Next: Baseline and rationale
Up: Introduction
Previous: Impact of expected
The global objective of this two year project is to lay out
an architecture for integrated design and implementation of
next generation communication protocols. The main deliverable will be
a software environment for the generation and configuration of
communication modules for distributed applications.
The objectives of the architecture are the following:
- High performance operation
of communication software. The performance increase can be
achieved through the integrated design and implementation
mechanism. This also requires the ability to specify appropriate
grouping transport and presentation functions.
- Flexible and automatic configuration of communication
protocols. The extension of the current tools to generate not only
the coding and decoding procedures but the complete configuration of
the integrated protocols will be needed to realize this
flexibility goal. This will facilitate the programming of
distributed applications by giving the means to the programmer to
generate the communications submodule of an application according
to the specific needs of this application.
- Integrate the enhanced transport mechanisms for new
applications such as high performance multi-participant multimedia
applications. In this context, the main objective is to
configure the communication subsystem in order to achieve
the best performance for a given functionality