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General description

University College is the largest college in London University, with over five thousand undergraduates and two thousand post graduates in over sixty departments. The department of Computer Science has long been a centre of excellence for computer networking, and more recently for distributed multimedia systems. Other major research directions include the development of OSI systems, object oriented and functional languages, and neural networks. The department has approximately 25 academic staff, 40 full-time research staff and about 40 PhD students

The ongoing projects in the area of distributed multimedia systems include a SERC funded project on the transmission of compressed video over packet switched networks, a US DARPA funded project on networked multimedia, a RACE project on Virtual Private Network management, a RACE project on Integrated Communications Management and is the prime contractor for MICE, Esprit project 7602 on Multimedia International Conferencing for European Researchers.
Fri Feb 10 14:30:25 MET 1995