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Role of the partner

The UCL research staff will bring to the project their experience and expertise gathered over the last decade of real world protocol implementations. The staff have been involved in projects sponsored by DARPA, the CEC under the RACE program as well as the UK's SERC, on protocol migration, high speed networks and multimedia services.

UCL are leading WP A on "Protocol architecture in the XXIst century" and in particular, the tasks A.1 Survey of "interesting" applications and A.3 Protocol Architecture, and leading the task D.1 Early implementations, in WP D "Implementation and compiler development'',

UCL are attached to the SuperJANET network, which provides 140 Mbps access to at least one of the partners (ORL) (rising to 600Mbps over the period of the project), and will provide the infrastructure for other projects as well as this to use for high speed implementation experience.

UCL has close research liaisons with many of the foremost communications research groups around the world outside Europe, including Bellcore, and many US university institutions such as MIT and USC/ISI, and will make use of these collaborations to enhance our contribution to this project. In particular, Jon Crowcroft is a member of the IAB's End to End research group which comprises many of the researchers who originated the ideas behind ALF/ILP.
Fri Feb 10 14:30:25 MET 1995