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Per Gunningberg

Position: Since 1985 Per Gunningberg has been employed as a researcher at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science, where leads three projects in the High Performance Communication Systems research area. He is also part time enganged at Uppsala University where he teaches and advises graduate students. During 1984 - 1985 he spent in all 15 months as a visiting assistant professor at the University of California Los Angles (UCLA) and 1988 three months at University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) where he worked on fault tolerant distributed systems.

Background: Age 40. Formal education: MSc in Engineering Physics, Uppsala University, 1978, MSc in Computer Science, UCLA, 1981, PhD in Computer Science, Uppsala University, 1983.

Per Gunningberg has been working on protocols, networks, efficient implementation of protocols and distributed operating systems since 1985. Recent research has focussed on multiprocessor implementation of protocol and integrated processing of protocol implementations.

Sample References:
Fri Feb 10 14:30:25 MET 1995