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Jonothon Andrew Crowcroft
Senior Lecturer, UCL.

Current_Research_Programs Sample Publications:

Ian John Wakeman (born 30/1/65) Graduated from the Electrical and Information Sciences Tripos of Cambridge University with first class honours in 1987 and from Stanford University with a Master of Science in 1988. He work at the GEC Hirst Research Centre from 1988 to 1990 on implementation of an FDDI based distributed processing system for a digital telephone exchange, and on next generation LANs and transport protocols for high speed networks. From 1991, he has worked as a research fellow of the Computer Science Department of University College London, on multimedia distributed systems, and in particular on the distribution of compressed video over wide area networks. He is currently working part-time on a phd provisionally entitled "Congestion Control for Multimedia Traffic".

Sample Publications

  1. Ian Wakeman, Jon Crowcroft, Zheng Wang, and Dejan Sirovica, "Layering considered harmful," IEEE Network January 1992, p. 7, 16 July 1991.

  2. Ian Wakeman and Jon Crowcroft, "A Combined Admission and Congestion Control Scheme for Variable Bit Rate Video," UCL Research Note RN/92/93 , October 1992.

  3. Ian Wakeman, "Packetised Video: Options for interaction between the User, the Network and the Codec," The Computer Journal, vol. 36,1, BCS, February 1993.

  4. Ian Wakeman, "Emerging High Speed Transfer Protocols," Third IEE Conference on Telecommunications, IEE, Edinburgh, March 1991.

  5. Frank Wilson, Ian Wakeman, and Walter Smith, "Quality of Service Parameters for Commercial Application of Video Telephony," Human Factors in Telecommunication Symposium, Darmstadt, Germany, March 1993.

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Fri Feb 10 14:30:25 MET 1995