedings{CoMo94, author = "Comon, P. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Decomposition of quantics in sums of powers", booktitle = "Adv. Signal Proc.: Algorithms, Architecures and Implementations", year = "1994", editor = "Luk, F.T.", volume = "2296", pages = "93-104", organization = "SPIE", OPTpublisher = "", address = "San Diego", OPTmonth = "", OPTnote = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @InBook{MoSt94, author = "Mourrain, B. and Stolfi, N.", title = "Invariants methods in Discrete and Computational Geometry", chapter = "Computational Symbolic Geometry", publisher = "Kluwer Acad. Pub.", year = "1994", OPTeditor = "White, N.", pages = "107-139", OPTvolume = "", OPTseries = "", OPTaddress = "", OPTtype = "", OPTedition = "", OPTmonth = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9409-NSBM-CSG.ps.gz" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @INPROCEEDINGS{MB93issac, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, ADDRESS = {Kiev (Ukraine)}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. ISSAC}, EDITOR = {Bronstein, M.}, MONTH = jul, PAGES = {173-182}, SERIES = {ACM press}, TITLE = {The 40 generic positions of a parallel robot}, YEAR = {1993}, file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9303-BM-issac.ps.gz" } @INPROCEEDINGS{MoSt93, AUTHOR = {B. Mourrain and N. Stolfi}, ADDRESS = {Lille (France)}, BOOKTITLE = {IMACS SC'93}, EDITOR = {G. Jacob and N.E. Oussous and S. Steinberg}, MONTH = Jun, PAGES = {89-96}, TITLE = {The {H}ilbert series of invariants of ${S}l_{n}$}, YEAR = {1993}, file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9306-BMNS-imacs.ps.gz" } @INPROCEEDINGS{FoKaMo93, AUTHOR = {R. Fournier and N. Kajler and B. Mourrain}, ADDRESS = {Gmünden (Autriche)}, BOOKTITLE = {DISCO'93}, EDITOR = {A. Miola}, MONTH = sep, PAGES = {341-353}, SERIES = {LNCS}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, VOLUME = {722}, TITLE = {Izic: a portable language-driven tool for mathematical surfaces visualization}, YEAR = {1993} } @TechReport{MB93RR2141, author = {Mourrain, B.}, title = "About the rationnal map associated to a parallel robot", institution = "INRIA", year = "1993", type = "Rapport de recherche", number = "2141", file = "http://www.inria.fr/RRRT/RR-2141.html", address = "Sophia-Antipolis", } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @ARTICLE{MB92tcs, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, JOURNAL = {Theoretical Computer Science}, PAGES = {115-133}, TITLE = {Computable identities in the algebra of formal matrices}, VOLUME = {98}, YEAR = {1992}, } @ARTICLE{MB92adv, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, JOURNAL = {Advances in Mathematics}, YEAR = " ", NOTE = {toappear}, TITLE = {New aspects of geometrical calculus with invariants}, file ="ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9204-BM-adv.ps.Z" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @INPROCEEDINGS{MB91aaec, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, BOOKTITLE = {Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes (AAECC 8)}, EDITOR = {S. Sakata}, JOURNAL = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science}, PAGES = {234-248}, PUBLISHER = {Springer-Verlag}, SERIES = {LNCS}, TITLE = {Some algebra with formal matrices}, VOLUME = {504}, YEAR = {1991} } @PHDTHESIS{MB91th, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, MONTH = sep, SCHOOL = {Ecole Polytechnique}, TITLE = {Approche effective de la théorie des invariants des groupes classiques}, YEAR = {1991}, file = "http://www.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/these.html" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @INPROCEEDINGS{MB90mega, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, BOOKTITLE = {{E}ffective {M}ethods in {A}lgebraic {G}eometry (MEGA'90)}, TITLE = {Géométrie et Interprétation Générique~; un Algorithme}, PAGES = {363-377}, VOLUME = {94}, SERIES = {Progress in Math.}, PUBLISHER = {Birkhäuser}, ADDRESS = {Castiglioncello (Italy)}, YEAR = {1991} } @TechReport{MB90, author = "Mourrain, B.", title = "Identités de Matrices", institution = "Ecole Polytechnique", type = "Notes Informelles de Calcul Formel", year = "1990", file = "ftp://ftp-sop.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/9006-BM-idmatr.ps.gz", OPTmonth = "", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @audiovisual{multires, AUTHOR = {Busé, L. and Mourrain, B.}, note = "Ensemble de fonctions {\sc maple} pour la résolution d'équations polynomiales (méthodes matricielles, résultants, résidus, décomposition géométrique, ...)", file = "http://www.inria.fr/saga/logiciels/multires.html", TITLE = {\tt multires}, YEAR = {2000} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @audiovisual{MICMAC, AUTHOR = {B. Mourrain}, note = "Ensemble de fonctions de manipulations d'anneaux, d'idéaux, de modules, de complexes, \dots en algèbre commutative. Connexions entre {\sc Maple} avec {\sc Macaulay}. {\tt http://www.inria.fr/safir/SAM/micmac2.0/}", file = "http://www.inria.fr/safir/SAM/micmac2.0/", TITLE = {MICMAC}, YEAR = {1992} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @audiovisual{ALP, AUTHOR = {Mourrain, B.}, TITLE = {{ALP}, {A}lgèbre {L}inéaire pour les {P}olynômes}, note = "Bibliothèque de structures et algorithmes {\sc C++}, intervenant dans la résolution d'équations polynomiales, {\tt http://www.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/ALP/}", file = "http://www.inria.fr/saga/mourrain/ALP/", YEAR = {1996-1999} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @audiovisual{IZIC, AUTHOR = {R. Fournier and N. Kajler and B. Mourrain}, TITLE = {IZIC}, note = "Outil de visualisation 3D, pilotable à partir d'un système de calcul formel externe, {\tt http://www.inria.fr/safir/SAM/Izic/}", file = "http://www.inria.fr/safir/SAM/Izic/", YEAR = {1993} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @audiovisual{GEO, AUTHOR = {B. Mourrain}, TITLE = {GEO}, note = "Démonstration automatique de propriété d'incidence en géométrie élémentaire. \'Ecrit en {\tt Lelisp15.2}", OPTfile = "", YEAR = {1991} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @misc{PolTS, author = "Bini, D. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Polynomial test suite", year = "1998", note = "{\tt http://www.inria.fr/saga/POL/ }", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% @coursenotes{CSG95, author = "Mourrain, B.", title = "Computational Symbolic Geometry", howpublished = "", year = "1995", OPTmonth = "", note = "Notes de cours, école Erasmus, Antwerpt (Belgique). Contact pris pour publication dans la série Mathematical Methods of Technology (Marcel Dekker)", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" } @coursenotes{GAE99, author = "Elkadi, M. and Mourrain, B.", title = "Géométrie Algébrique Effective en dimension 0~: de la théorie à la pratique", howpublished = "", year = "1999", OPTmonth = "", note = "(180 p.). Notes de cours, DEA de Mathématiques, Université de Nice. Contact pris pour publication dans la série {\em Cours Spécialiés} de la SMF", OPTkeywords = "", OPTabstract = "" }