Dense matrices

1  Introduction

Dense matrices are two-dimensional arrays in which all the coefficients are stored (even if they are zero). They provide classical arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication by scalars, vectors, matrices ...

2  Implementation


template< class R>  struct MatDense
Interface for dense matrices. The class R is the container corresponding to the internal representation. The data are owned by the interface. The inplace arithmetic operations are members of this class. The external arithmetic operators +,-,*,/ are defined through template expression. The differents operations of this class are implemented in the module MATRIX (X).
  R rep;

  typedef typename R::size_type     size_type;
  typedef typename R::value_type    value_type;
  typedef typename R::row_iterator  row_iterator;
  typedef typename R::col_iterator  col_iterator;
  typedef VectStd > row_type;
  typedef VectStd > col_type;

  typedef R                         rep_type;
  typedef MatDense               self_t;

  MatDense():rep() {}
  MatDense(const R & r): rep(r) {}
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n): rep(m,n){}
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const value_type & c);
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, value_type * t, ByRow);
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, value_type * t, ByCol);
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const char * str, ByRow);
  MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const char * str, ByCol);

  // Copy constructors.
  MatDense(const self_t & M): rep(M.rep) {} 
  MatDense(const VAL & M) {assign(*this,M.rep);} 

  //Assignement operators
  self_t & operator=(const self_t & M) {rep=M.rep; return *this;} 
  self_t & operator=(const VAL & M) {assign(*this,M.rep); return *this;} 

  //Number of rows and columns
  size_type nbrow() const {return rep.nbrow();}
  size_type nbcol() const {return rep.nbcol();}

  value_type & operator() (size_type i, size_type j)       {return rep(i,j);}
  value_type   operator() (size_type i, size_type j) const {return rep(i,j);} 
  VAL > operator()(Range I, Range J);
  //Inplace arithmetic operations
  self_t & operator+=(const self_t & a);
  self_t & operator-=(const self_t & a);
  self_t & operator*=(const value_type & c);
  self_t & operator/=(const value_type & c);
  self_t & operator*=(const self_t& a);
  // Rows and columns operations.
  self_t & swapRow(size_type i, size_type j);
  self_t & swapCol(size_type, size_type);
  self_t & permRow(size_type *pivot);
  self_t & permCol(size_type *pivot);
  self_t & addRow(size_type i,size_type j, const value_type & c = 1);
  self_t & addCol(size_type i,size_type j, const value_type & c = 1);
  self_t & multRow(size_type i, const value_type & c = 1);
  self_t & multCol(size_type i, const value_type & c = 1);

  // Inplace transposition.
  void transpose();

The value_type is the type of the coefficients. The size_type is the type of the indices used to access the elements. The row_iterator is the type of the forward iterators on the elements of a row. The column_iterator is the type of the forward iterators on the elements of a column.The row_type is the type of the row views. The col_type is the type of the column views. The internal representation type R is rep_type.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '+',MatDense< R> ,MatDense< R>  >  >  operator+(const MatDense< R>  & a, const MatDense< R>  & b)
Addition operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '-',MatDense< R> ,MatDense< R>  >  >  operator-(const MatDense< R>  & a, const MatDense< R>  & b)
Substraction operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '-',MatDense< R> ,MatDense< R>  >  >  operator-(const MatDense< R>  & a)
Unary substraction operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '*',MatDense< R> ,MatDense< R>  >  >  operator*(const MatDense< R>  & a, const MatDense< R>  & b)
Matrix multiplication operator.

template < class R,class S>  inline VAL< OP< '*',MatDense< R> ,VectStd< S>  >  >  operator*(const MatDense< R>  & a, const VectStd< S>  & b)
Matrix-vector multiplication operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '.',MatDense< R> ,typename MatDense< R> ::value_type>  >  operator*(const MatDense< R>  & a, const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Right scalar multiplication operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '.',MatDense< R> ,typename MatDense< R> ::value_type>  >  operator*(const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c, const MatDense< R>  & a)
Left scalar multiplication operator.

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '/',MatDense< R> ,MatDense< R>  >  >  operator/(const MatDense< R>  & a, const MatDense< R>  & b)
Scalar division operator (on the right).

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< '^',MatDense< R> ,int>  >  operator^(const MatDense< R>  & a, int i)
Power operator.

template < class R>  inline typename MatDense< R> ::row_type Row(const MatDense< R>  & a, int i)
Row of index i of a matrix (local view).

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< 's',MatDense< R> ,Range2d>  >  Row(const MatDense< R>  & a, const Range & r)
Submatrix corresponding to the rows of indices in the range r.

template < class R>  inline typename MatDense< R> ::col_type Col(const MatDense< R>  & a, int i)
Column of index i of a matrix (local view).

template < class R>  inline VAL< OP< 's',MatDense< R> ,Range2d>  >  Col(const MatDense< R>  & a, const Range & r)
Submatrix corresponding to the columns of indices in the range r.

template< class R>  ostream & operator< < (ostream & os, const MatDense< R>  & p)
Output operator for standard matrices.

template< class R>  inline istream & operator> > (istream & is, MatDense< R>  & M)
Input operator for standard matrices. The input format is of the form m n c00 c01 ... where m is the number of rows, n is the number of columns and the coefficients are read by rows.


template< class R>  MatDense< R> ::MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, value_type* t, ByRow):rep(m,n)
Construct a m by n matrix from an array of coefficients. These coefficients are read row by row.

template< class R>  MatDense< R> ::MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, value_type* t, ByCol):rep(m,n)
Construct a m by n matrix from an array of coefficients. These coefficients are read column by column.

template< class R>  MatDense< R> ::MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const value_type & c): rep(m,n)
Construct a m by n matrix with entries all equal to c.

template< class R>  MatDense< R> ::MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const char* str, ByRow): rep(m,n)
Construct a m by n matrix from a string containing the coefficients of the matrix. These coefficients are read row by row.

template< class R>  MatDense< R> ::MatDense(size_type m, size_type n, const char* str, ByCol): rep(m,n)
Same as above but the coefficients are read column by column.

template< class R>  inline VAL< OP< 's',MatDense< R> ,Range2d>  >  MatDense< R> ::operator()(Range I, Range J)
Submatrix from row and column ranges.

template< class R>  inline MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::operator+=(const MatDense< R>  & a)
Inplace addition.

template< class R>  inline MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::operator-=(const MatDense< R>  & a)
Inpace substraction.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::operator*=(const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Inplace multiplication by a scalar.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::operator/=(const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Inplace division by a scalar.

template< class R>  inline MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::operator*=(const MatDense< R> & a)
Inplace multiplication by a matrix.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::swapRow(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type j)
Swap rows i and j.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::swapCol(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type j)
Swap columns i and j.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::addRow(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type j, const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Add c times row j into row i.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::addCol(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type j, const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Add c times column j into column i.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::multRow(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Multiply by c the row i.

template< class R>  MatDense< R>  & MatDense< R> ::multCol(const typename MatDense< R> ::size_type i, const typename MatDense< R> ::value_type & c)
Multiply by c the column i.

template < class T>  inline void MatDense< T> ::transpose(void)
Inplace transposition.

3  Containers for dense matrices

The container R should provide the following definitions or methods:
  typedef typename R::value_type;
  typedef typename R::size_type;
  typedef typename R::iterator;

  R(size_type i, size_type j, value_type* t);
  R(size_type i, size_type j, value_type* t, char c);
  R(size_type s, Alloc);
  R(size_type s, C *t);
  R(iterator b, iterator e);
  void R::reserve(size_type m, size_type m);
        value_type & operator() (size_type i, size_type j);
  const value_type & operator() (size_type i, size_type j) const;

  size_type nbrow() const;
  size_type nbcol() const;
Possible containers are array2d (X) and lapack (X).

4  The standard container

The default container is defined here

template < class C>  struct array2d : public array1d< C> 
Class of array2d derived from array1d< C> , including the number of rows nbrow_ and the number of columns nbcol_ of the matrix. The matrix is stored by column in the array array1d< C> .

  typedef C*                              col_iterator;
  typedef stride_iterator row_iterator;
  size_type nbrow_, nbcol_;
  array2d(): array1d(){}
  array2d(const array2d & v): 
      array1d(v), nbrow_(v.nbrow_), nbcol_(v.nbcol_) {}
  array2d(size_type i,size_type j=1): 
      array1d(i*j), nbrow_(i),nbcol_(j) {}
  array2d(size_type i, size_type j, C* t): 
      array1d(i*j,t), nbrow_(i), nbcol_(j) {}
  array2d(size_type i, size_type j, C* t, char c);
  array2d(const char * nm);

  void reserve(size_type i,size_type j);

  array2d & operator=(const array2d & v);

  C &       operator()(size_type i, size_type j) {return tab_[i+nbrow_*j];}
  const C & operator()(size_type i, size_type j) const {return tab_[i+nbrow_*j];}
  size_type nbrow() const {return nbrow_;}
  size_type nbcol() const {return nbcol_;}


5  The container for the connection with Lapack


template < class C>  struct lapack: public array2d< C> 
Container for the connection with the fortran library lapack. Class derived from array2d< C> , with a new lda_ field. It indicates the leading dimension array, that is the number of rows in the internal allocated array. It can differ from the number of rows returned by nbrow() which is smaller than lda_. This field is used only in an internal way.
  unsigned int lda_;

  lapack(): array2d() {}
  lapack(const lapack & v): array2d(v), lda_(v.lda_){}
  lapack(unsigned int i, unsigned int j=1): array2d(i,j), lda_(i){}
  lapack(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, C* t): array2d(i,j,t), lda_(i){}
  lapack(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, C* t, char c): 
    array2d(i,j,t,c), lda_(i) {}
  lapack(unsigned int i, unsigned int j, unsigned int k, C* t): 
    array2d(i,j,t), lda_(i) {nbrow_=k;}
  lapack(const char * nm):array2d(nm) {lda_ = nbrow_;}

  lapack & operator=(const lapack & v);
  void reserve(unsigned int i,unsigned int j);

  C & operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j)       
    {return tab_[i+lda_*j];}
  const C & operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const 
    {return tab_[i+lda_*j];}


integer LINALG::dcmp_qr(lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the QR decomposition of the matrix A, without pivoting. The operation is done inplace. The output matrix is upper-triangular.

integer LINALG::dcmp_qr(lapack< double>  & A, double * tau)
Compute the QR decomposition of the matrix A. The operation is done inplace, without pivoting. The matrix Q is represented by the lower part of A and the coefficients in tau. Use the lapack routine dgeqrf.

integer LINALG::dcmp_qr (lapack< double>  & A, unsigned int * pivot, double * tau)
Compute the QR decomposition of the matrix A. The operation is done inplace. The pivots are stored in pivot and the matrix Q is represented by the lower part of A and the coefficients in tau. Use the lapack routine dgeqpf.

integer LINALG::dcmp_lu(lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the LU decomposition of the matrix A. The pivots on the columns are stored in pivot. Use the lapack routine dgetrf.

integer LINALG::dcmp_lu(lapack< double>  & A, lapack< double>  & U)
Compute the LU decomposition of the matrix A. The pivots on the columns are stored in pivot. Use the lapack routine dgetrf.

integer LINALG::dcmp_lu(lapack< double>  & A, integer *pivot)
Compute the LU decomposition of the matrix A. The pivots on the columns are stored in pivot. Use the lapack routine dgetrf.

template < class C>  C LINALG::triang(Gauss m, lapack< C>  & A)
Compute a triangulation of A, based on the LU decomposition of the matrix A. Return the determinant, which is the product of terms on the diagonal. Triang,Gauss Lapack

void LINALG::solve(LU m, array1d< double>  & x, const lapack< double>  & A, const array1d< double>  & b)
Solve the system A x = b by LU decomposition of the matrix A. Use the lapack routine dgesv.

void LINALG::solve(LU m, lapack< double>  & X, const lapack< double>  & A)
Solve the system A X = B where B is a matrix by LU decomposition of the matrix A. Use the lapack routine dgesv.

void LINALG::solve_ls(lapack< double>  & A, array1d< double>  & b)
Solve the system A x = b by a Least Square method. Put the result in b. Use the lapack routine dgelsx.

void LINALG::solve_ls(array1d< double>  & x, const lapack< double>  & A, const array1d< double>  & b)
Solve the system A x = b by a Least Square method. A copy of A is made and a copy of b is put in x. Then the previous function solve_ls(lapack< double>  & A, array1d< double>  & b) is used.

void LINALG::svd(array1d< double>  & x,const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the Singular values of the matrix A, calling the lapack subroutine dgesvd. The result, put in x, is the vector of singular values in decreasing order. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::svd(array1d< double>  & x, const lapack< double>  & A, lapack< double>  & U)
Compute the Singular values of the matrix, calling lapack subroutine dgesvd. The result, put in x, is the vector of singular values in decreasing order. The matrix A is copied. The singular left vectors are stored in U.

void LINALG::svd(array1d< double>  & S, const lapack< double>  & A, lapack< double>  & U, lapack< double>  & V)
Compute the Singular values of the matrix, calling the lapack subroutine dgesvd. The result (put in S), is the vector of singular values in decreasing order. The matrix A is copied in a temporary matrix. The matrices U and V are orthogonal matrices, which satisfy A=U S Vt. The correct space for the matrix U and V should be allocated before using this procedure.

void LINALG::svdx(array1d< double>  & S, const lapack< double>  & A, lapack< double>  & U, lapack< double>  & V)
The same but we have A=U  Vt.

void LINALG::eignval(array1d< complex< double>  > & V, const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the eigenvalues of A, put them in the complex vector V. Use the lapack routine dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::eignval( array1d< double> & V, const lapack< double>  & A, Real)
Compute the real eigenvalues of A and put them in the real vector V. Use the lapack routine dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::eignval(array1d< complex< double>  > & V, const lapack< double>  & A, array1d< double> & error)
Compute the eigenvalues of A, put them in the complex vector V and store in error[i] a bound on the error on the eigenvalue V[i]. Use the lapack routine dgeevx. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::eignval( array1d< complex< double>  > & V, const lapack< double>  & A, const lapack< double>  & B)
Compute the eigenvalues of the pencil A - z B and put it in the complex vector V. Use the lapack routine dgegv. The matrices A and B are copied.

void LINALG::eignval( array1d< double> & V, const lapack< double>  & A, const lapack< double>  & B, Real real)
Compute the real eigenvalues of the pencil A - z B and put it in the complex vector V. Use the lapack routine dgegv. The matrices A and B are copied.

void LINALG::leigvct(lapack< complex< double>  >  & E, const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the left eigenvectors of A and put it in the complex matrix E. Use the lapack routine dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::leigvct(lapack< complex< double>  >  & E, array1d< complex< double>  > & V, const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the left eigenvectors and eigenvalues of A. The matrix of eigenvector is put in the complex matrix E and the eigenvalues are stored in V. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::reigvct(lapack< complex< double>  >  & E, const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the right eigenvectors of the matrix A. The complex matrix of eigenvector is put in E. Use the lapack routine dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::reigvct(lapack< double >  & E, const lapack< double>  & A, const Real &)
Compute the real right eigenvectors of the matrix A. The complex matrix of eigenvector is put in E. Use the lapack routine dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::reigvct(lapack< complex< double>  >  & E, array1d< complex< double>  >  & V, const lapack< double>  & A)
Compute the left eigenvectors and eigenvalues of A. The matrix of eigenvector is put in the complex matrix E and the eigenvalues are stored in V. The lapack routine is dgeev. The matrix A is copied.

void LINALG::reigvct(lapack< double>  & E, const lapack< double>  & A, const lapack< double>  & B, const Real & real, unsigned int M)
Compute the real eigenvectors of the pencil A - z  B and keep only their m first coordinates. The matrices A and B are copied.

void LINALG::reigvct(lapack< double>  & E, const lapack< double>  & A, const lapack< double>  & B, const Real &, array1d< double>  & V)
Compute the real eigenvectors of the pencil A - z B. Put the eigenvalues in V. The matrices A and B are copied.

template< class C>  typename lapack< C> ::size_type LINALG::rank(const lapack< C>  & M)
Compute the rank of M, using a QR-decomposition (use the routine dgeqpf). The matrix M is copied.

template< class C>  typename lapack< C> ::size_type LINALG::rank(const lapack< C>  & M, typename lapack< C> ::size_type * permut_row, typename lapack< C> ::size_type * permut_col)
Compute the rank of M, using a QR-decomposition (use the routine dgeqpf. The matrix M is copied. The permutation of rows and columns needed to get a leading square matrix of maximal rank are stored in permut_row and permut_col.

integer LINALG::inv_tr(lapack< double>  & A, char s, char u)
Inplace inversion of triangular matrices. The value of s should be 'L' for lower or 'U' for upper triangular matrix. The value of u should be 'U' for unitary (implicitly 1 on the diagonal) or 'N' for the default. Return an integer which is 0 if the computation runs correctly.

6  How to use them

Here is an example of dense matrices, with the container lapack.

#include "linalg.H"     // General header file for linear algebra.
#include "lapack.H"     // We will use lapack containers.
#include "maple.H"      // For output in maple format.

typedef VectStd<array1d<double> > VECT; 
  // Vector definition based on array1d container, with double coefficients.
typedef MatDense<lapack<double> > MAT;
  // Marix definition based on lapack container, with double coefficients.
  // This will allow us to use the routines of the lapack library.

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  double v[]={1,2,1,1,3,4,2,2,5,5,5,5,-2, 1,2,3,1, -2.8,-2.4,1,.2,5.8};
  MAT A(4,4,v,ByRow()), 
      B(4,4,"1 2 1 1 3 4 2 2 5 5 5 5 -2  1 2 3 1 .2 5.8", ByCol());

  cout<<"A="<<A<<", B="<<B<<endl;
A= é
1 2 1 1
3 4 2 2
5 5 5 5
-2 1 2 3
, B= é
1 3 5 -2
2 4 5 1
1 2 5 2
1 2 5 3

  // Arithmetic operations.
  MAT C;
  C= A+B; cout<<C<<endl;
2 5 6 -1
5 8 7 3
6 7 10 7
-1 3 7 6
  C= A-B; cout<<C<<endl;
0 -1 -4 3
1 0 -3 1
4 3 0 3
-3 -1 -3 0
  C= A*B; cout<<C<<endl;
7 15 25 5
15 33 55 8
25 55 100 20
5 8 20 18
  C= A*B*A; cout<<C<<endl;
167 204 172 177
373 445 372 380
650 790 675 695
93 160 157 175
  C= 2*A; cout<<C<<endl;
2 4 2 2
6 8 4 4
10 10 10 10
-4 2 4 6

  // Construction of a Vector from to iterators.
  VECT V(v+1,v+5);  cout<<V<<endl;
[2, 1, 1, 3]
  VECT W(A*V);      cout<<W<<endl;
[8, 18, 35, 8]

  //Extractions of sub matrices of vectors:
  W = Col(A,1);                  cout<<"Col(A,1) = "<<W<<endl;
Col(A,1) = [2, 4, 5, 1]
  W = Row(A,2);                  cout<<"Row(A,2) = "<<W<<endl;
Row(A,2) = [5, 5, 5, 5]
  B = A(Range(1,3),Range(1,3));  cout<<"A(1..3,1..3) = "<<B <<endl;
A(1..3,1..3) = é
4 2 2
5 5 5
1 2 3
  B = Row(A,Range(1,2));         cout<<B<<endl;
3 4 2 2
5 5 5 5
  B = Col(A,Range(1,2));         cout<<B<<endl;
2 1
4 2
5 5
1 2

  //Addition of the row 2 times 1.5 into row 1
  A.addRow(1,2,1.5);             cout<<A<<endl;
1 2 1 1
10.5 11.5 9.5 9.5
5 5 5 5
-2 1 2 3
  A.addCol(1,2,-0.5);            cout<<A<<endl;
1 1.5 1 1
10.5 6.75 9.5 9.5
5 2.5 5 5
-2 0 2 3

  // Output to the maple format.
  cmpl <<"A  := "<<A<<endl; 
  //A  := linalg[matrix](4,4, [[1,1.5,1,1], [10.5,6.75,9.5,9.5], [5,2.5,5,5], [-2,0,2,3]]);