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Associate Professor Aruna Seneviratne
School of Electrical Engineering,
University of Technology, Sydney
Aruna Seneviratne has a B.Sc (Hons) from Middlesex University in
Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D from the University of Bath. He
has worked in industry and academia in the UK and Australia. He
currently leads a team working in the area of multi-media communication
systems, and is the Director of the Telecommunications group at
Sample Publications:
Zhang, X.; Seneviratne, A. "An Efficient Implementation of a
High Speed Protocol Without Data Copying." 15th Annual Conf. on
Local Computer Networks (Minnesota) 1990.
Ginige, A., Seneviratne, A., Gonzalez, R., Chandra, S. "An
Experimental Multi-media System" 4th IEEE ComSoc, (California) 1992.
Samaramadu, V.; Seneviratne, A. " A Transport Level
Inter media Synchronization Mechanism"
2nd Aust. Broadband Switching and Signalling Symp., (Australia) 1992.
Withana, V.; Seneviratne, A.,"Operating System Support for Multi-media
applications" ICCC'93, (Canada) 1993.
Richards, A., Ginige, T., Seneviratne, A., Fry, M. "DARTS - A Dynamically
Adaptable Transport Service Suitable for High Speed Networks"
2nd International Symp. on High-Performance Distributed
Computing (Washington) 1993.
Associate Professor Michael Fry
School of Computing Sciences
University of Technology, Sydney
Michael Fry has a MA from Cambridge University and a MSc in
Computing from Imperial College, London. He worked for eight
years in industry in both the UK and Australia as an analyst and
project manager, with in-depth experience in the analysis, design
and programming of real-time monitoring and control systems. In
academia his fields of teaching have included distributed systems,
computer networks, operating systems, logic design and data
communications. He has been a leader in the development and
promotion of cooperative education programs with industry. He
has active research interests, with ongoing or completed projects
in the fields of: local area networks, OSI, network architecture
and performance, and multi-media networks. He is the leader of the
UTS research unit that is part of the federally funded Cooperative
Research Centre for Distributed Systems Technology.
Sample Publications:
Fry, M., 'Practical Trade-offs for Open Interconnection',
Proceedings of the American Computer Science Conference, Kansas,
Mo., March 1992, pp 1-15.
Fry, M., and Shore, D., 'ISDN: Strategic Challenges', Professional
Computing, February 1991.
Fry, M., 'Some Performance Issues for Open Systems', Australian
Open Distributed Processing Workshop, Sydney University, January
Fry, M., 'The Efficiency of OSI Protocol Stacks: A Computer
Systems Perspective', Proceedings of the 10th International
Conference on Computers and Communication, November 1990, pp
Fry, M., 'The Transport Layer for a Microcomputer Network',
Australian Computer Journal, 19, 2, May 1987.
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