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Newton-isolate all the roots.

Newton-isolate all the roots of modulus greater than 1.

Newton isolating the roots means to compute approximations tex2html_wrap_inline127 to the roots tex2html_wrap_inline129 , tex2html_wrap_inline131 such that tex2html_wrap_inline133 for any tex2html_wrap_inline135 . In this way Newton's iteration applied to tex2html_wrap_inline127 converges quadratically right from the start to tex2html_wrap_inline129 , i.e., for the approximation tex2html_wrap_inline141 obtained after k Newton's steps with tex2html_wrap_inline145 , it holds tex2html_wrap_inline147 (compare P. Tilli, Convergence conditions of some methods for the simultaneous computation of polynomial zeros, Calcolo 1996).