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Advanced Technical Program of IEEE BSS'97

                               IEEE  BSS '97
        2nd IEEE International Workshop on Broadband Switching Systems
          The Ritz Taipei Hotel, Taipei, R.O.C.,  2-4 December 1997  

Workshop Theme:  
"Switching Systems for the Broadband Internet and for QoS on Demand"

Technical Sponsored by IEEE Communications Society.
Sponsored by National Science Council of ROC.
Co-sponsored by The Ministry of Education of ROC
                Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., ROC
                ITRI, ROC  (pending)
                Ericsson Taiwan Ltd.
                National Central University, ROC.

 The goal of this workshop is to provide an effective forum for discussing
 new directions, new challenges, new opportunities, and new advances on
 Broadband Switching Systems, and to foster communications among researchers
 and engineers from both academia and industry with a common interest in
 improving Broadband Switching Systems.

 Honorary General Co-Chairs:
    C. H. Liu, National Central University, Taiwan, ROC.
    Maurizio Decina, Politecnico di Milano/CEFRIEL, Italy

 General Chair:
    Jin-Fu Chang, National Science Council, ROC.

 Vice General Co-Chairs:
    Wen-Tsuen Chen, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, ROC.
    Jean-Lien C. Wu, National Taiwan Institute of Technology, ROC.

 Keynote Speaker:
    Steve Weinstein, NEC America, USA

 Technical Program Committee Co-Chairs:
    G.S. Kuo, National Central University, Taiwan, ROC.
    Kai Eng, Bell Labs., USA

 Technical Program Committee:
    Chung-Ju Chang, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, ROC.
    Jurgen Haag, Deutsche Telekom, Germany
    Bijan Jabbari, George Mason University, USA
    Andrzej Jajszczyk, Institute of Communication and Information Technologies
       Ltd., Poland
    Dennis Kong, Bellcore, USA
    Lung-Sing Liang, Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co.,
        Ltd., Taiwan, ROC.
    Steve Liu, GTE Labs., USA
    Richard Vickers, NORTEL, Canada
    Naoaki Yamanaka, NTT, Japan
    Chu Hwan Yim, ETRI, Korea


Day One - Tuesday, December 2, 1997.
  9:00 - 12:00    Tutorial 1: Nonblocking Multirate Switching Networks
                              Frank K. Hwang,  Bell Labs.

                    To combine audio, data and video networks all into
                    one, an ATM network must be able to connect requests
                    requiring a broad range of bandwidths, or rates.  
                    The classical theory on nonblocking networks needs 
                    a complete overhaul for this new multirate
                    environment.  I will present the up-to-date story 
                    on the recent development of this new theory, taken 
                    from a chapter from my upcoming book "Mathematical 
                    Theory of Nonblocking Switching Networks."   

  9:00 - 12:00    Tutorial 2: Management Platforms: Operability, Portability, 
                              Joseph Ghetie,  Bellcore

                    The tutorial provides a basis for analysis of 
                    technical capabilities of distributed management 
                    platforms in offering operability services as 
                    required by the users/operators, portability of 
                    management applications running on top of these 
                    management platforms, and interoperability between 
                    similar/dissimilar management platforms.  The 
                    objective of this analysis is to determine the 
                    extent to which management platforms provide 
                    flexible, scalable, integrated, enterprise-wide 
                    management, including management of broadband 
                    The purpose of this tutorial is to provide useful
                    and timely analysis information to technical and 
                    managerial staff (planners, designers, developers, 
                    procurers, and users) seeking selection of 
                    management platforms and selection of management 
                    applications associated with management platforms.

 14:00 - 17:00    Tutorial 3: Agent Platforms Analysis and Evaluation
                              Joseph Ghetie,  Bellcore

                    This tutorial presentation is focused on agent 
                    platforms design, functions, interfaces, development, 
                    and implementations in order to manage enterprise-
                    wide networks, including broadband networks.  Six 
                    major conceptual and implementation agent paradigms 
                    are analyzed: SNMP/RMON Agent, OSI CMIP/TMN Agent, 
                    DMTF DMI Agent, RPC-based Agents, CORBA distributed 
                    object environment, and WEB-based management.  Agent 
                    development environments and toolkits used in agent 
                    applications development are also presented.  
                    Evaluation criteria for agent platforms are presented 
                    along with the analysis of several available agent 
                    development tools. 
                    The purpose of this tutorial is to provide useful 
                    and timely analysis information to technical and 
                    managerial staff (planners, designers, developers, 
                    procurers, and users) seeking selection of management 
                    and agent platforms and selection of agent
                    applications development tools. 

 18:30 - 20:00    Welcome Reception

Day Two - Wednesday, December 3, 1997.
  8:00 -  9:00    Registration
  9:00 -  9:10    Workshop Opening
  9:10 -  9:20    Guest Speech
  9:20 -  9:50    Keynote Speech - "A Future of Diversity: Multimedia 
                    Communications and Applications in the Broadband Internet"
                  Dr. Stephen B. Weinstein, NEC C&C Laboratories, USA. 
                  President of IEEE Communications Society.

                    The 1980s' dream of universal B-ISDN service for
                    residential subscribers, delivered through optical 
                    fibers at rates of 155Mbps and above, has given 
                    way to a more diverse and less expensive universe 
                    of wideband and broadband access systems.  These 
                    systems, oriented more toward Internet access than 
                    traditional network services, come in a variety of 
                    physical architectures and communication protocols.  
                    The task of edge switches and multiplexers will be 
                    to support this diversity, including utilizing 
                    overlay networks within the same communication 
                    session.  A particular objective is to invoke high 
                    quality of service connections from within best- 
                    effort Internet applications.

                    Beginning from consideration of the B-ISDN model, I
                    introduce the more diverse broadband vision that has
                    been inspired by the innovations of the Internet.  I 
                    describe how overlay switching and distributed object 
                    system middleware supports future multimedia 
                    applications, illustrated with applications that I 
                    believe will become popular with a large public in 
                    the not-too-distant future.
  9:50 - 10:30    Invited Presentation - "Research Perspectives in High-Speed 
                    Networks: Gigabit ATM, Wireless ATM and Gigabit Ethernet"
                  Dr. Kai Eng, Bell Labs., USA
 10:30 - 10:45    Tea & Coffee
 10:45 - 12:15    Technical Session 1: ATM and IP  (4 papers)
              [1] ATM Switching and IP Routing Integration: The Next Stage in 
                    Internet Evolution
                  Paul Patrick White
                  University College London,  UK.
              [2] Improving the Fairness of TCP over ATM WAN with the Age 
                    Priority Packet Discarding Scheme
                  Hong-Bin Chiou* and Zsehong Tsai**
                  * Chunghwa Telecommunication Co., Ltd., Taiwan, ROC.
                  ** National Taiwan University, Taiwan, ROC.
              [3] Interworking between IFMP Switching and B-ISDN Access 
                  L. Cipriani*, D. Di Giorgio**, M. Pugliese**, and S. 
                  * Ericsson Telecomunicazioni S.p.A., Italy.
                  ** CoRiTel, Italy.
                  *** Universita "La Sapienza" di Roma, Italy.
              [4] Early Packet Discard with Diverse Management Policies for 
                    EOM Cells
                  Maurizio Casoni
                  University of Bologna, Italy.   
 12:30 - 13:45    Luncheon
                  Invited Speech - "R&D Status on Broadband ATM Switching 
                    Systems in Taiwan"  
                  Dr. Jin Tuu Wang, Telecommunication Laboratories,  
                                    Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., ROC. 
 14:00 - 15:30    Technical Session 2: ATM Switch Architecture  (4 papers)
              [1] Tandem-crosspoint ATM Switch Architecture and Its Cost-
                    effective Expansion 
                  Eiji Oki, Naoaki Yamanaka, and Seisho Yasukawa 
                  NTT, Japan. 
              [2] A Bus-based Modular Approach to Designing A Large Scale 
                    ATM Switch 
                  Young-Keun Lee and Young-Keun Park 
                  Yonsei University, Korea.
              [3] Flexible ATM Switching Architecture for Multimedia 
                  Zenichi Yashiro, Toshiro Tanaka, and Yukihiro Doi 
                  NTT, Japan.
              [4] ATM Switching System Architecture for ATM Trunking Using 
                  Sung-Jae Lee, Tae-Joon Park, and Jung-Sik Kim 
                  ETRI, Korea. 
 15:30 - 15:45    Tea & Coffee
 15:45 - 17:15    Technical Session 3: Switch Performance  (4 papers)
              [1] Technical Issues and Standardization on ATM Network 
                    Performance and Quality of Services 
                  Terufumi Shinomiya*, Hideyo Murakami*, and Kouichi 
                  * NTT, Japan. 
                  ** Kogakuin University, Japan. 
              [2] Performance Modelling of Multistage ATM Switches with 
                    Backpressure Control Schemes 
                  Simon Fong and Samar Singh 
                  La Trobe University, Australia. 
              [3] Performance Simulation of A Multicast Input-Indexed Switch 
                  Felixberto S. Cruz and Peter A. Ivey 
                  University of Sheffield, UK. 
              [4] A Hybrid ATM VBR/ABR Service for Scalable MPEG2 Video 
                    Networking: A Simulation -based Analysis 
                  Ahmed Mehaoua 
                  Computer Science Research Institute of Montreal, Canada. 
 18:30 - 20:30    Banquet
                  Banquet Speech - "The Internet Revolution: Reshaping 
                    Business for the 21st Century" 
                  Prof. Maurizio Decina, Politecnico di Milano/CEFRIEL, Italy
                  Past President of IEEE Communications Society

                    The age of digital convergence cannot be ignored by 
                    technology, service, and content provision companies, 
                    given the phenomenal growth of the Internet and its 
                    enormous potential in delivering services.  While the 
                    interactive television and video on demand early pilot 
                    trials have not succeeded on the market, the unpredicted 
                    explosive development of the Internet and the World Wide
                    Web have clearly demonstrated that Internet is the 
                    medium where the commercial and end users interests' 
                    converge.  The fundamental limitation in the existing 
                    Internet model is the lack of network bandwidth for 
                    delivering synchronous media such as video and audio 
                    with the needed Quality of Service performance, which 
                    is fundamental for applications in the consumer and 
                    the business markets.  The next generation of Internet 
                    will offer a new network architecture suitable for the 
                    provision of broadband multimedia services and 
                    applications, thus expanding the end users' WWW 
                    experience from the technological, content, and service
                    provision point of view.  The purpose of the speech is 
                    to offer an entertaining overview of the latest 
                    development in building an Integrated Services Internet 
                    Architecture, as well as of the current efforts of the 
                    Telecommunications community to develop broadband 
                    networks based on ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) 
Day Three - Thursday, December 4, 1997.
  9:00 - 10:30    Technical Session 4A: Photonic Switching-Related Topic 
                  (2 papers)
              [1] 640Gb/s Ultra-High-Speed Optical Interconnection System 
                    Using Wide-Channel-Spacing Wavelength Division 
                  Seisho Yasukawa and Naoaki Yamanaka
                  NTT, Japan.
              [2] Architecture of 2-to-1 COD Multiplexers for Asynchronous 
                    Packet Arrivals
                  Jung-Tsung Tsai
                  ITRI, Taiwan, ROC.
              Technical Session 4B: Wireless ATM  (2 papers)
              [1] Mobile ATM: Architecture, Protocols and Implementation 
                  Arup Acharya, Jun Li, and D. Raychaudhuri
                  NEC C&C Research Laboratories, USA.
              [2] Wireless ATM LAN with and without Infrastructure
                  Y. Du, C. Herrmann, and P. May
                  Philips Research Laboratories, Germany. 
 10:30 - 10:45    Tea & Coffee
 10:45 - 12:15    Technical Session 5: Flow Control and Scheduling  (4 papers)
              [1] A Prediction Algorithm for Feedback Control Models with Long
                  B. Jang, B.G. Kim and G. Pecelli
                  University of Mass. Lowell, USA.
              [2] Flow Control in A High-Speed Bus-Based ATM Switching Hub
                  Song Chong*, Ramesh Nagarajan**, and Y.T. Wang**
                  * Sogang University, Korea.
                  ** Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, USA.
              [3] An Efficient Scheduling Algorithm to Input-queueing ATM 
                  Bin Li, Mounir Hamdi, and Xi-Ren Cao
                  The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong 
                    Kong, China.
              [4] A RAM-Based Generic Packet Switch with Scheduling Capability
                  Massoud R. Hashemi and Alberto Leon-Garcia
                  University of Toronto, Canada.
 12:30 - 13:45    Luncheon
                  Invited Speech - "Switching Bits in the Years Ahead" 
                  Prof. Hussein Mouftah, Queen's University, Canada
                  Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Communications Magazine
 14:00 - 15:30    Technical Session 6: Switching Service and Operation-
                    Related Topic  (4 papers)
              [1] Efficient Multicast Copy Network
                  M. Alimuddin, H. M. Alnuweiri, and R. W. Donaldson
                  University of British Columbia, Canada.
              [2] Priority Control Mechanism by Cell Service Ratio in ATM 
                  Won Gi Park and Yoon Yu Lee
                  ETRI, Korea.
              [3] Minimal Overhead Fault Masking Scheme for Broadband Multi-
                    Channel Switching 
                  Peter Y. Yan and Paul S. Min
                  Washington University, USA.
              [4] Implementation of ATM OAM Functions for the Integrated 
                    Service Access Network
                  Sang-Ho Lee
                  ETRI, Korea.
 15:30 - 15:45    Tea & Coffee
 15:45 - 17:15    Panel Discussion - "The Future of Broadband Switching 
 17:15 - 17:25    Workshop Closing

The workshop location is The Ritz Taipei Hotel, a member of The Leading 
Hotels of the World.  As you might know, The Ritz is the best business 
hotel in Taipei.  We have negotiated with them and obtained an excellent 
package for our BSS'97 participants.  Its address is 41, Min Chuan East 
Road, Section 2, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.  For more information about our 
BSS'97 hotel reservation, please contact Ms. Stephanie Wang, 
tel: +886 2 5985588, fax: +886 2 5863557, and
e-mail: ritz@theritz-taipei.com