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- To: 6bone@ISI.EDU, alg@comm.toronto.edu, apc@ee.nthu.edu.tw, apc_members@hornbill.ee.nus.sg, atmpost@hplabs.hpl.hp.com, ccrc@dworkin.wustl.edu, cellular@comnets.rwth-aachen.de, citmalum@haas.berkeley.edu, citmlst@haas.berkeley.edu, cnom@maestro.bellcore.com, commsoft@cc.bellcore.com, comsoc-chapters@ieee.org, "comsoc-gicb@ieee.org" <comsoc-gicb@ieee.org>, comsoc.tac@tab.ieee.org, cost237-gen@montefiore.ulg.ac.be, cost237-teleservices@comp.lancs.ac.uk, cost237-transport@comp.lancs.ac.uk, Cost237-WG3@masi.ibp.fr, cswg%sunoco@relay.nswc.navy.mil, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, end2end-interest@ISI.EDU, enternet@BBN.COM, epr@infotest.com, f-troup@codex.cis.upenn.edu, FORTE94_CFP@admin.unibe.ch, g-troup@ccrc.wustl.edu, globecom@signet.com.sg, golshani@asu.edu, hipparch@sophia.inria.fr, hpcs95-prog@VM1.NODAK.EDU, ICAD@santafe.edu, ieee_rtc_list@cs.tamu.edu, ieeetcpc@ccvm.sunysb.edu, itc@fokus.gmd.de, kia@koko.CS.UNLV.EDU, manet@itd.nrl.navy.mil, mobile-ip@tadpole.com, mospf@gated.cornell.edu, mpls@external.cisco.com, multicomm@cc.bellcore.com, ni@cps.msu.edu, nlanr@nlanr.net, ns-users@mash.cs.berkeley.edu, ns-annouce@mash.cs.berkeley.edu, OSIMCAST@BBN.COM, park@cstp.umkc.edu, perform@tay1.dec.com, rdhm@masi.ibp.fr, rem-conf@es.net, reres@laas.fr, rm@mash.cs.berkeley.edu, rsvp@ISI.EDU, SC6WG4@ntd.comsat.com, sigmedia@bellcore.com, singhal@cis.ohio-state.edu, tccc@cs.umass.edu, tcp-over-satellite@achtung.sp.trw.com, udlr@sophia.inria.fr, wiggles@ca.ibm.com, xtp-relay@cs.concordia.ca
- From: Chase Bailey <chase@cisco.com>
- Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 01:24:19 -0800
- Organization: Cisco Systems
A Symposium on High Performance Interconnects,
from system buses and interfaces to networks
August 13-15, 1998
Stanford University
Stanford, California, U.S.A.
Sponsored by the
IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on
Microprocessors and Microcomputers.
Hot Interconnects is an international symposium focusing
on the hardware and software architecture and implementation
of high-performance interconnects of all scales. The
conference is directed particularly at new and exciting
product and technology innovations in interconnects from
system buses and interfaces to small and large scale networks
and network software. Contributions should focus on real
products, prototypes, or experimental systems and their
performance evaluation. Contributions are solicited in,
but not limited to, the following topics:
- High speed serial links
- High performance buses and interfaces
- Multi-Mbps to the home
- Processor-memory interconnects
- Gigabit per second networking technologies
- Cluster interconnects
- Terabit per second networking technologies
- Network-attached storage devices and interfaces
- Performance evaluation of interconnects
- Optical Interconnects
- Web casting technologies
- Video and audio on the Internet
- High performance network switches
- Wireless and mobile networks
- Bus support chip sets
- Network security
- Networking chip sets
- Innovations in distributed computing
- Network protocols on a chip
- Emerging network appliance technologies
- Innovations in distributed computing
- Low power devices
The deadline for submissions is March 1, 1998.
Contributions can be in the form of full papers or in
abstracts or position statements for review. Full papers
should not exceed 15 single-spaced pages including
figures, tables, and references. Abstracts or Position
Statements should not exceed 3 pages. To expedite the
reviewing process please submit the paper electronically
in ASCII, postscript, word or pdf format to
Hardcopy submissions should be mailed in 10 copies to
Nick McKeown, Program Co-chair, Hot Interconnects VI,
Computer Systems Lab., Stanford University, Stanford, CA
94305-9030, USA.
All submissions must include name and affiliation of the
authors, a contact address (phone, fax and email address)
of the main author.
Web Site:
Important Dates:
- March 1, 1998: Paper submission deadline
- May 15, 1998: Notifications of acceptance mailed to authors
- June 15, 1998: Final camera-ready manuscripts due.
General Chair:
- Hasan Alkhatib, Santa Clara University
halkhatib@scu.edu, 408-554-4485
Program Commitee Co-Chairs:
- Nick McKeown, Stanford University
nickm@stanford.edu, 650-725-3641
- Chase Bailey, Cisco Systems
chase@cisco.com, 408-527-3765
Program Commitee:
- Bill Dally, Stanford
- Chuck Thacker, Microsoft
- Craig Partridge, BBN/GTE
- Dan Pitt, Bay Networks
- Dave Oran, Cisco Systems
- Greg Chesson, Silicon Graphics
- James Luciani, Bay Networks
- Kathleen Nichols, Bay Networks
- Mark Horowitz, Stanford
- Martin Izzard, Texas Instruments
- Qiang Li, Santa Clara University
- Randy Rettberg, Sun Microsystems
- Steve Deering, Cisco Systems
Publicity Committee:
- Kristina Scott, Cisco Systems
krscott@cisco.com, 408-527-1504